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5. TileMill 2 Installation and Configuration

Dominik edited this page Jul 13, 2014 · 1 revision

Install Tilemill2 and provide Tile Service Server in Docker (Vector Tiles)

What are Vector Tiles:

Install Tilemill2

Install node.js

  • Install properties: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
  • Add nodejs repository: echo 'Yes' | sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo
  • Update repository list: apt-get update -y sudo
  • Install nodejs: apt-get install -y nodejs build-essential

Download and Install Tilemill2 and Start nodejs server

  • Clone Tilemill2 github repository: git clone
  • Navigate in cloned Tilemill2 folder: cd tm2
  • Install TIlemill2: npm install
  • Start Tilemill2 instance: node index.js

Access Tilemill2 Instance:

  • Open browser and type: localhost:3000 in your address bar to check if it's working. Instead of localhost, you have to use your Server IP.
  • Change address to: localhost:3000/unauthorize
  • Connect the instance with your mapbox account (log in)

Download and add osm-bright dataset to Tilemill 2

  • Download osm-birght.tm2 dataset: or get it via git clone
  • Click on your Profile Pic (upper left corner) and click on "browse"
  • Navigate to the folder, where you've saved the osm-bright.tm2 stuff and click open
  • Osm-bright will be added to your Tilemill2 Instance
  • Save it (the project is now stored in the Tilemill2 app and can be accessed via "Profile -> clicking on "osm-bright")
  • Start styling ;)

Solve possible Errors

  • By panning and zooming withing Tilemill it could be possible that some svgs are missing (check the Terminal instance, where you've typed node index.js.
  • Look for errors, where files are missing and add them via wget. For example: wget
  • Be sure that the icons are saved in the right folder (/tm2/osm-bright.tm2/icons (osm-bright folder (where you've cloned the osm-bright.tm2 stuff))

Using Shapefiles in TileMill2