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Let's see if we can get this to work
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jamiemccarthy committed Oct 14, 2004
1 parent 5dc132b commit 32a54b9
Showing 1 changed file with 367 additions and 2 deletions.
369 changes: 367 additions & 2 deletions plugins/Dilemma/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,10 +11,70 @@

sub main {
my $form = getCurrentForm();
my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
my $user = getCurrentUser();
my $form = getCurrentForm();
my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });

my($stories, $Stories); # could this be MORE confusing please? kthx
if ($form->{op} eq 'userlogin' && !$user->{is_anon}
# Any login attempt, successful or not, gets
# redirected to the homepage, to avoid keeping
# the password or nickname in the query_string of
# the URL (this is a security risk via "Referer")
|| $form->{upasswd} || $form->{unickname}
) {
my $refer = $form->{returnto} || $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};
redirect($refer); return;

my $gSkin = getCurrentSkin();
my $skin_name = $gSkin->{name};

my $gse_hr = { };
$gse_hr->{tid} = [ $gSkin->{nexus} ];
if ($gSkin->{skid} == $constants->{mainpage_skid}) {
my $always_tid_str = join ",",
push @{$gse_hr->{tid}}, split /,/, $always_tid_str
if $always_tid_str;

my @never_tids = split /,/, $user->{story_never_nexus};
if ($constants->{story_never_topic_allow} == 2
|| ($user->{is_subscriber} && $constants->{story_never_topic_allow} == 1)
) {
push @never_tids, split /,/, $user->{story_never_topic};
@never_tids =
grep { /^'?\d+'?$/ && $_ != $gSkin->{nexus} }
$gse_hr->{tid_exclude} = [ @never_tids ] if @never_tids;
$gse_hr->{uid_exclude} = [ split /,/, $user->{story_never_author} ]
if $user->{story_never_author};

$stories = $reader->getStoriesEssentials($gse_hr);


my $linkrel = {};
$Stories = displayStories($stories, $linkrel);

# damn you, autovivification!
my($first_date, $last_date);
if (@$stories) {
($first_date, $last_date) = ($stories->[0]{time}, $stories->[-1]{time});
$first_date =~ s/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d).*$/$1$2$3/;
$last_date =~ s/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d).*$/$1$2$3/;

my $StandardBlocks = displayStandardBlocks($gSkin, $stories,
{ first_date => $first_date, last_date => $last_date }

header(getData('head')) or return;
my $title = getData('head', { skin => $skin_name });
header({ title => $title, link => $linkrel }) or return;

my $dilemma_reader = getObject('Slash::Dilemma', { db_type => 'reader' });
my $dilemma_db = getObject('Slash::Dilemma');
Expand All @@ -27,7 +87,312 @@ sub main {
species => $species_hr,

slashDisplay('index', {
metamod_elig => 0,
future_plug => 0,
stories => $Stories,
boxes => $StandardBlocks,




sub displayStandardBlocks {
my($skin, $older_stories_essentials, $other) = @_;
my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
my $user = getCurrentUser();
my $cache = getCurrentCache();
my $gSkin = getCurrentSkin();

return if $user->{noboxes};

my(@boxes, $return, $boxcache);
my($boxBank, $skinBoxes) = $reader->getPortalsCommon();
my $getblocks = $skin->{skid} || $constants->{mainpage_skid};

# two variants of box cache: one for index with portalmap,
# the other for any other section, or without portalmap

if ($user->{slashboxes}
&& ($getblocks == $constants->{mainpage_skid} || $constants->{slashbox_sections})
) {
@boxes = getUserBoxes();
$boxcache = $cache->{slashboxes}{index_map}{$user->{light}} ||= {};
} else {
@boxes = @{$skinBoxes->{$getblocks}}
if ref $skinBoxes->{$getblocks};
$boxcache = $cache->{slashboxes}{$getblocks}{$user->{light}} ||= {};

for my $bid (@boxes) {
if ($bid eq 'mysite') {
$return .= portalbox(
$user->{mylinks} || getData('userboxdefault'),

} elsif ($bid =~ /_more$/ && $older_stories_essentials) {
$return .= portalbox(
getOlderStories($older_stories_essentials, $skin,
{ first_date => $other->{first_date}, last_date => $other->{last_date} }),
) if @$older_stories_essentials;

} elsif ($bid eq 'userlogin' && ! $user->{is_anon}) {
# do nothing!

} elsif ($bid eq 'userlogin' && $user->{is_anon}) {
$return .= $boxcache->{$bid} ||= portalbox(
slashDisplay('userlogin', 0, { Return => 1, Nocomm => 1 }),

} elsif ($bid eq 'poll' && !$constants->{poll_cache}) {
# this is only executed if poll is to be dynamic
$return .= portalbox(
pollbooth('_currentqid', 1),
} elsif ($bid eq 'friends_journal' && $constants->{plugin}{Journal} && $constants->{plugin}{Zoo}) {
my $journal = getObject("Slash::Journal");
my $zoo = getObject("Slash::Zoo");
my $uids = $zoo->getFriendsUIDs($user->{uid});
my $articles = $journal->getsByUids($uids, 0,
$constants->{journal_default_display}, { titles_only => 1})
if ($uids && @$uids);
# We only display if the person has friends with data
if ($articles && @$articles) {
$return .= portalbox(
slashDisplay('friendsview', { articles => $articles}, { Return => 1 }),
# this could grab from the cache in the future, perhaps ... ?
} elsif ($bid eq 'rand' || $bid eq 'srandblock') {
# don't use cached title/bid/url from getPortalsCommon
my $data = $reader->getBlock($bid, [qw(title block bid url)]);
$return .= portalbox(
@{$data}{qw(title block bid url)},

} else {
$return .= $boxcache->{$bid} ||= portalbox(
$reader->getBlock($bid, 'block'),

return $return;

# pass it how many, and what.
sub displayStories {
my($stories, $linkrel) = @_;
my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
my $form = getCurrentForm();
my $user = getCurrentUser();
my $gSkin = getCurrentSkin();
my $ls_other = { user => $user, reader => $reader, constants => $constants };
my($today, $x) = ('', 0);
# XXXSKIN I'm turning custom numbers of maxstories off for now, so all
# users get the same number. This will improve query cache hit rates and
# right now we need all the edge we can get. Hopefully we can get this
# back on soon. - Jamie 2004/07/17
# my $user_maxstories = $user->{maxstories};
# Here, maxstories should come from the skin, and $cnt should be
# named minstories and that should come from the skin too.
my $user_maxstories = getCurrentAnonymousCoward("maxstories");
my $cnt = int($user_maxstories / 3);
my($return, $counter);

# get some of our constant messages but do it just once instead
# of for every story
my $msg;
$msg->{readmore} = getData('readmore');
if ($constants->{body_bytes}) {
$msg->{bytes} = getData('bytes');
} else {
$msg->{words} = getData('words');

# Pull the story data we'll be needing into a cache all at once,
# to avoid making multiple calls to the DB.
# my $n_future_stories = scalar grep { $_->{is_future} } @$stories;
# my $n_for_cache = $cnt + $n_future_stories;
# $n_for_cache = scalar(@$stories) if $n_for_cache > scalar(@$stories);
my @stoids_for_cache =
map { $_->{stoid} }
grep { !$_->{is_future} }
# @stoids_for_cache = @stoids_for_cache[0..$n_for_cache-1]
# if $#stoids_for_cache > $n_for_cache;
my $stories_data_cache;
$stories_data_cache = $reader->getStoriesData(\@stoids_for_cache)
if @stoids_for_cache;

# Shift them off, so we do not display them in the Older Stuff block
# later (this simulates the old cursor-based method from circa 1997
# which was actually not all that smart, but umpteen layers of caching
# makes it quite tolerable here in 2004 :)
my $story;

while ($story = shift @$stories) {
my($tmpreturn, $other, @links);

# This user may not be authorized to see future stories; if so,
# skip them.
next if $story->{is_future}
&& (!$user->{is_subscriber} || !$constants->{subscribe_future_secs});

# Check the day this story was posted (in the user's timezone).
# Compare it to what we believe "today" is (which will be the
# first eligible story in this list). If this story's day is
# not "today", and if we've already displayed enough stories
# to sufficiently fill the homepage (typically 10), then we're
# done -- put the story back on the list (so it'll correctly
# appear in the Older Stuff box) and exit.
my $day = timeCalc($story->{time}, '%A %B %d');
my($w) = join ' ', (split / /, $day)[0 .. 2];
$today ||= $w;
if (++$x > $cnt && $today ne $w) {
unshift @$stories, $story;

my @threshComments = split /,/, $story->{hitparade}; # posts in each threshold

$other->{is_future} = 1 if $story->{is_future};
my $storytext = displayStory($story->{sid}, '', $other, $stories_data_cache);

$tmpreturn .= $storytext;

push @links, linkStory({
'link' => $msg->{readmore},
sid => $story->{sid},
tid => $story->{tid},
skin => $story->{primaryskid}
}, "", $ls_other);

my $link;

if ($constants->{body_bytes}) {
$link = $story->{body_length} . ' ' .
} else {
$link = sprintf '%d %s', $story->{word_count}, $msg->{words};

if ($story->{body_length} || $story->{commentcount}) {
push @links, linkStory({
'link' => $link,
sid => $story->{sid},
tid => $story->{tid},
mode => 'nocomment',
skin => $story->{primaryskid}
}, "", $ls_other) if $story->{body_length};

my @commentcount_link;
my $thresh = $threshComments[$user->{threshold} + 1];

if ($story->{commentcount} = $threshComments[0]) {
if ($user->{threshold} > -1 && $story->{commentcount} ne $thresh) {
$commentcount_link[0] = linkStory({
sid => $story->{sid},
tid => $story->{tid},
threshold => $user->{threshold},
'link' => $thresh,
skin => $story->{primaryskid}
}, "", $ls_other);

$commentcount_link[1] = linkStory({
sid => $story->{sid},
tid => $story->{tid},
threshold => -1,
'link' => $story->{commentcount} || 0,
skin => $story->{primaryskid}
}, "", $ls_other);

push @commentcount_link, $thresh, ($story->{commentcount} || 0);
push @links, getData('comments', { cc => \@commentcount_link })
if $story->{commentcount} || $thresh;

if ($story->{primaryskid} != $constants->{mainpage_skid} && $gSkin->{skid} == $constants->{mainpage_skid}) {
my $skin = $reader->getSkin($story->{primaryskid});
my $url;

if ($skin->{rootdir}) {
$url = $skin->{rootdir} . '/';
} elsif ($user->{is_anon}) {
$url = $gSkin->{rootdir} . '/' . $story->{name} . '/';
} else {
$url = $gSkin->{rootdir} . '/' . $gSkin->{index_handler} . '?section=' . $skin->{name};

push @links, [ $url, $skin->{hostname} || $skin->{title} ];

if ($user->{seclev} >= 100) {
push @links, [ "$gSkin->{rootdir}/$story->{sid}", getData('edit') ];

# I added sid so that you could set up replies from the front page -Brian
$tmpreturn .= slashDisplay('storylink', {
links => \@links,
sid => $story->{sid},
}, { Return => 1 });

$return .= $tmpreturn;

unless ($constants->{index_no_prev_next_day}) {
my($today, $tomorrow, $yesterday, $week_ago) = getOlderDays($form->{issue});
$return .= slashDisplay('next_prev_issue', {
today => $today,
tomorrow => $tomorrow,
yesterday => $yesterday,
week_ago => $week_ago,
linkrel => $linkrel,
}, { Return => 1 });

return $return;

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