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Releases: seanox/xml-micro-exchange-js

Version 1.4.1 20220717

17 Jul 10:46
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BF: Statistic: Correction of the calculation of inbound / outbound
BF: Build: Optimization / correction of the release info process
CR: Build: Updated dependencies
CR: Build: Enhancement of Ant task clean for cleaning temporary test data
CR: Build: Renamed Ant libxml to install
CR: Build: Change from .credentials to environment variables
CR: Statistic: Changed execution time in seconds (was previously in minutes)
NT: Releases only as attachments on the GitHub release page
    Otherwise the download during cloning will be too large.
NT: Harmonization of version numbers for the different implementations
    Major and minor describe the API, patch refers to the implementation.
    The version of OpenAPI therefore only uses major and minor, patch is always 0.

Version 1.4.0 20210925

25 Sep 07:45
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BF: Service: Correction of automatic restart when updating certificates
    Certificate update shortly after startup was not detected.
BF: Build: Update of the version in package.json
CR: ACME: Revision of the logic and configuration
    Configuration now uses its own section and the forced redirection has its own key.
    Multiple challenges are supported.
CR: Build: Updating dependencies

Version 1.3.0 20210525

26 May 05:48
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BF: Service: Uniform use of status 204 for 202 / 404
    Status 404 always refers storage and not entities/addressed targets in the storage.
BF: Service: Uniform use of status 204 for 404 in relation to targets in the storage (axes)
    Status 404 is now only used in relation to storage.
    Addressed targets (axes) use status 204 in combination with the response header Storage-Effects.
BF: Service: Optimization/harmonization of content types for XML
    Fragments (PUT/PATCH) uses application/xml
    XML output uses application/xml
    XSLT input (POST) uses application/xslt+xml
BF: Docker: Initial creation of all subdirectories
    ./conf, ./data, ./docs, ./temp
BF: Docker: Use of the subdirectory ./temp for the XSLT processor
    This is important if the container uses a read-only file system.
BF: Service: Correction of symbol %r for access log
    Uses "%m %U%Q %H" from now on.
BF: Service: Correction of symbol %q for access log
    URL without QueryString incorrectly used the path.
CR: Service: Restriction on reading/using the RequestBody
    The RequestBody is only read/used:
    - if PATCH/PUT/POST methods are used
    - if URL addresses the API
    - if a valid storage is present in the request header
    Otherwise the data is ignored.
CR: Service: ACME optional redirect of paths outside the ACME challenge
    Supports static and dynamic redirects.
    Dynamic means that beginning from the path of the requested URL is appended to the redirect.
CR: Service: Added optional redirect of paths outside the API path
CR: Service: Added web server functionality outside the API path
CR: Service: OPTIONS responds with 204 instead of 200
CR: Service: Optimization of tracing
CR: Service: Moving the temporary data from XLST process to ./temp
CR: Service: Added creation of ./temp directory at startup
CR: Service: Added symbol %Q for access log
    QueryString with ? at the beginning

Version 1.2.0 20210327

26 Mar 19:38
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BF: Service: Optimization of xsltproc error handling
    The log output was not correct and did not help in finding the error.
BF: Build: Correction of
    Bundle was incomplete and contains now:
    iconv, libtool, libxml2, libxslt, mingwrt, openssl, xmlsec1, zlib
CR: Service: Added an access statistic for StdOut
    For a better control. when the access log is off.
    Statistic is generated at the end of each hour (for the last hour) and at
    the end of the day (for the last day).
    2021-02-21 09:00:00 Statistic Requests 424, Inbound 0.73 MB, Outbound 0.17 MB, Execution 0.58 min, Errors 0
CR: Service: Added Request Data Limit (for all HTTP methods)
    If the request overruns the data limit, the request is responded with
    status 415 Payload Too Large. The limit is configurable in section
CR: Service: Added optional ACME challenge function
    e.g. for Cerbot and Let's Encrypt
    The challenge only works via port 80. If the service uses another one,
    this option additionally opens port 80 only exclusive for the challenge.
CR: Service: Added the support of the XSLT processor as a subdirectory of the application directory
        supports: ./libxml ./libxml2
    In these cases, no configuration is required from the XSLT processor.
CR: Service: Added support of system environment variable LIBXML_HOME, LIBXML2_HOME or XSLTPROC_HOME
    Can optionally be used as an alternative for the extension of the path variable.
    LIBXML_HOME/LIBXML2_HOME/XSLTPROC_HOME is the bin directory of libxml2/xsltproc.
CR: Service: Check of the availability of the XSLT process with the start of the service
    If the XSLT processor is not available, the service ends with an error output.
CR: Build: Added the creation of a package for Windows
    The package contains everything except Node.JS and installs XMEX as a service.

Version 1.1.0 20210215

14 Feb 07:38
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NT: Release is available