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Overview and Features

sebastiano cocchi edited this page May 31, 2022 · 1 revision


Based on the YMFC project, DroneIno allows you to control a quadcopter with:

  • ESP32 D1 R32 board, like this;
  • gyroscope MPU6050;
  • radio controller and a receiver (e.g. FlySky);
  • 11.1V 3S >20C LiPo battery (2200mAh or 3800mAh);
  • four 30A ESCs;
  • four brushless DC motors (around 1000KV).

Optional addons:

  • ESP32-CAM;
  • BMP280 pressure sensor.

To build DroneIno I followed these videos explaining how to build the YMFC and I recommend you to do the same.


The main features are:

  1. Auto-leveling
  2. Altitude hold
  4. WiFi telemetry system
  5. SD flight data storage
  6. Auto-tune PID parameters


Compensate the drone oscillations, accordingly to the gyroscope readings.

Altitude hold

Altitude hold function uses barometric data from the barometer sensor, for example the BMP280. Look at the circuit scheme to connect the barometer and the SWC channel of the radio-controller to the board. When DroneIno is flying, switch to the middle the SWC lever to activate altitude hold.

Battery goes down when motors are in use, causing a little performances loss. DroneIno uses the batteryCurvePendency variable (defined in include\Globals.h) to correct this behavior. In the first attempts using altitude hold, you may notice that DroneIno loses, or undesirably gains, altitude. Tuning batteryCurvePendency you may find the expected altitude hold behavior.


NOT TO USE AT THE MOMENT Now on developing, DroneIno provides GPS for:

  • flight adjustements;
  • if you use ESP32-CAM telemetry, cool plots showing the flight route of DroneIno.

Telemetry and SD

See here.

Auto-tune PID

See here.

Selecting flight mode

To select between the three flight modes set the SWC switch of the transmitter to channel 5 and connect the receiver channel to the desired pin (mine is the GPIO 4, see the circuit scheme):

  • SWC up: flight mode selected is only auto-leveling;
  • SWC center: flight mode selected is altitude hold (and auto-leveling if enabled);
  • SWC down: flight mode selected is GPS (NOT TO USE AT THE MOMENT).
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