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Alef Farah edited this page Sep 21, 2016 · 6 revisions

PajeNG Installation Instructions

PajeNG (Paje Next Generation) is a re-implementation (in C++) and direct heir of the well-known Paje visualization tool for the analysis of execution traces (in the Paje File Format) through trace visualization (space/time view). The tool is released under the GNU General Public Licence 3. The PajeNG package is composed of:

  • the Paje library (
  • and associated tools (pj_dump)


This package list is from a debian testing installation (as of August 2016). Your installation might have packages with different names. Adapt accordingly, considering that you'll need git, cmake, and a C++ compiler supporting the C++11 standard.

sudo apt-get install git cmake build-essential

Compile and Install

We recommend an out-of-source compilation:

 git clone git:// ;
 mkdir -p pajeng/build ;
 cd pajeng/build ;
 cmake .. ;
 make ;
 make install

When you configure PajeNG, you may want to specify an installation directory for all the PajeNG's binaries. You do that using cmake, like this (supposing you are inside the build directory within PajeNG's cloned repository and you want to install everything in /tmp/PajeNG/):

 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/PajeNG/ .. ;
 make ;
 make install


There are some trace files in the traces directory of the cloned repository. To check if everything is working, you may pj_dump the contents of one of these files:

$ pj_dump /path/to/cloned/pajeng/repository/traces/ms.trace
Container, 0, 0, 0, 4.48514, 4.48514, 0
Link, 0, 0-LINK4-HOST1, 0, 0, 0, G, 4, Tremblay
Link, 0, 0-LINK4-HOST1, 0, 0, 0, G, 7, Bourassa
Link, 0, 0-LINK4-HOST1, 0, 0, 0, G, 9, Jupiter
Link, 0, 0-LINK4-HOST1, 0, 0, 0, G, 5, Ginette
Event, 0, msmark, 0, start_send_tasks
Event, 0, msmark, 3.4286, finish_send_tasks
Link, 0, 0-HOST1-LINK4, 0, 0, 0, G, Fafard, 8
Link, 0, 0-HOST1-LINK4, 0, 0, 0, G, Tremblay, 9

To understand this output, take a look at pj_dump output description.

Ubuntu cmake configuration problems

In some Ubuntu releases with an old version of cmake you might experience this error:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:18 (cmake_policy):
Policy "CMP0050" is not known to this version of CMake.

That error prevents you from generating the makefiles. As a workaround, comment the defining the cmake policy in the CMakeLists.txt file.