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API: Authentication

Simon Bartlett edited this page Feb 5, 2015 · 1 revision

API requests must be authenticated using Basic Authentication or with a Bearer token. In both cases an API token is required.

Users can generate or revoke an API token using the user interface:

Generate an API Token

In the top-left dropdown menu:

  • Select "Auth tokens"
  • Click "Generate token"
  • Choose "Yes". This will overwrite any previously generated token.
  • The new token will appear. Copy it somewhere safe: IT WILL NOT BE DISPLAYED AGAIN.

Revoke an API Token

In the top-left dropdown menu:

  • Select "Auth tokens"
  • Click "Revoke token"
  • Choose "Yes". This will delete any previously generated token.

Basic Authentication

Use the API token as the username when authenticating. The password can be set to anything, but it must not be blank (simply because most clients require it).

Bearer Token Authentication

Use the API token as the Bearer token.