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How can one match an array with quotes using Varargs? #20550

Closed Answered by som-snytt
hmf asked this question in Metaprogramming
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The answer was that since the signatures for Array.apply are specialized for primitives, it's necessary to match on those signatures.

def _arraylen(xs: Expr[Array[?]])(using Quotes): Expr[Int] =
  xs match
  //case '{ Array(${_}: A, (${Varargs(elems)}: Seq[A])*) } => Expr(elems.length + 1)
  case '{ Array(${_}: Int, (${Varargs(elems)}: Seq[Int])*) } => Expr(elems.length + 1)
  case '{ Array[a]((${Varargs(elems)}: Seq[a])*)($_) } => Expr(elems.length)
  case _ => Expr(-1)

or matching on the tree shape

def _arraylen(xs: Expr[Array[?]])(using Quotes): Expr[Int] =
  import quotes.reflect.*
  xs match
  case '{ Array[a]((${Varargs(elems)}: Seq[a])*)($_) } => Expr(elems.length)
  case _ =>

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