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1. System Overview (Ideas, About, Architecture, Principles)

Dominik edited this page Jul 15, 2014 · 4 revisions


Openstreetmap is mainly used for spatial information. You can search and filter for those entities and their corresponding data. However temporal information are not used in a "bigger" meaningful way, although a tag for opening_hours exists. As you can see, there are currently some limitations, which should be addressed in the future to provide and allow temporal reasoning.
So this project aims to develop a method for adding and using those temporal information, primarily focused on opening_hours with the goal, to develop a concept for exchanging, storing and querying spatial points of interest with temporal information. Based on the method developed, an OSM based application that allows displaying pubs in Muenster depending on opening hours will be implemented.


This application is the outcome of a course held at the Institute for Geoinformatics in Münster in the summer term 2014. The system itself is split into three main components:

  • API, which allows querying, accessing, providing and reasoning of temporal information.
  • Database, which stores additional information, which are not stored in OSM itself, database functions to support periodic events and parsing information directly from OSM.
  • TileService, which provided use-case adapted basemaps for possible Pub-Tours.

