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Candy Weaver © 2022 by Sean Gugler is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International)

This game was created for the Apple II Software Enthusiasts "strange jobs/tasks" challenge. Entries must be primarily in Applesoft (data files and small ASM routines allowed) and submitted by 2022-10-31.

Play Now!

You can play online in two ways:

  1. Download CandyWeaver.dsk and click the "open folder" icon at (tip: F2 toggles full-screen)

  2. Visit CandyWeaver.txt and copy the entire page into your clipbard, then paste into CyanIIde, click "Update", and click "Run"

You can also download either of those files to use with your favorite local emulator, or real Apple II machine.

Behind The Scenes

Time spent:

  • 40 hours development spread over 3 months
  • 6 hours QA and playtesting

Tools used:

References consulted:

Yes, I wrote my own simplistic text pre-processor for BASIC. I wanted to use labels instead of line numbers, unpublished code comments, and conditionally-excluded blocks. 20 minutes of Python saved me hours vs trying to develop exclusively in proper Applesoft syntax.

I also put a crude dependency-graph generator into the pre-processor to help me study my program's flow and target certain sections for performance tweaks. You can view the results with any Graphviz implementation, such as