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SOS or Sea of Stuff - This is a prototype of a distributed autonomic personal data storage system


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SOS - Sea of Stuff

This is a prototype of a distributed autonomic personal data storage system built using the SOS model and architecture.

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| Warning/Notes:                                         |
|   This is a prototype version of the SOS.              |
|   Use this software at your own discretion!            |
|   There are still bugs and missing features.           |
|   Visit for more info |

Repo Organisation

|-- sos
    |-- docs                // Webpage for this project
    |-- documentation       // Documentation about this SOS prototype
    |-- sos-core            // The core of the SOS
    |-- sos-rest            // REST interface for the SOS
    |-- sos-rest-jetty      // Jetty server
    |-- sos-filesystem      // File system used for the WebDAV server
    |-- web-ui              // Web UI for the SOS
    |-- sos-app             // Basic application to run a SOS node (with webui and WebDAV)
    |-- sos-web-archive     // Example of an application using the SOS
    |-- git-to-sos          // Utility that converts a git repository into SOS content
    |-- sos-experiments     // Code with configurations files for the experiments
    |-- experiments         // Scripts to analyse experiments results
                            // + datasets and contexts used for the experiments
                            // + Results are written here, under the output (local) or remote (distributed exp) folders
    |-- sos-instrument      // Instrumentation code. Useful to get results for the experiments.
    |-- scripts             // A bunch of useful scripts
    |--           // This README file


The sos-core module contains the code to manage a SOS node and with it:

  • create and manage manifests
  • manage metadata and contexts
  • manage the SOS services (agent, storage, nodeDiscoveryService, dataDiscoveryService, metadataService, etc...)

SOS Modules

In this section we provide a brief insight to some of the modules of the SOS project.


The sos-rest project defines the REST API. This is server-agnostic. We provide a server implementation on top of the jersey REST API (see the sos-rest-jetty module).


The sos-filesystem is a very basic example of how the SOS model can be mapped to a real world application.

The mapping used is the following:

  • file :: version manifest -> atom manifest -> atom data
  • directory :: version manifest -> compound manifest

The sos-filesystem is used in the sos-app. Here, the filesystem is passed to a WebDAV server ( and the WebUI project. The WebDAV server exposes the sos-fs to the OS as well as to any other application that wishes to interact with the SOS.



This is a WebDAV server running on top of the SOS. The content provided by the WebDAV uses the structure defined by the sos-filesystem.

Web archive

This is a very very simple web crawler that added web content to the SOS. Plus this application includes a tiny server that mocks "the internet" and provides what is crawled through the browser.


The web-ui exposes the sos-filesystem, similarly to the WebDAV server. However, here we are not constrained by the WebDAV protocol, thus we are able to demonstrate additional features of the SOS.



DNS over SOS


How to run

  • mvn package
  • mvn license:format


This work is developed by Simone Ivan Conte (@sic2) as part of his PhD thesis.

Simone is supervised by Prof. Alan Dearle and Dr. Graham Kirby from the University of St Andrews.