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Paris scikit learn Sprint of the Decade

Chiara Marmo edited this page Dec 9, 2019 · 19 revisions

The Paris scikit-learn Sprint of the Decade will be held from January 28th to 31st 2020 at Dataiku offices, at 201 rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris.

Please, check this page for update on the programme and logistics.


January 28th : Beginner Workshop

  • installing a Python dev environment with VS Code + conda + git
  • installing C/C++ (fortran?) compilers to be able to build native extensions
  • cloning and building the master branch of scikit-learn, pandas, numpy...
  • tutorial on how to use pytest to run the tests of a specific module
  • presentation of the github collaborative workflow (pull requests and code reviews)
  • what is continuous integration and how to read the CI reports and what are the main CI configuration files
  • building the documentation with sphinx and sphinx gallery
  • optional: quick intro to Cython

January 29th to 31st : scikit-learn Sprint

Sprint attendants are expected to be familiar with the workshop topics.


The number of participants is limited to 30 for the workshop and the Sprint.

You may choose to participate to the workshop or the Sprint or both.

Please register here.

Check the list of Participants.

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