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2 D Feature Finding

Eric Dill edited this page Dec 12, 2015 · 1 revision

This was originally issue [#45] (


2-D images frequently have many interesting features which are of scientific interest. In reciprocal space, these can be

  • Diffraction peaks (2-D [Voigt profile] (
  • Planes of diffuse scattering (can be seen as cross sections through 3-D volumes)
  • Rods of diffuse scattering (can be seen as cross sections through 1-D cigar).

For examples of diffuse scattering, see

Problems to be solved

Reciprocal Space Images

Typically these are symmetric about the image center

  • Find Bragg Peaks
  • Find Diffuse Sheets
  • Find Diffuse Rods
  • Find Bragg Rings

Geometric shapes

Five sided geometries are exceedingly rare in crystallography, since pentagons cannot be tessellated, so the ability to find the following shapes in 2-D images could prove useful

  • Triangles
  • Squares
  • Rectangles
  • Hexagon
  • Rhombus
  • Octagon

Real Space Images

Not necessarily symmetric about the "image" center

  • Circles
  • Ellipses
  • Curved Lines
  • Straight Lines
  • Connected Regions: e.g.: Threshold the image to produce a binary image. Determine the boundaries of the connected regions that are all True or all False. Related to segmentation and (water shed)ing

Brain dump from @tacaswell