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CS 122: Computer Programming II

Pace University Seidenberg School of Computer Science & Information Systems

Spring 2024


  1. Course Description
  2. Required Materials
  3. Instructor
  4. Course Schedule
  5. Final Grade Breakdown
  6. Lecture Notes
  7. University Resources and Policies

Course Description

Tuesday and Thursday, 10:05 am - 12:05 pm at 15 Beekman Street 15BK 804

This is the advanced level Java programming class following the Python programming class CS121.

The course topics cover Java classes, data types, loop and conditional statements, Java packages, abstract classes, interfaces, inheritance, UML, polymorphism, exceptions, and recursion. Multi-threading and thread synchronization will be introduced too.

Students will get hands-on experience on coding and problem-solving through homework assignments, labs, and exams.

Required Materials

  • Java Software Development Kit (SDK)
  • Visual Studio Code, or any other Java programming environment you feel comfortable using.
  • Optional Reference: Java Software Solutions, 9th edition (or 8th or 7th), Lewis and Loftus, Pearson 9th ed. ISBN 978-0-134-46202-8.


Sebastián Romero Cruz (They / Them)

I like reading novels, listening and playing music, and watching slice-of-life anime. Nice to meet you.

E-Mail Office Hours calendly

Course Schedule

Although I don't anticipate any major changes to this, the following is subject to some minor adjustments throughout the semester:

Week Topic Assignment
Week 1 Syllabus Review, VSCode Setup, Command Line Lab 1
Week 2 Data and Expressions Labs 2 & 3 / Assignment 1
Week 3 Conditionals and Loops Labs 4 & 5
Week 4 Classes Labs 6 & 7 / Assignment 2
Week 5 Object-Oriented Design Labs 8 & 9
Week 6 Arrays Labs 10 & 11 / Assignment 3
Week 7 Review and Midterm 1 Lab 12 (Review)
Week 8 Inheritance Labs 13 & 14
Week 9 Polymorphism Labs 15 & 16
Week 10 Spring Break (No Classes)
Week 11 Exceptions Labs 17 & 18 / Assignment 4
Week 12 Recursion Labs 19 & 20
Week 13 Review and Midterm 2 Assignment 5
Week 14 Passover and Study Day (No Classes)
Week 15 Collections, Vectors, and Multi-Threading Labs 23 & 24
Week 16 Review and Final Exam

Final Grade Breakdown

Homework 20%
Labs 20%
Lowest Exam Score 15%
Median Exam Score 20%
Highest Exam Score 25%
  • Labs: Labs are short programs assigned on the second half of nearly every lecture. These may be done collaboratively with other students, though each of you must turn in your own work. Some labs will be done during class time and must be completed by the end of class and submitted on Classes for full credit. Note that, if you don't finish a lab during class time, you have until 11:59pm of that same day to submit it for full credit.
  • Homework: Assigned throughout the semester, homework assignments are to be completed independently, outside class time. Assignments will be distributed and submitted on Classes. Never submit your assignment by email or on paper; only homework submitted on Classes will be accepted. Your grade reflects to what extent your solution is correct, both functionally and stylistically.
    • There will be a total of 5 homework assignments this semester, each covering the past 2-3 weeks of material.
    • Note: Plagiarism or academic dishonesty will, at least, result in a zero for the assignment for the first offense, and failure of the course for subsequent offenses.
    • It is important that the work required by the course is yours. You should not use ChatGPT or other AI tools for any purpose other than idea generation.
  • Exams: Midterm exams will happen twice during the semester, plus the final exam. Note that your most successful exam carries more weight toward your final grade than the other exams. Do not miss a test unless a (documentable) emergency prevents your participation.

We will be following the same grading scale as last semester:

Letter Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F
Range 93-100 90-93 87-90 83-87 80-83 77-80 70-77 67-70 63-67 60-63 0-60

Lecture Notes

Introduction To Java

  1. Introduction
  2. Hello, JDK: The Terminal / Command Line and The Java Compiler
  3. Variables and Constants
  4. Arithmetic Operators and User Input
  5. Selections
  6. Loops
  7. Static Methods
  8. Return Types
  9. Arrays: Basics
  10. Arrays: Memory, 2D Arrays, and Binary Search
  11. Object-Oriented Design
  12. Midterm I Review

Object-Oriented Programming

  1. Inheritance
  2. Method Overriding and Abstract Classes
  3. Method Overloading and Interfaces
  4. Polymorphism: Inheritance
  5. Polymorphism: Interfaces
  6. Exceptions: try-except Blocks
  7. Exceptions: The Throwable Class
  8. Midterm II Review

Advanced Concepts

  1. Recursion
  2. Collections
  3. Final Exam Review

Academic Integrity Code

Students in this course are required to adhere to Pace University's Academic Integrity Code. The Academic Integrity Code supports honesty and ethical conduct in the educational process. It educates students about what constitutes academic misconduct, helps to deter cheating and plagiarism, and provides a procedure for handling cases of academic misconduct. Students are expected to be familiar with the Code, which can be found under "University Policies" in the Student Handbook.

University Resources and Policies

Procedure for Students Who Wish to Obtain Reasonable Accommodations for a Course

The University's commitment to equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities includes providing reasonable accommodations for the needs of students with disabilities. To request a reasonable accommodation for a qualified disability a student with a disability must self-identify and register with Student Accessibility Services for his or her campus. No one, including faculty, is authorized to evaluate the need for or grant a request for an accommodation except Student Accessibility Services. Moreover, no one, including faculty, is authorized to contact Student Accessibility Services on behalf of a student. For further information, please see the Resources for Students with Disabilities page.

Technological Resources

Appropriate Use Policy for Information Technology

Pace endorses the following statement on software and intellectual rights distributed by EDUCAUSE, the non-profit consortium of colleges and universities, committed to the use and management of information technology in higher education. The statement reads:

Respect for intellectual labor and creativity is vital to academic discourse and enterprise. This principle applies to work of all authors and publishers in all media. It encompasses respect for the right to acknowledgment, right to privacy and right to determine the form, manner and terms of publication and distribution.

Because electronic information is volatile and easily reproduced, respect for the work and personal expression of others is especially critical in computer environments. Violations of authorial integrity, including plagiarism, invasion of privacy, unauthorized access and trade secret and copyright violations, may be grounds for sanctions against members of the academic community.

Pace’s appropriate use policy applies to recordings of classroom instruction and digital artifacts created by faculty and students.

Sex-Based Misconduct Policy and Procedure

Pace University is committed to providing a safe environment for every member of its community and to ensuring that no student, faculty or staff member is excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of any University program or ac:vity on the basis of sex. Accordingly, the University prohibits the following forms of Sex-Based Misconduct: sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, da:ng violence, domes:c violence, sexual exploitation and stalking.

Instructors are a non-confidential resource and have an obligation to report any information about sexual assault with Ms. Lisa Miles, Executive Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator (163 Williams Street, Room 1017, 212-346-1310, The Title IX/Affirmative Action Office is responsible for investigating violations of the sexual misconduct policy. For more information about the Pace University sexual misconduct policy, see the Sex-Based Misconduct Policy and Procedure (PDF).

Members of the University community who believe that they have been subjected to Sex-Based Misconduct are encouraged to report such incidents to the University and, where applicable, to local law enforcement. Confidential resources include the University Counseling Centers, Offices of Sexual and Interpersonal Wellness and University Healthcare. Contact information for those offices may be found in the self-care section below.


Your academic success in this course and throughout your college career depends heavily on your personal health and well-being. Stress is a common part of the college experience, and it often can be compounded by unexpected life changes outside the classroom. The Pace Community strongly encourages you to take care of yourself throughout the term, before the demands of midterms and finals reach their peak. Please feel free to talk with me about any difficulty you may be having that may impact your performance in this course as soon as it occurs and before it becomes unmanageable. Please know there are a number of other support services on campus that stand ready to assist you. I strongly encourage you to contact them when needed.

Department Pleasantville New York City
Counseling Center 914-773-3710 212-346-1526
Dean for Students Office 914-773-3351 212-346-1306
Health Care Unit 914-773-3760 212-346-1600
Residential Life 914-923-2791 212-346-1295
Student Development and Campus Activities 914-773-3861 212-346-1590
Office of Multicultural Affairs & Diversity 914-773-3775 212-346-1563
Sexual Assault Prevention & Education 914-597-8783 212-346-1931
Academic Advisement
Advising Center For Exploring Majors 914-773-3847 212-346-1798
College of Health Professions 914-773-3961 914-773-3552
Dyson College 914-773-3781 212-346-1518
International Student / Scholars 914-773-3425 212-346-1368
Lubin School of Business 914-773-3531 212-618-6550
Pforzheimer Honors College 914-773-3941 212-346-1697
Seidenberg School 914-773-3254 212-346-1864
Studying Abroad 914-773-3447 212-346-1368


CS 122 Introduction to Programming II course material





