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This library provides a non-blocking client for accessing Telegram's Bot API ( It uses a pseudo-background mechanism inspired by Nick O'Leary's PubSubClient ( using long polls via https against Telegram's Bot API. Client is set up with the security token provided by BotFather and some callbacks. Thus it shall be polled by calling .loop() in each main loop().


Full documentation of API will can be found on gitHub:


  • The client uses underlying SSL-Client objects which may consume a lot of memory, thus a mode using one underlying client is implemented that skips running receive polls to post messages (No message lost!).
  • The Library uses ArduinoJSON ( that use to keep the full message in a memory block while parsing it. The block size is set by #define JWC_BUFF_SIZE in JsonWebClient.h.
  • The current version does not provide custom KeyBoards in Telegram (see road map).

Compatible Hardware

The Library uses the client interface assuming a SSL implementation. Thus it shall work with all plattforms supported by WiFiClientSecure.h for ESP or WiFi101 library by Arduino. Please open an issue in gitHub on problems with specific platforms.

Road Map

  • 0.5.0 Support Telegram custom keyboards
  • 0.6.0 Full Documentation in src, source examples
  • 0.7.0 Check for memory leaks
  • 0.8.0 Test other plattforms
  • 1.0.0 Tested Version feature complete
  • 1.x.x Adding other media types


This code is released under the MIT License