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00.0 - Top

01.0 - Index

02.0 - Description

03.0 - About

04.0 - Wiki

05.0 - Version history

06.0 - Software status

07.0 - Sponsor info

08.0 - Contributers

09.0 - Issues

09.1 - Current issues

09.2 - Past issues

09.3 - Past pull requests

09.4 - Active pull requests

10.0 - Resources

11.0 - Contributing

12.0 - End of life (Monday, January 18th 2021)

13.0 - About README

14.0 - README Version history

15.0 - Footer

15.5 - End of file


The module for my life story project that contains my Jewels gameplay images.


See above. This repository hosts all my daily Jewels session pictures. I currently play the Android version there is a version available for iOS called iJewels. As of November 8th 2020, it no longer exists.

These daily pictures are to be used for progress monitoring, but can also be used as stock images.

I started playing Jewels all the way back in the fall of 2009. It was my first Android game. I remember playing it during my vacation in Alaska.

I started playing the game again in September 2020 during my 2020 Cannon Beach Vacation. My current goal is to max out the score in zen mode. As of November 7th 2020, I am 45.22% to the goal, with a score of 4522420. I am hoping an extra digit doesn't get added once I reach a score of 9999990.

I continued to play for over half a month, finally retiring on January 18th 2021 (although the last session was on January 17th 2021) I had to quit, as it didn't seem applicable anymore, and my old device was getting too damaged to keep going.


Click/tap here to view this projects Wiki

If the project has been forked, the Wiki was likely removed. Luckily, I include an embedded version. You can view it here.

Sponsor info


You can sponsor this project if you like, but please specify what you want to donate to. See the funds you can donate to here

You can view other sponsor info here

Try it out! The sponsor button is right up next to the watch/unwatch button.

Version history

Version 1 (Milestone 5 Version 1.0A (M5V1.0A)) - 526 commits - Friday, January 1st 2021 at 7:39 pm

Version 2 (Milestone 5 Version 1.0B (M5V1.0B)) - 633 commits - Friday, January 1st 2021 at 8:13 pm

Version 3 (Milestone 5 Version 1.0.1A (M5V1.0.1A)) - 761 commits - Monday, January 18th 2021 at 6:42 pm

Version 4 (Milestone 5 Version 1.0.1B (M5V1.0.1B)) - 779 commits - Monday, January 18th 2021 at 6:48 pm

Support for this repository ended on Monday, January 18th 2021. Support may resume in the future. See EoL

Software status

All of my works are free some restrictions. DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) is not present in any of my works.


This sticker is supported by the Free Software Foundation. I never intend to include DRM in my works.

I am ussing the abbreviation "Digital Restrictions Management" instead of the more known "Digital Rights Management" as the common way of addressing it is false, there are no rights with DRM. The spelling "Digital Restrictions Management" is more accurate, and is supported by Richard M. Stallman (RMS) and the Free Software Foundation (FSF)

This section is used to raise awareness for the problems with DRM, and also to protest it. DRM is defective by design and is a major threat to all computer users and software freedom.

Image credit:


Currently, I am the only contributer. Contributing is not allowed, as this is a personal project.

    1. seanpm2001 - 833 commits (As of Wednesday, March 17th 2021 at 3:43 pm)
    1. No other contributers.


Current issues

If the repository has been forked, issues likely have been removed. Luckily I keep an archive of certain images here

Read the privacy policy on issue archival here


I archive my own issues. Your issue won't be archived unless you request it to be archived.

Past issues

None at the moment

If the repository has been forked, issues likely have been removed. Luckily I keep an archive of certain images here

Read the privacy policy on issue archival here


I archive my own issues. Your issue won't be archived unless you request it to be archived.

Past pull requests

None at the moment

If the repository has been forked, issues likely have been removed. Luckily I keep an archive of certain images here

Read the privacy policy on issue archival here


I archive my own issues. Your issue won't be archived unless you request it to be archived.

Active pull requests

None at the moment

If the repository has been forked, issues likely have been removed. Luckily I keep an archive of certain images here

Read the privacy policy on issue archival here


I archive my own issues. Your issue won't be archived unless you request it to be archived.


Here are some other resources for this project:

Project language file

Join the discussion on GitHub

iJewels, the Apple version of Jewels (no longer exists)

Download an APK of Jewels using APKPure

Download the APK of Jewels through my APK collection repository

No other resources at the moment.


Contributing is not allowed for this project, as it is a personal project.

Click/tap here to view the contributing rules for this project


This is a plain text copy of the discussion post for the end of life of support for this repository. You can view the original discussion here

Device retired (January 18th 2021)

I have now officially retired my old Samsung Galaxy S7 edge, and thus I have discontinued my Jewels session. The device is not operational enough to continue playing, as the power button required to take screenshots and power the device on is too difficult to press now, and no modern device supports the game. Unfortunately, I have now stopped playing. It is going to be a little difficult for me for a while, but I should get used to it. I still intend to play the game in an Android virtual machine in the future.

I may still make updates to this repository from time to time until then. Although, I am not returning to this game for a while.

March 17th 2021 update

I modernized the project a bit today, as I have been getting projects up to a new standard.


File type: Markdown (*.md)

File version: 6 (Wednesday, March 17th 2021 at 3:43 pm)

Line count: 0,404

README version history

Version 1 (Sunday, November 8th 2020 at 3:30 pm)


  • Started the file
  • Added the title section
  • Added the index
  • Added the about section
  • Added the Wiki section
  • Added the version history section
  • Added the issues section.
  • Added the past issues section
  • Added the past pull requests section
  • Added the active pull requests section
  • Added the contributors section
  • Added the contributing section
  • Added the about README section
  • Added the README version history section
  • No other changes in version 1

Version 2 (Sunday, November 8th 2020 at 3:43 pm)


  • Updated the about section
  • Added the resources section
  • Added release notes for v2
  • Added template entries for v3 and v4
  • Updated the file info section
  • Updated the index
  • Updated the contributers section
  • No other changes in version 2

Version 3 (Sunday, January 17th 2021 at 7:17 pm)


  • Updated the index
  • Updated the file info section
  • Optimized the contributing section
  • Added a software status section, with a DRM free sticker and message
  • Updated the contributers section
  • Added links and info for the first 2 releases
  • Updated the file version history section
  • No other changes in version 3

Version 4 (Sunday, January 17th 2021 at 7:21 pm)


  • Quick update: added a link to the GitHub discussions and the first issue
  • Updated the index
  • Updated the file info section
  • Updated the file version history section
  • No other changes in version 4

Version 5 (Monday, January 18th 2021 at 7:01 pm)


  • Possible final README update
  • Updated the index
  • Added the End of Life section
  • Updated the release history section
  • Updated the about section
  • Updated the footer
  • Updated the README file history section
  • No other changes in version 5

Version 6 (Wednesday, March 17th 2021 at 3:43 pm)


  • Updated the index
  • Updated the Wiki section
  • Added the sponsor info section
  • Bumped the software status section up to version 2
  • Updated the current issues section
  • Updated the end of life section
  • Updated the contributors section
  • Updated the about section
  • Updated the README file history section
  • No other changes in version 6

Version 7 (possibly coming soon)


  • Coming soon (possibly)
  • No other changes in version 7

You have reached the end of the README file

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