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  • 10:00-10:30 : Welcome and coffee
  • 10:30-11:30 : Introduction and demo of Cordova / Push Plugin
  • 11:30-12:30 : Choose idea and setting up the environments
  • 12:30-13:30 : Lunch
  • 13:30-18:00 : Hacking Time !


  • Write a demo app for the Cordova AeroGear Push Plugin : There is basic example provided with the plugin but it would be nice if we had a more complete example (reference) app. It must stay lean and simple but it should cover all the possible use cases (receiving in background/foreground) and the layout should be mobile first (using Bootstrap / Topcoat / Whatever).

  • Write a demo app that combines the Cordova AeroGear Push Plugin and the Cordova AeroGear Geofencing PLugin : The Geofencing Plugin detects when an user enters a specific geofence, combining that with the Push plugin could result in a really cool show case. Imagine an app when where you friends is around your area you receive a notification or when you walk close to your favorite shop it send you products that are on sale .... This idea implies also the creation of a backend app and could be a good opportunity to discover the Unified Push Java Client.

  • Write a Vert.x Mod that wraps the Unified Push Java Client : The idea is to be able to integrate easily a Vertx app with the UnifiedPush Server. This mod could wrap the Java Library and use Vertx's Event Bus to stay language agnostic.

  • Write a demo app that shows AeroGear's iOS OAuth2 adapter working with Keycloak. More detailled instruction can be found in AeroGearAndKeyCloak

  • Building a Java Based User Interface (Swing / Eclipse plugin / Griffon / JavaFX ) for the AeroGear Simple Push Java Client

Cordova's crash course

Installing the CLI :

Create a new app :

cordova create hackengartenApp
cd hackengartenApp
cordova platform add android

Add Push Plugin :

cordova plugin add

Build and deploy :

cordova build android
cordova run android



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