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Learning Stack

Java Core

  • String
  • ArrayList
  • LinkedList
  • HashMap
  • LinkedHashMap

Java NIO & Netty

  • NIO ByteBuffer
  • NIO Channel & CompletionHandler
  • NIO Selector
  • NIO CharsetDecoder & CharsetEncoder
  • Netty Start
  • Netty ByteBuf
  • Netty Channel & Unsafe
  • Netty Encode & Decode
  • Netty ChannelPipeline & ChannelHandler
  • Netty EventLoop & EventLoopGroup
  • Netty Future & Promise
  • Netty PoolArena & PoolChunk & PoolSubpage
  • Netty Concurrency

Java Concurrency

  • Thread & Runnable
  • Synchronized
  • Volatile
  • Instruction reordering & Happen Before
  • ThreadLocal
  • ReentrantLock
  • ReadWriteLock
  • ReentrantReadWriteLock
  • StampedLock
  • Double Check Lock
  • Condition
  • AQS
  • AtomicInteger
  • AtomicLong
  • CAS
  • CountDownLatch
  • CyclicBarrier
  • Semaphore
  • Exchanger
  • BlockingQueue
  • ConcurrentHashMap
  • Futures & Callables
  • Thread Pool & Executor


  • G1 vs. CMS
  • PhantomReference
  • SoftReference
  • WeakHashMap
  • The class file format
  • JMM & Run-Time Data Areas
  • The class loader

Design Pattern

  • Simple Factory
  • Singleton
  • Decorator
  • Filter Chain
  • Strategy
  • Bridge
  • Command
  • 享元


  • SQL process
  • Transaction
  • MVCC
  • Data Index
  • 读写分离
  • Data Sharding

Search Engine

  • Reverse Index
  • Lucene
  • Elasticsearch
  • Recommend System
  • NLP


  • 强一致性 ACID
  • CAP & BASE
  • 2PC & 3PC & TCC
  • 最终一直性模式
  • Paxos
  • Zab
  • Raft
  • Gossip
  • 一致性 Hash
  • Distributed Lock
  • Distributed ID
  • Distributed Data
  • Distributed Queue
  • Distributed Cache

Quality & Performance

  • 容量评估
  • 性能评估
  • 压力测试 方案 jmeter ab dd LoadRunner hprof
  • 全链路压测


  • 系统监控
  • 系统跟踪
  • 持续集成
  • 持续发布


  • Basic Sort
  • Array
  • Linked
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Hash
  • Binary Tree
  • Heap
  • Jump Table
  • Graph
  • Trie
  • 递归
  • Binary Search
  • 贪心算法
  • 分治算法
  • 回溯算法
  • 动态规划
  • String Match


  • HTTP
  • TCP/IP
  • CIDR
  • NAT


  • 词法分析
  • 语义分析
  • 语法分析
  • 中间代码
  • 汇编
  • 地址无关
  • 优化