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chore(deps): update aqua (#94)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Update | Change |
| [aquaproj/aqua-registry](
| minor | `v4.40.0` -> `v4.42.0` |
| [cli/cli]( | minor | `v2.32.1` ->
`v2.33.0` |
| [fluxcd/flux2]( | minor | `v2.0.1`
-> `v2.1.0` |
| [golangci/golangci-lint](
| patch | `v1.54.1` -> `v1.54.2` |
| [kubernetes/kubectl]( | patch
| `1.28.0` -> `1.28.1` |
| [stern/stern]( | minor | `v1.25.0` ->
`v1.26.0` |
| [twpayne/chezmoi]( | minor |
`v2.37.0` -> `v2.38.0` |
| [weaveworks/eksctl]( | minor |
`v0.153.0` -> `v0.154.0` |


### Release Notes

<summary>aquaproj/aqua-registry (aquaproj/aqua-registry)</summary>



| [Pull
| aquaproj/aqua-registry@v4.41.1...v4.42.0

#### 🎉 New Packages

[exercism/cli]( A Go based command
line tool for

[openziti/zrok]( Geo-scale,
next-generation sharing platform built on top of OpenZiti

#### Fixes

gabrie30/ghorg: Follow up changes of ghorg v1.9.9

sachaos/viddy: Follow up changes of viddy v0.3.7



| [Pull
| aquaproj/aqua-registry@v4.41.0...v4.41.1

#### Fixes

antonmedv/walk: Rename the package `antonmedv/llama` to `antonmedv/walk` is redirected to .

The project `llama` was renamed to `walk`.


goss-org/goss: Follow up changes of goss v0.4.0




| [Pull
| aquaproj/aqua-registry@v4.40.0...v4.41.0

#### 🎉 New Packages

[cockroachdb/cockroach]( A
distributed SQL database designed for speed, scale, and survival

[takumin/gyaml]( Golang YAML Tool

[zitadel/zitadel]( ZITADEL - The
best of Auth0 and Keycloak combined. Built for the serverless era


<summary>cli/cli (cli/cli)</summary>

### [`v2.33.0`](
GitHub CLI 2.33.0

[Compare Source](

**Meowdy terminal aficionados!** 😸

Before moving onto the freshest `gh` release notes, I have some GitHub
CLI team news to share with the community:

1. **Our dear friend and college
[@&#8203;vilmibm]( has moved on from GitHub
in following his passions for digital humanities** 😿

The core GitHub CLI team could not be happier for Nate as those same
passions has brought `gh` to this point. 😻 So a tremendous unimaginable
thanks to our dear friend as he chases the wind with the hopes he
continues as part of the GitHub CLI community 💯

2. **We welcome a new GitHub CLI team member:
[@&#8203;andyfeller](** 😹

Andy has been a long-time CLI extension advocate within GitHub for some
time, maintaining [extensions for unique user
Please warmly welcome him as he gets up to speed with supporting our
community officially! ❤️

#### What's Changed

- Delete local branch more often when merging PR by
[@&#8203;armandgrillet]( in
- Do not allow issue and pr templates to be symlinks by
[@&#8203;samcoe]( in
- `release create`: Trim spaces on tag name by
[@&#8203;harveysanders]( in
- Use filepath.Base to sanitize path for archive downloads by
[@&#8203;samcoe]( in
- Codespaces: Use the host name from the logged in server for commands
by [@&#8203;jkeech]( in
- Update by
[@&#8203;andyfeller]( in
- Allow --org parameter in lieu of a repo context for rulesets, add
current_user_can_bypass to rs view by
[@&#8203;vaindil]( in
- add missing `ls` aliases to `list` subcommands by
[@&#8203;cawfeecake]( in
- port repo edit prompts by
[@&#8203;vilmibm]( in
- add clobber flag to `alias set` by
[@&#8203;JunNishimura]( in
- Remove GHE handling for `workflow` by
[@&#8203;jamietanna]( in
- Upgrade to Go 1.21 by [@&#8203;samcoe]( in
- switch to prompter in workflow commands by
[@&#8203;vilmibm]( in
- update more prompts by [@&#8203;vilmibm](
- switch to prompter in pr shared code by
[@&#8203;vilmibm]( in
[@&#8203;vilmibm]( in
- codespace: Handle HTTP request retry interruption by
[@&#8203;azrsh]( in

#### New Contributors

- [@&#8203;armandgrillet]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;harveysanders]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;andyfeller]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;JunNishimura]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;jamietanna]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;azrsh]( made their first
contribution in

**Full Changelog**: cli/cli@v2.32.1...v2.33.0


<summary>fluxcd/flux2 (fluxcd/flux2)</summary>

### [`v2.1.0`](


#### Highlights

Flux v2.1.0 is a feature release. Users are encouraged to upgrade for
the best experience.

The [Flux APIs](#api-changes) were extended with new opt-in features in
a backwards-compatible manner.

The Flux Git capabilities have been improved with support for Git push
options, Git refspec, Gerrit, HTTP/S and SOCKS5 proxies.

The Flux alerting capabilities have been extended with

The Flux controllers come with performance improvements when reconciling
Helm repositories with large indexes (80% memory reduction), and when
reconciling Flux Kustomizations with thousands of resources (x4 faster
server-side apply). The load distribution has been improved when
reconciling Flux objects in parallel to reduce CPU and memory spikes.

:heart: Big thanks to all the Flux contributors that helped us with this

#### Deprecations

Flux v2.1.0 comes with support for Kubernetes TLS Secrets when referring
to secrets containing TLS certs, and deprecates the usage of `caFile`,
`keyFile` and `certFile` keys.

For more details about the TLS changes please see the [Kubernetes TLS
Secrets section](#kubernetes-tls-secrets).

Flux v2.1.0 comes with major improvements to the Prometheus monitoring
stack. Starting with this version, Flux is leveraging the
`kube-state-metrics` CRD exporter to report metrics containing rich
information about Flux reconciliation status e.g. Git revision, Helm
chart version, OCI artifacts digests, etc. The
`gotk_reconcile_condition` metrics was deprecated in favor of the

For more details about the new monitoring stack please see the [Flux
Prometheus metrics
documentation]( and the

#### API changes

##### GitRepository v1

API was extended with the following fields:

- `` is an optional field used to specify the
name of a Kubernetes Secret that contains the HTTP/S or SOCKS5 proxy
- `.spec.verify.mode` now support one of the following values `HEAD`,
`Tag`, `TagAndHEAD`.

##### Kustomization v1

API was extended with two apply policies `IfNotPresent` and `Ignore`.

Changing the apply behaviour for specific Kubernetes resources, can be
done using the following annotations:

| Annotation | Default | Values | Role |

| `` | `Override` | - `Override`<br/>-
`Merge`<br/>- `IfNotPresent`<br/>- `Ignore` | Apply policy |
| `` | `Disabled` | - `Enabled`<br/>-
`Disabled` | Recreate policy |
| `` | `Enabled` | - `Enabled`<br/>-
`Disabled` | Delete policy |

The `IfNotPresent` policy instructs the controller to only apply the
Kubernetes resources if they are not present on the cluster.
This policy can be used for Kubernetes `Secrets` and
`ValidatingWebhookConfigurations` managed by cert-manager,
where Flux creates the resources with fields that are later on mutated
by other controllers.

##### ImageUpdateAutomation v1beta1

was extended with the following fields:

- `.spec.git.push.refspec` is an optional field used to specify a Git
refspec used when pushing commits upstream.
- `.spec.git.push.options` is an optional field used to specify the Git
push options to be sent to the Git server when pushing commits upstream.

##### Kubernetes TLS Secrets

All the Flux APIs that accept TLS data have been modified to adopt
Secrets of type
``. This includes:

- **HelmRepository**: The field `.spec.secretRef` has been deprecated in
favor of a new field
- **OCIRepository**: Support for the `caFile`, `keyFile` and `certFile`
keys in the Secret specified in
have been deprecated in favor of `ca.crt`, `tls.key` and `tls.crt`.
- **ImageRepository**: Support for the`caFile`, `keyFile` and `certFile`
keys in the Secret specified in
have been deprecated in favor of `ca.crt`, `tls.key` and `tls.crt`.
- **GitRepository**: CA certificate can now be provided in the Secret
specified in `.spec.secretRef` using the `ca.crt` key, which takes
precedence over the `caFile` key.

#### Upgrade procedure

Upgrade Flux from `v2.0.x` to `v2.1.0` either by [rerunning
bootstrap]( or by
using the [Flux GitHub

To upgrade Flux from `v0.x` to `v2.1.0` please follow the [Flux GA

#### Kubernetes compatibility

This release is compatible with the following Kubernetes versions:

| Kubernetes version | Minimum required |
| `v1.25`            | `>= 1.25.0`      |
| `v1.26`            | `>= 1.26.0`      |
| `v1.27`            | `>= 1.27.1`      |
| `v1.28`            | `>= 1.28.0`      |

Note that Flux may work on older versions of Kubernetes e.g. 1.21, but
we don't recommend running end-of-life versions in production nor do we
offer support for these versions.

#### New Documentation

-   [Flux installation](
-   [Flux bootstrap](
- [Flux
- [Flux Prometheus metrics](
- [Flux custom Prometheus
-   [Flux logs](
-   [Flux events](

#### Components changelog

- source-controller
- kustomize-controller
- notification-controller
- helm-controller
- image-reflector-controller
- image-automation-controller

#### CLI Changelog

- PR [#&#8203;4189]( -
[@&#8203;hiddeco]( - Update dependencies
- PR [#&#8203;4186]( -
[@&#8203;fluxcdbot]( - Update toolkit
- PR [#&#8203;4183]( -
[@&#8203;somtochiama]( - Fix
autocompletion for helm chart
- PR [#&#8203;4182]( -
[@&#8203;hiddeco]( - manifestgen/install:
use clean default HTTP client
- PR [#&#8203;4181]( -
[@&#8203;hiddeco]( - cmd/events: handle
error value
- PR [#&#8203;4180]( -
[@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - Fix
controller version info
- PR [#&#8203;4177]( -
[@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - Set min
value for the `--ssh-rsa-bits` flag
- PR [#&#8203;4176]( -
[@&#8203;hiddeco]( - ci: disable fail-fast
for ARM end-to-end
- PR [#&#8203;4175]( -
[@&#8203;hiddeco]( - build: update
securejoin dependency
- PR [#&#8203;4169]( -
[@&#8203;darkowlzz]( - Add monitoring
configuration deprecation notice
- PR [#&#8203;4167]( -
[@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] -
build(deps): bump the ci group with 2 updates
- PR [#&#8203;4166]( -
[@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - e2e: Add
Kubernetes v1.28.0 to conformance tests
- PR [#&#8203;4151]( -
[@&#8203;hiddeco]( - ci: enable
security-and-quality CodeQL query
- PR [#&#8203;4147]( -
[@&#8203;aryan9600]( - Adopt Kubernetes
style TLS Secrets and add relevant flags
- PR [#&#8203;4142]( -
[@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] -
build(deps): bump the ci group with 2 updates
- PR [#&#8203;4140]( -
[@&#8203;somtochiama]( - Disable azure
e2e test
- PR [#&#8203;4134]( -
[@&#8203;sestegra]( - monitoring: add
OCIRepository in cluster dashboard and new source panels in
control-plane dashboard
- PR [#&#8203;4131]( -
[@&#8203;mraerino]( - Fix selection of
kustomization resource from multi doc yaml
- PR [#&#8203;4126]( -
[@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - Set
Kubernetes min version to 1.25
- PR [#&#8203;4077]( -
[@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] -
build(deps): bump the ci group with 2 updates
- PR [#&#8203;4068]( -
[@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - Update
- PR [#&#8203;4065]( -
[@&#8203;hiddeco]( - action: support
`openssl` and `sha256sum`
- PR [#&#8203;4062]( -
[@&#8203;souleb]( - diff: Take into account
the server-side inventory for local Flux Kustomizations
- PR [#&#8203;4061]( -
[@&#8203;hiddeco]( - action: re-allow
configuration of non-default token
- PR [#&#8203;4057]( -
[@&#8203;fluxcdbot]( - Update toolkit
- PR [#&#8203;4052]( -
[@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - docs: Link
to the Flux GitHub Action documentation
- PR [#&#8203;4051]( -
[@&#8203;hiddeco]( - action: use
`$RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE`, support MacOS and Windows, validate checksum
- PR [#&#8203;4046]( -
[@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - ci:
backport: set write permissions
- PR [#&#8203;4043]( -
[@&#8203;stefanprodan]( - ci: release:
extract the image tag from GITHUB_REF
- PR [#&#8203;4041]( -
[@&#8203;hiddeco]( - ci: release: disable
interpretation backslash esc


<summary>golangci/golangci-lint (golangci/golangci-lint)</summary>



1.  updated linters:
    -   `errname`: from 0.1.10 to 0.1.12
    -   `ginkgolinter`: from 0.13.3 to 0.13.5
    -   `go-errorlint`: from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4
    -   `godot`: from 1.4.11 to 1.4.14
    -   `gosec`: from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0
    -   `musttag`: from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2
    -   `nilnil`: from 0.1.5 to 0.1.7
    -   `staticcheck`: from 0.4.3 to 0.4.5
    -   `usestdlibvars`: from 1.23.0 to 1.24.0
    -   `govet`: add missing `directive` and `slog` passes


<summary>kubernetes/kubectl (kubernetes/kubectl)</summary>




<summary>stern/stern (stern/stern)</summary>



#### ⚡ Notable Changes

##### Add new template functions

The following template functions have been added in v1.26.0:

- `extractJSONParts`: Parse string as JSON and concatenate the given
- `tryExtractJSONParts`: Attempt to parse string as JSON and concatenate
the given keys, returning text on failure

#### Changes

- Fix the release workflow
[91d4cd6]( (Kazuki Suda)
- Update dependencies and tools
[cb94677]( (Takashi
- Possibility to extract parts of a json-message.
[d49142c]( (Niels)
- Fix potential panic in stern.Run()
[dcba2dd]( (Takashi
- Add log level color keys and handle default
[65204cc]( (Jimmie
- Fix typo in
[d7d5a4f]( (Will May)
- Integrate fmt and vet checks into golangci-lint
[1d242bc]( (Takashi
- Update Github Actions dependencies
[9e833da]( (Takashi


<summary>twpayne/chezmoi (twpayne/chezmoi)</summary>



#### Changelog

##### Other

- [`0ce82b3`](
chore: Update dependencies
- [`7b300e4`](
chore: Miscellaneous website improvements
- [`166feaf`](
docs: Linuxbrew -> Homebrew
- [`d00de72`](
feat: Add `gitHubReleases` and `gitHubTags`
- [`a51179e`](
feat: Support nushell scripts on Windows
- [`7d143c3`](
docs: Improve documentation on using separate source files
- [`ba985c9`](
chore: Reformat long lines
- [`5e8d2b3`](
feat: Add promptChoice and promptChoiceOnce template functions
- [`29e8c30`]( fix:
Fix minor issues with promptBool docs and errors
- [`f0efc5c`](
chore: Generate release notes from git log, not GitHub
- [`3c72387`](
chore: Remove dependency on
- [`424189b`](
chore: Use io/fs.Skip{All,Dir} sentinel errors
- [`dbc1b4b`](
chore: Bump golangci-lint to version 1.54.0
- [`3f636c1`](
chore: Build with Go 1.21.0
- [`187f734`](
chore: Update dependencies
- [`a028598`](
feat: Restore --autotemplate flag to add command
- [`4e67850`](
docs: Document --source-path flag
- [`4fc3203`]( fix:
Fix race condition in concurrent parsing of externals


<summary>weaveworks/eksctl (weaveworks/eksctl)</summary>

eksctl 0.154.0 (permalink)


### Release v0.154.0

#### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix error message for Bottlerocket validation
- Don't wait for `aws-efs-csi-driver` addon if cluster has no nodegroups

#### 🧰 Maintenance

- Bring Windows integration test runtime down to less than half

#### 📝 Documentation

- Add references to Enterprise support with Flux on Gitops page



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "after 4pm on thursday" (UTC),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help]( if
that's undesired.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
renovate[bot] committed Aug 27, 2023
1 parent 5042ac3 commit 95721f7
Showing 1 changed file with 8 additions and 8 deletions.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions home/aqua.yaml
Expand Up @@ -3,24 +3,24 @@
checksum: #
enabled: true
- ref: v4.40.0 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry
- ref: v4.42.0 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry
type: standard
- name: dots
path: registry.yaml
type: local
- name: charmbracelet/glow@v1.5.1
- name: cli/cli@v2.32.1
- name: cli/cli@v2.33.0
- name: denisidoro/navi@v2.22.1
- name: golangci/golangci-lint@v1.54.1
- name: golangci/golangci-lint@v1.54.2
- name: homeport/dyff@v1.5.8
- name: kubernetes-sigs/krew@v0.4.4
- name: marcosnils/bin@v0.17.0
- name: tfutils/tfenv@v3.0.0
- name: twistedpair/google-cloud-sdk@443.0.0
- name: twpayne/chezmoi@v2.37.0
- name: twpayne/chezmoi@v2.38.0
- name: zellij-org/zellij@v0.37.2
- name: weaveworks/eksctl@v0.153.0
- name: weaveworks/eksctl@v0.154.0
- name: ogham/exa@v0.10.1
- name: keilerkonzept/terraform-module-versions@3.1.14
- name: magefile/mage@v1.15.0
Expand All @@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ packages:
registry: dots
- name: neovim/neovim@stable
- name: direnv/direnv@v2.32.3
- name: kubernetes/kubectl@v1.28.0
- name: fluxcd/flux2@v2.0.1
- name: kubernetes/kubectl@v1.28.1
- name: fluxcd/flux2@v2.1.0
- name: helm/helm@v3.12.3
- name: kubernetes-sigs/kustomize@kustomize/v5.1.1
- name: stern/stern@v1.25.0
- name: stern/stern@v1.26.0
- name: charmbracelet/gum@v0.11.0
- name: dandavison/delta@0.16.5
- name: stedolan/jq@jq-1.6
Expand Down

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