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Added version for handling multiple playlists.
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ben-509 committed Apr 9, 2011
1 parent 1cd5cae commit 3e3edbd
Showing 1 changed file with 341 additions and 0 deletions.
341 changes: 341 additions & 0 deletions Multi MP3 CD Maker.applescript
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
Multi MP3 CD Maker
This script was originally written by Ben Samuel on Mar 27, 2011.
The contents of this repository, MP3-CD-Maker-for-iTunes, are released to the public domain.
The terms iTunes, Genius, MP3, CD, AppleScript and others may be trademarks of their respective holders.
So iTunes already has a function to create an MP3 CD.
But, as you probably noticed, you have to convert all your songs to MP3.
And you can't do it in place, you have to manually recreate the entire playlist.
Okay, that gets tedious, especially since a CD will hold around 100 MP3s.
And now, after burning, I've got MP3 versions of my songs floating around my library.
Solution 1: ditch iTunes for a good music library app.
Solution 2: this script.
Solution 3: a shell script requiring ffmpeg or some such app
This script will:
1. Step through any playlist, to include a Genius mix, or DJ shuffle.
2. Skip over songs that are already MP3s.
3. Clean up after itself as it goes.
4. Automatically bail if there are 10 failures in a row.
5. Write a log to the desktop.
6. Do a Pretty Good Job of figuring out what will fit on a CD.
(Sorry, it doesn't attempt to calculate file system overhead.)
7. Number as it goes.
You need to:
1. Set up a playlist.
2. Start iTunes playing as though you were listening to the playlist.
3. Hit pause.
4. Run the script.
5. It will prompt for a folder. Select an existing folder, or create a new one.
6. Get a blank CD, and burn the contents of the folder.
7. You're done!

-- You shouldn't change this unless you're using something
-- other than a CD or DVD. If you're writing to a disk,
-- it'd probably be 4096.
property sector_size : 2048 -- bytes per sector of a data CD or DVD

-- You can always set this to 0, and just drop a file or two.
property reserve_sectors : 2560 -- reserve this much space for filesystem and such

-- I looked these numbers up on Wikipedia. No idea how accurate they are,
-- but they pass the smell test. 700 MB is the most common CD size I've seen.

-- Just uncomment the capacity you'd like to use.

--property tgt_capacity: 333000 -- a 650 MB CD
property tgt_capacity : 360000 -- a 700 MB CD
--property tgt_capacity: 405000 -- a 800 MB CD
--property tgt_capacity: 445500 -- a 900 MB CD
--property tgt_capacity: 2298496 -- a DVD-R single layer
--property tgt_capacity: 2295104 -- a DVD+R single layer
--property tgt_capacity: 4171712 -- a DVD-R double layer
--property tgt_capacity: 4173824 -- a DVD+R double layer

-- Directory we're storing tracks in
property my_dir : null

-- Should we remove artwork to save space?
property remove_artwork : true

-- Not commenting as much since the logging does that for us.
on run
-- Set up logging
set log_fh to my log_start((path to library folder from user domain as string) & "Logs:MP3 CD Maker.txt")
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Conversion run begins.")
tell application "iTunes"
set my_base_dir to (choose folder with prompt "Pick a target folder to create folders in")
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Set base folder '" & (my_base_dir as string)) & "'"
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Target sector size is " & sector_size & " bytes.")
repeat with playlist_name in (my choose_playlists(log_fh))
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Start converting playlist '" & playlist_name & "'")
set my_playlist to playlist named playlist_name
play my_playlist
reveal my_playlist
tell application "Finder"
set my_dir_name to (my_playlist's name) as string
if exists (folder named my_dir_name of my_base_dir) then
set my_dir to (folder named my_dir_name of my_base_dir) as alias
set my_dir to (make new folder at my_base_dir with properties {name:my_dir_name}) as alias
end if
end tell
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Writing to target folder '" & (my_dir as string)) & "'"
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Target capacity is " & tgt_capacity & " sectors.")
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Target reserved is " & reserve_sectors & " sectors.")
set sectors_used to (my calc_sectors_used_dir(my_dir))
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Existing files use " & sectors_used & " sectors.")
set track_counter to (my calc_track_num(my_dir)) + 1
set sectors_remaining to tgt_capacity - reserve_sectors - sectors_used
set conversion_errors to 0
repeat while sectors_remaining > 0
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Start track #" & track_counter)
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Remaining sectors: " & sectors_remaining)
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Conversion error count: " & conversion_errors)
if conversion_errors > 9 then
display alert "Bailing after 10 conversion failures in a row."
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Bailing from high conversion error count.")
exit repeat
end if

set my_track to the current track
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Working on track " & location of my_track)
set converted_file to my convert_track(log_fh, my_track)

-- Work out how much space this is using
set file_sectors to my calc_sectors_used_file(converted_file)
my log_mesg(log_fh, "File is " & (file_sectors as string) & " sectors.")
set sectors_remaining to sectors_remaining - file_sectors

-- Rename the track nicely
set new_name to my format_track_name(track_counter, my_track)
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Renaming track to '" & new_name & "'.")
tell application "Finder"
set file_ext to name extension of converted_file
set name of converted_file to new_name & "." & file_ext
end tell
set track_counter to track_counter + 1

-- only count failures in a row
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Operation successful.")
set conversion_errors to 0
on error e
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Error: " & (e as string))
set conversion_errors to conversion_errors + 1
end try
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Attempting to move to next track")
set last_track to current track
next track
-- This seems to work because tracks aren't equal if they're
-- a different index within the playlist.
-- To check if they are the same file, you can check the database ID property.
if last_track is current track then
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Detected last track.")
exit repeat
end if
on error e
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Error: " & (e as string))
display alert "Could not get next track, probably at end of playlist, bailing."
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Rezeroize track names.")
my rezeroize_tracks(my_dir, track_counter)
end repeat
end tell
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Conversion run terminated successfully.")
end run

-- You might want to customize this
-- Track is a track object
-- The caller handles the file extension, ignore that.
on format_track_name(num, the_track)
tell application "iTunes"
set the_track_name to name of the_track
end tell
return (num as string) & ". " & (the_track_name as string)
end format_track_name

-- Most CD players sort 3 after 20. So we pad with zeroes.
-- This is ugly, but should be pretty reliable.
on rezeroize_tracks(target_dir, track_count)
set target_path to quoted form of POSIX path of target_dir
if track_count > 9999 then
error "Ai Carumba, that's a lot of tracks!"
else if track_count > 999 then
do shell script "cd " & target_path & ";" & Â
"for i in [0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 000\"$i\";" & Â
"done;" & Â
"for i in [0-9][0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 00\"$i\";" & Â
"done;" & Â
"for i in [0-9][0-9][0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 0\"$i\";" & Â
"done; exit 0"
else if track_count > 99 then
do shell script "cd " & target_path & ";" & Â
"for i in [0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 00\"$i\";" & Â
"done;" & Â
"for i in [0-9][0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 0\"$i\";" & Â
"done; exit 0"
else if track_count > 9 then
do shell script "cd " & target_path & ";" & Â
"for i in [0-9][^0-9]*;" & Â
"do [ \"${i:0:1}\" != \"[\" ] && mv \"$i\" 0\"$i\";" & Â
"done; exit 0"
end if
end rezeroize_tracks

-- Calculate the sectors used by all files in a directory.
on calc_sectors_used_dir(target_dir)
tell application "Finder"
set the_sizes to size of entire contents of target_dir
end tell
set the_sum to 0
repeat with a_size in the_sizes
set the_sectors to (a_size / 2048) as double integer
-- Strangely enough, simple inequality doesn't work even if you take care
-- to cast both sides.
if (the_sectors * 2048) < a_size then
set the_sectors to the_sectors + 1
end if
set the_sum to the_sum + the_sectors
end repeat
return the_sum
end calc_sectors_used_dir

-- Only change is to the 'cut' command, use field 1 instead of 2.
-- That's because there's no "total" line for a single file
on calc_sectors_used_file(target_file)
tell application "Finder"
set the_size to size of target_file
end tell
set the_sectors to (the_size / 2048) as double integer
if (the_sectors * 2048) < the_size then
set the_sectors to the_sectors + 1
end if
return the_sectors
end calc_sectors_used_file

-- Figure out the current track number.
-- Output is either the number or a blank string
on calc_track_num(target_dir)
set target_path to quoted form of (POSIX path of target_dir)
set max_num to (do shell script "/bin/ls " & target_path & Â
" | tr -c '[0-9]\\n' '\\t'" & Â
" | cut -f 1" & Â
" | sort -nr" & Â
" | head -n 1")
-- tr replaces one set of characters with another
-- the -c complements the first set, so everything that isn't a number or newline becomes a tab
-- cut is extracting certain fields, by default splitting on tabs.
-- Now we've just got a list of numbers. sort -nr will do reverse numeric sort
-- head -n 1 grabs the first line, which is the maximum.
return ("0" & max_num) as number
end calc_track_num

-- Convenience method to pick a playlist, and gives an unsuspecting
-- double-clicker a chance to back out.
on choose_playlists(log_fh)
tell application "iTunes"
set blurb to "Choose a playlist to convert to a folder of MP3s."
set choice_names to (name of playlists)
set choices to (choose from list choice_names Â
with title "Choose Playlist" with prompt blurb Â
OK button name "Convert" default items ((first item of choice_names) as list) Â
with multiple selections allowed without empty selection allowed)
if choices is false then
error "User cancelled operation."
end if
return choices
end tell
end choose_playlists

-- This is the guts of the script that converts an actual file.
on convert_track(log_fh, the_track)
tell application "iTunes"
if kind of the_track is "Protected AAC audio file" then
error "Can't convert protected file"
else if kind of the_track is "MPEG audio file" then
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Track is already MP3.")
-- all we need to do is copy
set track_file to location of the_track
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Copying to target dir.")
tell application "Finder" to set converted_file to ((duplicate track_file to my_dir) as alias)
-- It's surprisingly annoying to get iTunes to duplicate a track
-- Even duplicating the file in the Finder and adding it back to the library doesn't work.
-- So we don't try to remove artwork for a copy.
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Attempting to convert " & kind of the_track & " to MP3.")
set converted_tracks to (convert the_track)
if (count converted_tracks) is not 1 then
error "Conversion returned no files. Is track protected?"
end if
set converted_track to first item of converted_tracks
set the_error to null
if my remove_artwork then
repeat with the_artwork in every artwork of converted_track
delete the_artwork
end try
end repeat
end if
set conv_file to location of converted_track
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Converted to: " & (conv_file as string))
tell application "Finder" to set converted_file to ((move conv_file to my_dir) as alias)
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Moved to: " & (converted_file as string))
on error e -- Fake a 'finally' clause
set the_error to e
end try
-- Notably, this only deletes the entry. It will fail if the file is still present,
-- but succeed even if the file was merely moved out of the iTunes folder.
my log_mesg(log_fh, "Deleting iTunes entry.")
delete converted_track
-- Now bubble any error up to the caller.
if the_error is not null then
error the_error
end if
end if
end tell
return converted_file
end convert_track

-- Simple logging facility
on log_mesg(fh, the_mesg)
-- Call the date function to format its output
-- The first part formats the date and time, and then we tack on our
-- message to the formatting.
do shell script "echo `date '+%F %T '` " & (quoted form of the_mesg) & " >> " & (quoted form of fh)
end log_mesg

-- So, I figured that if I'm calling a subshell to figure out the date
-- why bother opening a file for access at all?
on log_start(the_log_file)
set fh to POSIX path of the_log_file
log_mesg(fh, "Log begins")
tell application "Finder"
open (file the_log_file) using (path to application "Console")
end tell
return fh
end log_start

-- Just note the fact that the log closed properly in case I decide to
-- use AppleScript file handling in the future.
on log_end(fh)
my log_mesg(fh, "Log closed correctly.")
do shell script "echo >> " & (quoted form of fh)
end log_end

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