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Provides bytecode disassembly using the ASM library bundled with
the Scala compiler.
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griggt committed Mar 19, 2022
1 parent 3eefff2 commit 92c6494
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Showing 5 changed files with 270 additions and 0 deletions.
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/repl/Disassembler.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package repl

import scala.annotation.internal.sharable
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.matching.Regex

import dotc.core.StdNames.*
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -627,3 +628,208 @@ object JavapTask:
// introduced in JDK7 as internal API
val taskClassName = ""
end JavapTask

/** A disassembler implemented using the ASM library (a dependency of the backend)
* Supports flags similar to javap, with some additions and omissions.
object Asmp extends Disassembler:
import Disassembler.*

def apply(opts: DisassemblerOptions)(using repl: DisassemblerRepl): List[DisResult] =
val tool = AsmpTool()
val clazz = DisassemblyClass(repl.classLoader)

// The flags are intended to resemble those used by javap
val helps = List(
"usage" -> ":asmp [opts] [path or class or -]...",
"-help" -> "Prints this help message",
"-verbose/-v" -> "Stack size, number of locals, method args",
"-private/-p" -> "Private classes and members",
"-package" -> "Package-private classes and members",
"-protected" -> "Protected classes and members",
"-public" -> "Public classes and members",
"-c" -> "Disassembled code",
"-s" -> "Internal type signatures",
"-filter" -> "Filter REPL machinery from output",
"-raw" -> "Don't post-process output from ASM", // TODO for debugging
"-decls" -> "Declarations",
"-bridges" -> "Bridges",
"-synthetics" -> "Synthetics",

override def filters(target: String, opts: DisassemblerOptions): List[String => String] =
val commonFilters = super.filters(target, opts)
if opts.flags.contains("-decls") then filterCommentsBlankLines :: commonFilters
else squashConsectiveBlankLines :: commonFilters // default filters

// A filter to compress consecutive blank lines into a single blank line
private def squashConsectiveBlankLines(s: String) = s.replaceAll("\n{3,}", "\n\n").nn

// A filter to remove all blank lines and lines beginning with "//"
private def filterCommentsBlankLines(s: String): String =
val comment = raw"\s*// .*".r
def isBlankLine(s: String) = s.trim == ""
def isComment(s: String) = comment.matches(s)
filteredLines(s, t => !isComment(t) && !isBlankLine(t))
end Asmp

object AsmpOptions extends DisassemblerOptionParser(Asmp.helps):
val defaultToolOptions = List("-protected", "-verbose")

/** Implementation of the ASM-based disassembly tool. */
class AsmpTool extends DisassemblyTool:
import DisassemblyTool.*
import Disassembler.splitHashMember
import{PrintWriter, StringWriter}
import{Attribute, ClassReader, Label, Opcodes}
import{Textifier, TraceClassVisitor}

enum Mode:
case Verbose, Code, Signatures

/** A Textifier subclass to control the disassembly output based on flags.
* The visitor methods overriden here conditionally suppress their output
* based on the flags and targets supplied to the disassembly tool.
* The filtering performed falls into three categories:
* - operating mode: -verbose, -c, -s, etc.
* - access flags: -protected, -private, -public, etc.
* - member name: e.g. a target given as Klass#method
* This is all bypassed if the `-raw` flag is given.
class FilteringTextifier(mode: Mode, accessFilter: Int => Boolean, nameFilter: Option[String])
extends Textifier(Opcodes.ASM9):
private def keep(access: Int, name: String): Boolean =
accessFilter(access) && == name).getOrElse(true)

override def visitField(access: Int, name: String, descriptor: String, signature: String, value: Any): Textifier =
if keep(access, name) then
super.visitField(access, name, descriptor, signature, value)
addNewTextifier(discard = (mode == Mode.Signatures))
addNewTextifier(discard = true)

override def visitMethod(access:Int, name: String, descriptor: String, signature: String, exceptions: Array[String | Null]): Textifier =
if keep(access, name) then
super.visitMethod(access, name, descriptor, signature, exceptions)
addNewTextifier(discard = (mode == Mode.Signatures))
addNewTextifier(discard = true)

override def visitInnerClass(name: String, outerName: String, innerName: String, access: Int): Unit =
if mode == Mode.Verbose && keep(access, name) then
super.visitInnerClass(name, outerName, innerName, access)

override def visitClassAttribute(attribute: Attribute): Unit =
if mode == Mode.Verbose && nameFilter.isEmpty then

override def visitClassAnnotation(descriptor: String, visible: Boolean): Textifier | Null =
// suppress ScalaSignature unless -raw given. Should we? TODO
if mode == Mode.Verbose && nameFilter.isEmpty && descriptor != "Lscala/reflect/ScalaSignature;" then
super.visitClassAnnotation(descriptor, visible)
addNewTextifier(discard = true)

override def visitSource(file: String, debug: String): Unit =
if mode == Mode.Verbose && nameFilter.isEmpty then
super.visitSource(file, debug)

override def visitAnnotation(descriptor: String, visible: Boolean): Textifier | Null =
if mode == Mode.Verbose then
super.visitAnnotation(descriptor, visible)
addNewTextifier(discard = true)

override def visitLineNumber(line: Int, start: Label): Unit =
if mode == Mode.Verbose then
super.visitLineNumber(line, start)

override def visitMaxs(maxStack: Int, maxLocals: Int): Unit =
if mode == Mode.Verbose then
super.visitMaxs(maxStack, maxLocals)

override def visitLocalVariable(name: String, descriptor: String, signature: String, start: Label, end: Label, index: Int): Unit =
if mode == Mode.Verbose then
super.visitLocalVariable(name, descriptor, signature, start, end, index)

private def isLabel(s: String) = raw"\s*L\d+\s*".r.matches(s)

// ugly hack to prevent orphaned label when local vars, max stack not displayed (e.g. in -c mode)
override def visitMethodEnd(): Unit = if text != null then text.size match
case 0 =>
case n =>
if isLabel(text.get(n - 1).toString) then
try text.remove(n - 1)
catch case _: UnsupportedOperationException => ()

private def addNewTextifier(discard: Boolean = false): Textifier =
val tx = FilteringTextifier(mode, accessFilter, nameFilter)
if !discard then text.nn.add(tx.getText())
end FilteringTextifier

override def apply(options: Seq[String])(inputs: Seq[Input]): List[DisResult] =
def parseMode(opts: Seq[String]): Mode =
if opts.contains("-c") then Mode.Code
else if opts.contains("-s") || opts.contains("-decls") then Mode.Signatures
else Mode.Verbose // default

def parseAccessLevel(opts: Seq[String]): Int =
if opts.contains("-public") then Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC
else if opts.contains("-protected") then Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED
else if opts.contains("-private") || opts.contains("-p") then Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE
else 0

def accessFilter(mode: Mode, accessLevel: Int, opts: Seq[String]): Int => Boolean =
inline def contains(mask: Int) = (a: Int) => (a & mask) != 0
inline def excludes(mask: Int) = (a: Int) => (a & mask) == 0
val showSynthetics = opts.contains("-synthetics")
val showBridges = opts.contains("-bridges")
def accessible: Int => Boolean = accessLevel match
case Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC => contains(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC)
case Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED => contains(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED)
case Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE => _ => true
case _ /* package */ => excludes(Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE)
def included(access: Int): Boolean = mode match
case Mode.Verbose => true
case _ =>
val isBridge = contains(Opcodes.ACC_BRIDGE)(access)
val isSynthetic = contains(Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC)(access)
if isSynthetic && showSynthetics then true // TODO do we have tests for -synthetics?
else if isBridge && showBridges then true // TODO do we have tests for -bridges?
else if isSynthetic || isBridge then false
else true
a => accessible(a) && included(a)

def runInput(input: Input): DisResult = input match
case Input(target, _, Success(bytes)) =>
val sw = StringWriter()
val pw = PrintWriter(sw)
val node = ClassNode1()

val tx =
if options.contains("-raw") then
val mode = parseMode(options)
val accessLevel = parseAccessLevel(options)
val nameFilter = splitHashMember(target).map(s => if s.isEmpty then "apply" else s)
FilteringTextifier(mode, accessFilter(mode, accessLevel, options), nameFilter)

ClassReader(bytes).accept(node, 0)
node.accept(TraceClassVisitor(null, tx, pw))
DisSuccess(target, sw.toString)
catch case NonFatal(e) => DisError(e.getMessage)
case Input(_, _, Failure(e)) =>
end runInput
end apply
end AsmpTool
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/repl/ParseResult.scala
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Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ object Load {
val command: String = ":load"

/** Run the ASM based disassembler on the given target(s) */
case class AsmpOf(args: String) extends Command
object AsmpOf:
val command: String = ":asmp"

/** Run the javap disassembler on the given target(s) */
case class JavapOf(args: String) extends Command
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +117,7 @@ case object Help extends Command {
|:help print this summary
|:load <path> interpret lines in a file
|:asmp <path|class> disassemble a file or class name (experimental)
|:javap <path|class> disassemble a file or class name
|:quit exit the interpreter
|:type <expression> evaluate the type of the given expression
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,6 +149,7 @@ object ParseResult {
TypeOf.command -> (arg => TypeOf(arg)),
DocOf.command -> (arg => DocOf(arg)),
Settings.command -> (arg => Settings(arg)),
AsmpOf.command -> (arg => AsmpOf(arg)),
JavapOf.command -> (arg => JavapOf(arg))

Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/repl/ReplDriver.scala
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Expand Up @@ -462,6 +462,12 @@ class ReplDriver(settings: Array[String],

case AsmpOf(line) =>
given DisassemblerRepl(this, state)
val opts = AsmpOptions.parse(ReplStrings.words(line))
disassemble(Asmp, opts)

case JavapOf(line) =>
given DisassemblerRepl(this, state)
val opts = JavapOptions.parse(ReplStrings.words(line))
Expand Down
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions compiler/test/dotty/tools/repl/DisassemblerTests.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -488,3 +488,54 @@ class JavapFilterSelectionTests:
end JavapFilterSelectionTests

// Test disassembly using `:asmp`
class AsmpTests extends DisassemblerTest:
override val packageSeparator = "/"

@Test def `simple end-to-end` =
eval("class Foo1").andThen {
run(":asmp -c Foo1")
s"public class ${line(1, "Foo1")} {",
"public <init>()V",
"INVOKESPECIAL java/lang/Object.<init> ()V",

@Test def `multiple classes in prev entry` =
eval {
"""class Foo2
|trait Bar2
} andThen {
run(":asmp -c -")
s"public class ${line(1, "Foo2")} {",
s"public abstract interface ${line(1, "Bar2")} {",

@Test def `private selected method` =
eval {
"""class Baz1:
| private def one = 1
| private def two = 2
} andThen {
run(":asmp -p -c Baz1#one")
val out = storedOutput()
assertDisassemblyIncludes("private one()I", out)
assertDisassemblyExcludes("private two()I", out)

@Test def `java.lang.String signatures` =
initially {
run(":asmp -s java.lang.String")
val out = storedOutput()
assertDisassemblyIncludes("public static varargs format(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;", out)
assertDisassemblyIncludes("public static join(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/lang/Iterable;)Ljava/lang/String;", out)
assertDisassemblyIncludes("public concat(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;", out)
assertDisassemblyIncludes("public trim()Ljava/lang/String;", out)
end AsmpTests
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions compiler/test/dotty/tools/repl/TabcompleteTests.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ class TabcompleteTests extends ReplTest {
@Test def commands = initially {
Expand Down

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