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dalefugier committed May 16, 2012
1 parent 12cd3b1 commit 163f846
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Showing 9 changed files with 726 additions and 0 deletions.
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions CheckForWizards.rvb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
' CheckForWizards.rvb -- October 2008
' If this code works, it was written by Dale Fugier.
' If not, I don't know who wrote it.
' Works with Rhino 4.0.

Option Explicit

' Obviously too much free time...
Sub CheckForWizards

Dim strObject, strView, arrBox, arrPoint
Dim arrCorners, arrOrigin
Dim strAgentName, strAgentPath
Dim objAgent, objCharacter

strObject = Rhino.GetObject("Select object to check", 0, True, True)
If IsNull(strObject) Then Exit Sub

strView = Rhino.CurrentView
arrBox = Rhino.BoundingBox(strObject)
arrPoint = Rhino.XFormWorldToScreen(arrBox(2), strView, True)
arrCorners = Rhino.ViewNearCorners
arrOrigin = Rhino.XFormWorldToScreen(arrCorners(3), strView, True)

strAgentName = "Merlin"
strAgentPath = "c:\windows\msagent\chars\" & strAgentName & ".acs"
Set objAgent = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")
If Not IsObject(objAgent) Then Exit Sub

objAgent.Connected = True
objAgent.Characters.Load strAgentName, strAgentPath
Set objCharacter = objAgent.Characters.Character(strAgentName)

objCharacter.MoveTo arrOrigin(0),arrOrigin(1)
objCharacter.Play "GetAttention"
objCharacter.Play "Announce"
objCharacter.Speak "Hello, I am the fabulous Rhino geometry checking wizard."
objCharacter.Play "LookDown"
objCharacter.Speak "I am here to see if your geometry is of questionable quality..."
objCharacter.Play "Explain"
objCharacter.Speak " speaking, of course."
objCharacter.MoveTo arrPoint(0),arrPoint(1)
objCharacter.Play "Uncertain"
objCharacter.Play "LookRight"
objCharacter.Play "Confused"
objCharacter.Think "Hmm....very interesting...not sure I have seen one of these before."
objCharacter.Play "Explain"
objCharacter.Speak "It looks like Euclidean geometry consisting of points in a plane which are at a constant distance from a fixed point."
objCharacter.Play "Alert"
objCharacter.Speak "Hey, I don't have a Ph.D in computational geometry, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night."
objCharacter.Play "Pleased"
objCharacter.Play "GestureRight"
objCharacter.Speak "Let me check this geometry for you."
objCharacter.Play "Read"
objCharacter.Play "ReadContinued"
objCharacter.Speak "...hmm..."
objCharacter.Play "ReadReturn"
objCharacter.Play "Process"
objCharacter.Play "Think"
objCharacter.Speak "...I see..."
objCharacter.Play "Search"
objCharacter.Speak "Well, what do you know."
objCharacter.Play "Sad"
objCharacter.Speak "Your geometry sucks!"
objCharacter.Play "Decline"
objCharacter.Speak "I cannot take responsiblity for this, of course."
objCharacter.Play "Suggest"
objCharacter.Speak "You might try reinstalling all of your software and try it again."
objCharacter.Play "RestPose"
objCharacter.Play "Surprised"
objCharacter.Speak "Sorry, I have to go. I see more geometry that sucks."
objCharacter.MoveTo arrOrigin(0),arrOrigin(1)
objCharacter.Play "Wave"
objCharacter.Play "DoMagic1"
objCharacter.Play "DoMagic2"

Do While objCharacter.Visible = True
Rhino.Sleep 100

End Sub
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions Dodecahedron.rvb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
' Dodecahedron.rvb -- March 2012
' If this code works, it was written by Dale Fugier.
' If not, I don't know who wrote it.
' Works with Rhino 4.0.

Option Explicit

' Create a regular Dodecahedron composed of 12 regular pentagons.
Sub Dodecahedron()

' Declare local variables
Dim center, phi, a, b
Dim v(19), p(11), s(11)

' Prompt for center point
center = Rhino.GetPoint("Center of dodecahedron")
If IsNull(center) Then Exit Sub

' This will make the script run faster
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)

' A few calculations...
phi = (1.0 + Sqr(5.0)) * 0.5
a = 1 / phi
b = 1 / (phi * phi)

' Define the dodecahedron's 20 vertices
v(0) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( 0, 1, b))
v(1) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( 0, 1, -b))
v(2) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( 0, -1, b))
v(3) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( 0, -1, -b))
v(4) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( 1, b, 0))
v(5) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array(-1, b, 0))
v(6) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( 1, -b, 0))
v(7) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array(-1, -b, 0))
v(8) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( a, a, a))
v(9) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array(-a, a, a))
v(10) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( a, a, -a))
v(11) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array(-a, a, -a))
v(12) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( a, -a, a))
v(13) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array(-a, -a, a))
v(14) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( a, -a, -a))
v(15) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array(-a, -a, -a))
v(16) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( b, 0, 1))
v(17) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array(-b, 0, 1))
v(18) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array( b, 0, -1))
v(19) = Rhino.PointAdd(center, Array(-b, 0, -1))

' Create the dodecahedron's 12 faces
p(0) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v(16), v(17), v( 9), v( 0), v( 8), v(16)))
p(1) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v(17), v(16), v(12), v( 2), v(13), v(17)))
p(2) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v(18), v(19), v(15), v( 3), v(14), v(18)))
p(3) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v(19), v(18), v(10), v( 1), v(11), v(19)))
p(4) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v( 1), v( 0), v( 8), v( 4), v(10), v( 1)))
p(5) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v( 0), v( 1), v(11), v( 5), v( 9), v( 0)))
p(6) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v( 3), v( 2), v(13), v( 7), v(15), v( 3)))
p(7) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v( 2), v( 3), v(14), v( 6), v(12), v( 2)))
p(8) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v( 4), v( 6), v(12), v(16), v( 8), v( 4)))
p(9) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v( 6), v( 4), v(10), v(18), v(14), v( 6)))
p(10) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v( 5), v( 7), v(15), v(19), v(11), v( 5)))
p(11) = Rhino.AddPolyline(Array(v( 7), v( 5), v( 9), v(17), v(13), v( 7)))

s(0) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(0)))(0)
s(1) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(1)))(0)
s(2) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(2)))(0)
s(3) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(3)))(0)
s(4) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(4)))(0)
s(5) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(5)))(0)
s(6) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(6)))(0)
s(7) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(7)))(0)
s(8) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(8)))(0)
s(9) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(9)))(0)
s(10) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(10)))(0)
s(11) = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf(Array(p(11)))(0)

' Join all of the faces
Call Rhino.SelectObjects(s)
Call Rhino.Command("_Join", False)
Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(p)

' Don't forget to do this
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)

End Sub
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions Easter.rvb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
' Easter.rvb -- October 2010
' If this code works, it was written by Dale Fugier.
' If not, I don't know who wrote it.
' Works with Rhino 4.0.

Option Explicit

' Hey, when is the Easter holiday?
Sub Easter
Dim c, n, k, i, j, l, m, d, y, months
months = Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")
y = Year(Now)
c = y\100
n = y-19 * (y\19 )
k = (c-17)\25
i = c - c\4 - (c-k)\3 + 19 * n + 15
i = i - 30 * (i\30)
i = i - (i\28 ) * (1 - (i\28) * (29\(i+1)) * ((21-n)\11))
j = y + y\4 + i + 2 - c + c\4
j = j - 7 * (j\7 )
l = i - j
m = 3 + (l + 40)\44
d = l + 28 - 31 * (m\4)
Call MsgBox(months(m-1) & " " & CStr(d) & ", " & CStr(y), vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Easter")
End Sub

72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions ExportBlockCount.rvb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
' ExportBlockCount.rvb -- June 2010
' If this code works, it was written by Dale Fugier.
' If not, I don't know who wrote it.
' Works with Rhino 4.0.

Option Explicit

' Exports a count of blocks to Excel
Sub ExportBlockCount()

Dim arrBlocks, strBlock, strName
Dim objCounts, objKey
Dim objExcel, objBook, objSheet, nCell

' Get all of the block instances in the document
arrBlocks = Rhino.ObjectsByType(4096)
If IsNull(arrBlocks) Then
Call Rhino.Print("No blocks to export.")
Exit Sub
End If

' Create a dictionary object for counting blocks
Set objCounts = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

' Count the blocks
For Each strBlock In arrBlocks
strName = Rhino.BlockInstanceName(strBlock)
If objCounts.Exists(strName) Then
objCounts(strName) = objCounts(strName) + 1
Call objCounts.Add(strName, 1)
End If

' Create a Excel object
On Error Resume Next
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
If Err = 0 Then

objExcel.Visible = True

' Initialize Excel
Set objBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set objSheet = objBook.Worksheets(1)

' Place titles on sheet
nCell = 1
objExcel.Cells(nCell, 1).Value = "Block Name"
objExcel.Cells(nCell, 2).Value = "Count"
objExcel.Cells(nCell, 3).Value = "Description"
nCell = nCell + 1

' Write the blocks and counts to the sheet
For Each objKey In objCounts
objExcel.Cells(nCell, 1).Value = CStr(objKey)
objExcel.Cells(nCell, 2).Value = CStr(objCounts(objKey))
objExcel.Cells(nCell, 3).Value = Rhino.BlockDescription(objKey)
nCell = nCell + 1
End If

' Print to command line too
Call Rhino.Print("Block counts:")
For Each objKey In objCounts
Call Rhino.Print(" " & CStr(objKey) & " = " & CStr(objCounts(objKey)))

End Sub

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