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🎵️🎶️ℹ️ Information on audio software, usage and production from @seanpm2001


Music and sound effects included with my software are free to use, but you can download and buy the audio from Bandcamp to support me (Bandcamp requires a minimum of $1USD to add it to your collection, but it is free to listen to without any other restrictions as far as I am aware)


A database containing my music and sound effect collection. Most data isn't available due to size and copyright restrictions.

ChargeFX is an accessory that plays custom sound effects upon the battery of a device reaching a certain level or levels.

Phoneticut is a voice actor replacement, where a user can make a certain amount of sounds, and have stitching and deepfakes do the rest. Never spend time voice acting again.

The AudiBass Manager (Audio DataBase Manager) is an open source tool used to create and manage your music and sound effect collections in a simple way.

  • 17+ repositories not listed

To save time and keep this document simple, over 17 repositories were not included.

File version: 1 (2023, Sunday, May 7th at 11:16 pm PST)