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Graph Manager

The Graph Manager is a tool to represent web sitemaps as a graph.

It can easily be used to test frontiers. We can "fake" crawler request/responses by querying pages to the graph manager, and also know the links extracted for each one without using a crawler at all. You can make your own fake tests or use the :doc:`Frontier Tester tool <frontier-tester>`.

You can use it by defining your own sites for testing or use the :doc:`Scrapy Recorder <scrapy-recorder>` to record crawlings that can be reproduced later.

Defining a Site Graph

Pages from a web site and its links can be easily defined as a directed graph, where each node represents a page and the edges the links between them.

Let's use a really simple site representation with a starting page A that have links inside to tree pages B, C, D. We can represent the site with this graph:


We use a list to represent the different site pages and one tuple to define the page and its links, for the previous example:

site = [
    ('A', ['B', 'C', 'D']),

Note that we don't need to define pages without links, but we can also use it as a valid representation:

site = [
    ('A', ['B', 'C', 'D']),
    ('B', []),
    ('C', []),
    ('D', []),

A more complex site:


Can be represented as:

site = [
    ('A', ['B', 'C', 'D']),
    ('D', ['A', 'D', 'E', 'F']),

Note that D is linking to itself and to his parent A.

In the same way, a page can have several parents:


site = [
    ('A', ['B', 'C', 'D']),
    ('B', ['C']),
    ('D', ['C']),

In order to simplify examples we're not using urls for page representation, but of course urls are the intended use for site graphs:


site = [
    ('', ['', '']),

Using the Graph Manager

Once we have defined our site represented as a graph, we can start using it with the Graph Manager.

We must first create our graph manager:

>>> from frontera.utils import graphs
>>> g = graphs.Manager()

And add the site using the add_site method:

>>> site = [('A', ['B', 'C', 'D'])]
>>> g.add_site(site)

The manager is now initialized and ready to be used.

We can get all the pages in the graph:

>>> g.pages
[<1:A*>, <2:B>, <3:C>, <4:D>]

Asterisk represents that the page is a seed, if we want to get just the seeds of the site graph:

>>> g.seeds

We can get individual pages using get_page, if a page does not exists None is returned

>>> g.get_page('A')
>>> g.get_page('F')

CrawlPage objects

Pages are represented as a :class:`CrawlPage` object:

A :class:`CrawlPage` object represents an Graph Manager page, which is usually generated in the Graph Manager.

.. attribute:: id

        Autonumeric page id.

.. attribute:: url

         The url of the page.

.. attribute:: status

        Represents the HTTP code status of the page.

.. attribute:: is_seed

        Boolean value indicating if the page is seed or not.

.. attribute:: links

        List of pages the current page links to.

.. attribute:: referers

        List of pages that link to the current page.

In our example:

>>> p = g.get_page('A')

>>> p.url

>>> p.status  # defaults to 200

>>> p.is_seed

>>> p.links
[<2:B>, <3:C>, <4:D>]

>>> p.referers  # No referers for A

>>> g.get_page('B').referers  # referers for B

Adding pages and Links

Site graphs can be also defined adding pages and links individually, the same graph from our example can be defined this way:

>>> g = graphs.Manager()
>>> a = g.add_page(url='A', is_seed=True)
>>> b = g.add_link(page=a, url='B')
>>> c = g.add_link(page=a, url='C')
>>> d = g.add_link(page=a, url='D')

add_page and add_link can be combined with add_site and used anytime:

>>> site = [('A', ['B', 'C', 'D'])]
>>> g = graphs.Manager()
>>> g.add_site(site)
>>> d = g.get_page('D')
>>> g.add_link(d, 'E')

Adding multiple sites

Multiple sites can be added to the manager:

>>> site1 = [('A1', ['B1', 'C1', 'D1'])]
>>> site2 = [('A2', ['B2', 'C2', 'D2'])]

>>> g = graphs.Manager()
>>> g.add_site(site1)
>>> g.add_site(site2)

>>> g.pages
[<1:A1*>, <2:B1>, <3:C1>, <4:D1>, <5:A2*>, <6:B2>, <7:C2>, <8:D2>]

>>> g.seeds
[<1:A1*>, <5:A2*>]

Or as a list of sites with add_site_list method:

>>> site_list = [
    [('A1', ['B1', 'C1', 'D1'])],
    [('A2', ['B2', 'C2', 'D2'])],
>>> g = graphs.Manager()
>>> g.add_site_list(site_list)

Graphs Database

Graph Manager uses SQLAlchemy to store and represent graphs.

By default it uses an in-memory SQLite database as a storage engine, but any databases supported by SQLAlchemy can be used.

An example using SQLite:

>>> g = graphs.Manager(engine='sqlite:///graph.db')

Changes are committed with every new add by default, graphs can be loaded later:

>>> graph = graphs.Manager(engine='sqlite:///graph.db')
>>> graph.add_site(('A', []))

>>> another_graph = graphs.Manager(engine='sqlite:///graph.db')
>>> another_graph.pages

A database content reset can be done using clear_content parameter:

>>> g = graphs.Manager(engine='sqlite:///graph.db', clear_content=True)

Using graphs with status codes

In order to recreate/simulate crawling using graphs, HTTP response codes can be defined for each page.

Example for a 404 error:

>>> g = graphs.Manager()
>>> g.add_page(url='A', status=404)

Status codes can be defined for sites in the following way using a list of tuples:

>>> site_with_status_codes = [
    ((200, "A"), ["B", "C"]),
    ((404, "B"), ["D", "E"]),
    ((500, "C"), ["F", "G"]),
>>> g = graphs.Manager()
>>> g.add_site(site_with_status_codes)

Default status code value is 200 for new pages.

A simple crawl faking example

Frontier tests can better be done using the :doc:`Frontier Tester tool <frontier-tester>`, but here's an example of how fake a crawl with a frontier:

from frontera import FrontierManager, Request, Response
from frontera.utils import graphs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Load graph from existing database
    graph = graphs.Manager('sqlite:///graph.db')

    # Create frontier from default settings
    frontier = FrontierManager.from_settings()

    # Create and add seeds
    seeds = [Request(seed.url) for seed in graph.seeds]

    # Get next requests
    next_requets = frontier.get_next_requests()

    # Crawl pages
    while (next_requests):
        for request in next_requests:

            # Fake page crawling
            crawled_page = graph.get_page(request.url)

            # Create response
            response = Response(url=crawled_page.url, status_code=crawled_page.status)

            # Update Page
            page = frontier.page_crawled(response=response
                                         links=[link.url for link in crawled_page.links])
            # Get next requests
            next_requets = frontier.get_next_requests()

Rendering graphs

Graphs can be rendered to png files:

>>> g.render(filename='graph.png', label='A simple Graph')

Rendering graphs uses pydot, a Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language.

How to use it

Graph Manager can be used to test frontiers in conjunction with :doc:`Frontier Tester <frontier-tester>` and also with :doc:`Scrapy Recordings <scrapy-recorder>`.