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Created by Slaive and PullMonkey (December 2007). This is a very good,
easy to use cms plugin.

This plugin is built for rails versions <= 2.1.0. So if you are using an older 
version of rails then you will need to edit each of the controllers 
uncomment this for rails versions >= 2.0 and < 2.1
  self.view_paths << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'views')
uncomment this for rails versions < 2.0
  self.template_root = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'views')

and comment out this in the lib/simple_cms.rb file
  self.append_view_paths File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'app', 'views')

SimpleCMS dependencies

Once you have SimpleCMS installed you will need to install 4 more plugins:
    - attachment_fu
    - responds_to_parent
    - acts_as_versioned
    - coderay
if you have not already.
You can do this easily by using the command:
    rake simple_cms:install_dependencies
If this doesn't work you can do it manually by doing the following commands:
    ruby script/plugin install
    ruby script/plugin install
    ruby script/plugin install
  If you are using rails versions >= 2.1.1 then install this one
    ruby script/plugin install
  If you are using rails versions < 2.1.1 then install this one
    ruby script/plugin install

You will also need to have an image processor installed. There are 3 to choose from:
    - ImageScience - A light inline-Ruby library that only resizes images.
    - RMagick - The grand-daddy, both in terms of advanced image processing features and memory usage.
    - minimagick - It's much easier on memory than RMagick because it runs the ImageMagick command in a shell.

Any of these programs will do.

SimpleCMS javascript/css files

You will need to move the javascript and css files from the plugin to your
corresponding folder in the public directory. This can be done manually but I 
would recomend using:
    rake simple_cms:install
However, this should have been called automatically when you installed the 
simple_cms plugin to start with.

SimpleCMS migrations
To generate the migratioin tables use this command:
    ruby script/generate simple_cms_migrations

This will create 3 tables: simple_cms_items, simple_cms_images, and 
Then do your `rake db:migrate`

Using SimpleCMS

Use of the simple_cms plugin is very quick and easy. All you have to do is put a
simple render in your view file wherever you want a simple_cms item to show up. 
All you have to pass it is the label you want it to have and whether the user is
admin or not. If admin is not passed it will default to false. 

      <%= render :simpleCMS => "label", :admin  => true, 
                                        :user   => "UserName", 
                                        :prefix => "/your/prefix",
                                        :reusable => true %>

:simpleCMS - takes a label
:admin - pass true if you want to give editing acces or false if you don't. 
         Defaults to false.
:prefix - takes the prefix of your site if you have one. Not required.
:reusable - takes true or flase. Defaults to false. This allows you to use the 
            same content on multiple pages. To do this the :simpleCMS label must
            be the same in each place and :reusable must be true in each place 
            you use it.
            *NOTE* changing this value from true to false or false to true will
            result in the loss of the data you had there.

Make sure you put the javascript and css link tags in your application.rhtml 
file. It should look something like this:
    <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults, "simple_cms" %>
    <%= stylesheet_link_tag "simple_cms", "coderay" %>
    <%= yield %>


CMS plugin for ruby on rails. Really easy to set up and use.






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