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a small but measurable speed up for multimethods
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dlwh committed Oct 13, 2015
1 parent d32285d commit 99a3635
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Showing 2 changed files with 36 additions and 12 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -90,6 +90,6 @@ class DenseDotProductBenchmark extends BreezeBenchmark {
object DenseDotProductBenchmark extends MyRunner(classOf[DenseDotProductBenchmark])

object DenseDotProductX extends App {
println((new DenseDotProductBenchmark).timeBigDVDotMasked(10000000))
println((new DenseDotProductBenchmark).timeBigDVDotMasked(100000000))
// (new DenseDotProductBenchmark).timeVectorizedCopyX1(10000)
46 changes: 35 additions & 11 deletions math/src/main/scala/breeze/linalg/operators/BinaryOp.scala
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ package breeze.linalg.operators
limitations under the License.

import breeze.generic.UFunc.UImpl2
import breeze.generic.{UFunc, MMRegistry2/*, Multimethod2*/}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,23 +45,44 @@ object BinaryOp {
// because we don't need BinaryOp's to inherit from Function2, which has a lot of @specialzied cruft.
trait BinaryRegistry[A, B, Op, +R] extends UFunc.UImpl2[Op, A, B, R] with MMRegistry2[UFunc.UImpl2[Op, _ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: (R @uncheckedVariance)]] {
protected def bindingMissing(a: A, b: B):R = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Types not found!" + a + b + " " + ops)
protected def multipleOptions(a: A, b: B, m: Map[(Class[_],Class[_]),UFunc.UImpl2[Op, _ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: R @uncheckedVariance]]) = {

protected def multipleOptions(a: A, b: B, m: Map[(Class[_],Class[_]),UImpl2[Op, _ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: R @uncheckedVariance]]) = {
throw new RuntimeException("Multiple bindings for method: " + m)

private val l1cache: ThreadLocal[((Class[_], Class[_]), Option[UImpl2[Op, _ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: R @uncheckedVariance]])] = {
new ThreadLocal[((Class[_], Class[_]), Option[UImpl2[Op, _ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: R]])]

def apply(a: A, b: B): R = {
val ac = a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass
val bc = b.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass
val pair = (ac, bc)

val firstLevelCached = l1cache.get()
if (firstLevelCached != null && pair == firstLevelCached._1) {
firstLevelCached._2 match {
case None => bindingMissing(a, b)
case some@Some(m) =>
m.asInstanceOf[UImpl2[Op, A, B, R]].apply(a, b)
} else {
slowPath(a, b, ac, bc, pair)


val cached = cache.get(ac -> bc)
if(cached != null) {
private def slowPath(a: A, b: B, ac: Class[_ <: AnyRef], bc: Class[_ <: AnyRef], pair: (Class[_ <: AnyRef], Class[_ <: AnyRef])): R = {
val cached: Option[UImpl2[Op, _ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: R@uncheckedVariance]] = cache.get(pair)
if (cached != null) {
cached match {
case None => bindingMissing(a, b)
case Some(m) =>
m.asInstanceOf[UFunc.UImpl2[Op,A, B, R]].apply(a, b)
case some@Some(m) =>
l1cache.set(pair -> some)
m.asInstanceOf[UImpl2[Op, A, B, R]].apply(a, b)
} else {
val options = resolve(ac, bc.asInstanceOf[Class[_<:B]])
val options = resolve(ac, bc.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: B]])

options.size match {
case 0 =>
Expand All @@ -69,21 +91,23 @@ trait BinaryRegistry[A, B, Op, +R] extends UFunc.UImpl2[Op, A, B, R] with MMRegi
case 1 =>
val method = options.values.head
cache.put(ac -> bc, Some(method))
method.asInstanceOf[UFunc.UImpl2[Op,A, B, R]].apply(a, b)
method.asInstanceOf[UImpl2[Op, A, B, R]].apply(a, b)
case _ =>
val selected = selectBestOption(options)
if(selected.size != 1)
if (selected.size != 1)
multipleOptions(a, b, options)
else {
val method = selected.values.head
cache.put(ac -> bc, Some(method))
method.asInstanceOf[UFunc.UImpl2[Op,A, B, R]].apply(a, b)
val some = Some(method)
l1cache.set(pair -> some)
cache.put(pair, some)
method.asInstanceOf[UImpl2[Op, A, B, R]].apply(a, b)

def register[AA<:A, BB<:B](op: UFunc.UImpl2[Op,AA, BB, R @uncheckedVariance])(implicit cA: ClassTag[AA], cB: ClassTag[BB]) = {
def register[AA<:A, BB<:B](op: UImpl2[Op, AA, BB, _ <: R @uncheckedVariance])(implicit cA: ClassTag[AA], cB: ClassTag[BB]) = {
super.register(cA.runtimeClass, cB.runtimeClass, op)
Expand Down

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