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scottjacksonx edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the hnsh wiki!

The near future for hnsh is this:

- comments. I’d like hnsh to track whether or not there are new comments since you last refreshed hnsh. There’d probably be an asterisk next to the comment count if there are new comments.

That’s it for upcoming features. As for my wishlist stuff, I’d really like to look into being able to upmod from within the program itself. My first hope was that if you were logged in with your normal browser, the HTML you get from hnsh would have you logged in, but it doesn’t. Cookies are only kept per browser (or at least, cookies aren’t kept for the “browser” Python makes when it gets the HTML from HN). I haven’t looked much further into it, so if anyone has an idea for how to go about implementing this, it would be greatly appreciated.

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