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added source for haskell sample scheduler
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mattfenwick committed Sep 27, 2011
1 parent e0a5f2f commit 9373dd7
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Showing 17 changed files with 862 additions and 0 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions haskell/sampleScheduler/README
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read real Haskell source code to determine conventions for:
type annotations
design/library design
??other patterns or idioms??

error handling/bad state handling

specifications (of functions)

testing TESTING !!TESTING!!!
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions haskell/sampleScheduler/changeMe.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

getting set up:

download and install the Haskell Platform

if it installed correctly, you should be able to type 'ghci' from a command terminal

this starts a haskell interpreter

if you started it in the same directory as a source file,
you can do ':load <filename>' to bring it into the interpreter
then you can play with the functions it defines
but everything has to compile -- if there are compile errors, it won't work
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions haskell/sampleScheduler/dependencies.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@



Text.JSON (cabal install JSON) (how does Text.JSON map to JSON?)
Binary file added haskell/sampleScheduler/model.mwb
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added haskell/sampleScheduler/model.pdf
Binary file not shown.
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions haskell/sampleScheduler/src/ExampleSelectors.hs
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module ExampleSelectors (
) where

import Model
import Grouper
import Selector
import qualified Random as R

-- randomly select n points
-- are the Int's in the type signature bad? current answer: leave them for now, refactor to Integral/Integer if necessary later
randomPoints :: Int -> Int -> Schedule -> Schedule
randomPoints n s = genericSelect combTransSepQuad (\_ -> ()) (\_ -> selectNRandomly n s)

-- select n points, using a weighting function
-- what if the schedule has fewer than n points?
-- the weighting function returns an Integer; would a floating-point number be better?
bestByGridPoint :: Int -> (GridPoint -> Integer) -> Schedule -> Schedule
bestByGridPoint n f = genericSelect combTransSepQuad f (selectNBest n)

-- should I have to specify 'Int'? No!!!!
probByGridPoint :: (Fractional t, R.Random t, Ord t) => Int -> Int -> (GridPoint -> t) -> Schedule -> Schedule
probByGridPoint n s f = genericSelect combTransSepQuad f (selectNProb n s)

bestByGridPointAllQuadUnits :: Int -> (GridPoint -> Integer) -> Schedule -> Schedule
bestByGridPointAllQuadUnits n f = genericSelect combTransCombQuad f (selectNBest n)

randomPointsAllQuadUnits :: Int -> Int -> Schedule -> Schedule
randomPointsAllQuadUnits n s = genericSelect combTransCombQuad (\_ -> ()) (\_ -> selectNRandomly n s)

nothingBiggerThan :: Integer -> Schedule -> Schedule
nothingBiggerThan n = genericSelect combTransCombQuad (all (<= n)) filter

distanceGreaterThan :: (Floating a, Ord a) => a -> Schedule -> Schedule
distanceGreaterThan d = genericSelect combTransCombQuad (\gp -> d < sqrt (sum $ map ((** 2) . fromInteger) gp)) filter
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions haskell/sampleScheduler/src/Formatter.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Formatter (
) where

import Model
import Grouper
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Text.RJson as R
import qualified GHC.Exts as E
--import qualified Data.Ord as O

-- ignore the number of transients; one coordinates/quadunit per line
-- 0-indexed
varian :: Schedule -> String
varian sched = concat $ L.intersperse "\n" formattedPts
formattedPts = map (sprint . decrementCoordinates) $ removeDuplicates $ getPoints sched
decrementCoordinates pt = makePoint (map (flip (-) 1) $ gridPoint pt) $ quadUnit pt

-- ignore quadrature, transients; print out unique coordinates; one number per line
-- 1-indexed
bruker :: Schedule -> String
bruker sched = concat $ L.intersperse "\n" $ map show coordinates
coordinates = concat $ removeDuplicates gridPoints -- put all integers in a single list (each integer corresponds to a line)
gridPoints = map gridPoint $ getPoints sched -- unwrap grid points from Schedule, Map, tuple, Point contexts

removeDuplicates :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
removeDuplicates = S.toList . S.fromList

-- ignore transients; all quadunits of a coordinates in one line
-- 1-indexed
toolkit :: Schedule -> String
toolkit sched = concat $ L.intersperse "\n" $ map lineForm ptlines
lineForm (gp, qus) = concat $ L.intersperse " " (sprint gp : (map sprint qus)) -- put a space between each coordinate, QuadUnit, all together on one line
ptlines = map (fmap (map fst)) pointTransients -- get rid of the transients, keeping just the GridPoint and the QuadratureUnits
pointTransients = (getGrouper combTransCombQuad) $ getPoints sched -- group the points into [(GridPoint, [(QuadratureUnit, Transients)])]

-- one coordinates/quadunit per line
-- 1-indexed
custom :: Schedule -> String
custom = sprint

-- one transient per line; like varian format except that points may be repeated (to indicate multiple transients)
-- 1-indexed
separateTransients :: Schedule -> String
separateTransients sched = concat $ L.intersperse "\n" tLines -- transLine
tLines = do
pt <- L.sort $ getPoints sched -- unwrap points from Schedule, Map context
return $ formatPoint pt
formatPoint pt = concat $ L.intersperse " " [sprint $ gridPoint pt, sprint $ quadUnit pt] -- put a space between each coordinate, quadunit

-- 1-indexed
json :: Schedule -> String
json = show . toJson


toJson :: Schedule -> R.JsonData
toJson sched = R.JDObject $ M.fromList [("points", pointsToJson $ getPoints sched)]
pointsToJson = R.JDArray . map ptToJson

ptToJson :: Point -> R.JsonData
ptToJson pt = R.JDObject $ M.fromList [("gridPoint", gridPointToJson $ gridPoint pt),
("quadratureUnit", quadUnitToJson $ quadUnit pt)]
gridPointToJson = R.JDArray . map (R.JDNumber . fromInteger)
quadUnitToJson = R.JDArray . map (R.JDString . show)


class SchedulePrint a where
sprint :: a -> String

instance SchedulePrint Quadrature where
sprint = show

instance SchedulePrint GridPoint where
sprint = concat . L.intersperse " " . fmap show

instance SchedulePrint QuadUnit where
sprint = concat . fmap sprint

instance SchedulePrint Point where
sprint pt = concat [sprint $ gridPoint pt, " ", sprint $ quadUnit pt]

instance SchedulePrint Schedule where
sprint sched = foldr comb "" groupedPts
groupedPts = (getGrouper combTransSepQuad) $ getPoints sched
comb (pt, t) base = concat [sprint pt, " ", show t, "\n", base]

79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions haskell/sampleScheduler/src/GridPoints.hs
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module GridPoints (
) where

import Model
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import qualified Data.Set as S

-- randomGrid2d :: (Integer, Integer) -> (Integer, Integer) -> Integer -> [GridPoint]
-- randomGrid2d (xl, xh) (yl, yh) totalpoints = random number generator ...

uniformGrid :: (Enum t) => [(t, t)] -> [[t]]
uniformGrid bounds = sequence ranges
ranges = map (\(l, h) -> [l .. h]) bounds

allLowerBounds :: (Integral t) => [(t, t)] -> [[t]]
allLowerBounds bounds = filter onLowerEdge gridpoints
gridpoints = uniformGrid bounds
onLowerEdge pt = any (\((l, _), c) -> l == c) (zip bounds pt) -- can this be refactored (to use zipWith or as a ZipList?)
-- or maybe use the 'Any' monoid (LYAH Ch 11)

firstPoint :: (Integral t) => [(t, t)] -> [[t]]
firstPoint bounds = [map fst bounds]

lastPoint :: (Integral t) => [(t, t)] -> [[t]]
lastPoint bounds = [map snd bounds]

-- Int in type signature
-- if there are more than n dimensions in the bounds (n is currently 10 -- the number of primes) -- bad things will happen
-- does it hit no more than the maximum, no less than the minimum? it looks like it, but there should be unit tests
-- if you tell it to take lots of points, and there aren't that many available .... infinite loop (say, 500 from [(1,5)])
halton :: (Integral t) => [(t, t)] -> Int -> [[t]]
halton bounds num = S.toList $ foldWhile (\s -> S.size s < num) S.insert S.empty scaledPoints
scaledPoints = map scalePoint points -- scale the numbers so they fall between the bounds (inclusive!)
scalePoint cs = A.getZipList $ (\sf l c -> (floor $ c * sf) + l) A.<$> A.ZipList scalingFactors A.<*> (A.ZipList $ map fst bounds) A.<*> A.ZipList cs
scalingFactors = map (\(l, h) -> fromIntegral (h - l + 1)) bounds -- is the (+1) correct? it seems that 'floor' always knocks it down a notch, so ... yes?
haltonNums = map (\p -> map (haltonNumber p) [0..]) $ take (length bounds) primes -- associate a prime with each dimension; generate halton numbers as infinite lists
points = L.transpose haltonNums -- combine the numbers from the dimension lists to form points
primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]

haltonNumber :: Integer -> Integer -> Double
haltonNumber b i = go 0 (1 / db) i -- b is usually a prime; i is the index into the series
go :: Double -> Double -> Integer -> Double
go r _ 0 = r -- can it be less than 0?
go r f i = go newr (f / db) newi
newr = r + f * (fromInteger $ mod i b)
newi = floor $ fromInteger i / db
db = fromInteger b

foldWhile :: (b -> Bool) -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldWhile pred comb base things = go base things
go b [] = b
go b (t:ts)
| pred b = go (comb t b) ts
| otherwise = b

--concentricShell :: (Integral t, Floating t1) => [(t,t)] -> t1 -> t1 -> [[t]]
concentricShell bounds spacing maxdev = filter close $ uniformGrid bounds
close point = mydist point <= maxdev -- if the point is close to one of the shells (maxdev is a distance)
mydist pt = abs (ratio - (fromInteger $ round ratio)) * spacing -- measuring closeness: difference between 1) distance from the origin divided by spacing and 2) the nearest integer, multiplied by spacing
ratio = distance / spacing
distance = sqrt $ sum $ map ((**2) . fromIntegral) pt

59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions haskell/sampleScheduler/src/Grouper.hs
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module Grouper (
) where

import Model
import GHC.Exts (groupWith)
import Data.List (genericLength, genericReplicate)

data Grouper a = Grouper { getGrouper :: ([Point] -> [a]),
getGridPoint :: a -> GridPoint,
getUngrouper :: ([a] -> [Point]) }

sepTransSepQuad :: Grouper Point
sepTransSepQuad = Grouper g ggp ug
g = id
ggp = gridPoint
ug = id

combTransCombQuad :: Grouper (GridPoint, [(QuadUnit, Integer)])
combTransCombQuad = Grouper g ggp ug
g pts = map morpher $ groupWith (gridPoint . fst) ptsByPoint
morpher mpts@((pt,t):ps) = (gridPoint pt, map (\(pt1, t1) -> (quadUnit pt1, t1)) mpts) -- can this be cleaned up?
ptsByPoint = map (\x -> (head x, genericLength x)) $ groupWith id pts
ggp = fst
ug gpts = do
(gp, qu_ts) <- gpts
(qu, t) <- qu_ts
[1 .. t]
return $ makePoint gp qu

combTransSepQuad :: Grouper (Point, Integer)
combTransSepQuad = Grouper g ggp ug
g = map (\pts -> (head pts, genericLength pts)) . groupWith id
ggp = gridPoint . fst
ug = concatMap (\(pt, t) -> genericReplicate t pt)

-- I think this doesn't make any sense
--sepTransCombQuad :: Grouper (GridPoint, [QuadUnit])
--sepTransCombQuad = Grouper g gp ug
-- where
-- g pts = map morpher $ L.groupBy (F.on (==) (gridPoint . fst)) $ L.sortBy (O.comparing (gridPoint . fst)) pts
-- morpher mpts = (gridPoint $ fst $ head mpts, map (\(pt, t) -> L.genericReplicate t $ quadUnit pt) mpts)
-- gp = fst
-- ug gpts = do
-- (gp, qus) <- gpts
-- qu <- qus
-- return (Point gp qu, 1) -- is this being unnecessarily inefficient

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