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Set of libraries and tools for targetting Arudino Due without the Arduino IDE


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Arduino Due development without Arduino IDE


This project provides the basic foundation for my development activities using the Arduino Due platform. More specifically, it provides:

  • the basic gcc toolchains for compiling on the Arduino Due platform with associated libraries
  • the Arduino core for the Due platform
  • some libraries for using Adafruit TFT screens
  • building blocks for building projects using CMake
  • configuration file for using the Atmel-ICE JTAG interface


The Arduino IDE is perfect for starting with the Arduino platform, especially thanks to its many included demo projects and the integration with 3rd-party libraries. However, there are some limitations which make using this platform unsuitable for larger projects.

Atmel Studio helps overcome these limitations. However, it is supported only under Windows (meaning virtualization is needed on other platforms), and the IDE lacks some features that other platforms provide.

This project enables the use of alternative IDEs through the appropriate command-line tooling. In particular, it enables integration with CLion, including the use of a JTAG debugger.

What you need

This project is based on the following tools:

  • the ARM toolchain provided by Atmel for the SAM3X8E used on the Arduino Due board;
  • CMake for building individual packages (along with any build tool of your choice);
  • OpenOCD for programming and debugging via the Atmel-ICE Adapter


This project was developed primarily to suit my needs while I'm building experience with more serious development for the Arduino Due platform. It works very well in my setup, but may fail miserably in any other environments.

In particular, my setup looks like this:

  • MacOS;
  • homebrew for bringing in dependencies, including CMake and OpenOCD;
  • CLion.

Hardware-wise, here's my setup:

  • Arduino Due; this is based on the Atmel SAM3X8E chip (which is based on an ARM Cortex-M3);
  • Atmel-ICE Debugger (PCBA Kit)
  • Custom-designed adapters for connecting the Atmel-ICE to the Due's JTAG port
  • Adafruit 2.2" 18-bit color TFT LCD display with MicroSD card breakout (Product ID: 1480); this is based on the ILI9341 controller


  • ArduinoCore-Sam/: submodule referencing the Arduino Core distribution; this is used:
    • as a source for buildingthe Arduino Core;
    • as the provider of the Atmel CMSIS library for the SAM3X8E;
  • Config/CMake/: repository of CMake configuration scripts providing building blocks to help build software for the Arduino Due platform;
  • Config/OpenOCD/: configuration file for the Atmel-ICE debugger together with the SAM3X8E;
  • HelloWorld/: basic project; it implements blinking and basic screen output;
  • Libs/: set of libraries necessary or useful for basic Arduino Due development;
  • Frameworks/doctest/: doctest framework packaged for Arduino development
  • Toolchain/arm-none-eabi_atmel-6.3.1/: copy of the toolchain provided by Atmel for the SAM3X8E;
  • Toolchain/bin/: bunch of scripts.


The Libssubfolder contains references to the libraries' sources and provides the necessary CMake configuration for building them. Additionally, compiled libraries are included for being used as is.

The libraries are:

  • ArduinoLib: this is the part of the Arduino Core which provides the Arduino APIs (i.e. what your code will be using);
  • ArduinoSyscalls: this is the part of the Arduino Core which provides the necessary "glue" for the basic C/C++ stuff to work; usually you don't call these directly, but it's impossible to build a flash image without a proper implementation of these syscalls;
  • Adafruit_BusIO: The Adafruit BusIO library;
  • Adafruit_GFX: The Adafruit GFX library;
  • Adafruit_ILI9341: The Adafruit library for driving ILI9341-based displays;
  • ILI9341_due: An alternative display library for ILI9341-based displays, which can leverage DMA (and hence improve performance).

CMake configuration scripts

Configuration scripts meant to be used by actual projects:

  • ArduinoDue.cmake: base file for setting up variables necessary for all other scripts, and for setting up the base toolchain options;
  • BuildOptionsStandard.cmake: set of "standard" options traditionally applicable to embedded projects; these are not required, so inclusion is optional;
  • BuildPic.cmake: include to make the build use Position-Independant Code.

Configuration scripts corresponding to individual libraries; each script will define a CMake library object that you can reference in your target; it will also add the corresponding include directories:

  • libAdafruit_BusIO.cmake
  • libAdafruit_GFX.cmake
  • libAdafruit_ILI9341.cmake
  • libArduinoLib.cmake
  • libArduinoSyscalls.cmake
  • libILI9341_due.cmake

The other configuration scripts are used internally and should not be included in actual projects directly.

Creating new software builds

Make a library

As a rule of thumb with CMake, create a specific folder for the building of any software package, and put the CMakeLists.txt file there. Never put the source files at this level, put them in a sub-directory instead. Create a CMakeLists.txt file as follows:

  1. start with the usual CMake stuff:

     cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)
  2. immediately include ArduinoDue.cmake; this has to be included before the project is defined:

  3. then, define the project and add any general option:

     project(Adafruit_BusIO C CXX ASM)
     set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 11)
  4. Include any further CMake scripts as appropriate, typically:

  5. Use the provided scripts to add specific libraries as dependencies to the thing you're building; this will, among others, add the correspondig include directories as compiler options:

  6. Define the source files and include directories for the thing you're building:

     file(GLOB SOURCES "src/*.c*")
  7. Finally, define the target for the library you're building:

     add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC ${SOURCES})

Make an executable (flash image)

Perform the same first steps as for a library (steps 1-6 above). Then:

  1. Define the executable (ELF) target; you need to make sure to include:

    • an implementation of main; ${ARDUINO_MAIN_SOURCE} will do if using the Arduino implementation is OK

    • an implementation of the interrupt handlers; ${ARDUINO_HANDLER_SOURCE} matches the Arduino's implementation; the ArduinoLib will not work without the corresponding handlers (in particular the SysTick_Handler)

  2. Make sure to link in all dependent libraries, including indirect dependencies; order is important (depender before dependee). Make sure to include:

    • a syscalls implementation, for example the Arduino implementation (ArduinoSyscalls)

    • the platform core library (${ARDUINO_LIB_PLATFORM})

      target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ArduinoLib)
      target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ArduinoSyscalls)
      target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${ARDUINO_LIB_PLATFORM})
  3. Define the target to be built as a flash image; this will set the proper linking options (use the proper linker script and include the startup code):

  4. Finally, it's recommended to build a bin/hex variant of the target image, it will help you get a sense of the amount of flash used by your project:


Build for the host instead of the target

By defining the variable ARDUINO_BUILD_FOR_HOST when invoking CMake, it's possible to use build a package for the host instead of cross-building for the Arduino target. When this flag is used, the target toolchain is not used, and the local (default) toolchain will be used instead. Optionally pass a toolchain file to CMake if you want more control on the toolchain when building for the host.

When building for the host, the flash images will not be selected for building; the corresponding targets will be ignored alltogether. However, libraries and generla-purpose executables will be built.

It is possible to get more control on what will be built on the host and on the target, using the doNotBuildForHost and buildOnlyForHost functions.

Unit tests with doctest

Unit tests can be added to a project by defining one or more dedicated executable targets. Add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:

  1. Include Doctest.cmake:

  2. Define a new executable target, and include all source files containing the unit tests:

    file(GLOB_RECURSE SOURCES_TEST "tests/*.c*")
    add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_tests ${SOURCES_TEST})
  3. Flag the executable as a doctest binary:


Note that the resulting target can be built either for the target Arduino Due, or directly for the host computer. This enables you to quickly run the tests as part of the development process (Test-Driven Development). Use ARDUINO_BUILD_FOR_HOST as described above.

Note that when building the unit tests for the target Arduino, an entire flash image will be produced in the form of an ELF file. The appropriate boiler code is included to run the tests following a reset, outputting resultso n the console serial port. Note that currentl the resulting image is quite big.


Configure and build

Do cmake . and then make (will build a "Debug" target). Invoke cmakeRelease . or cmakeMinSizeRel . instead of cmake . to configure the project in order to build with the corresponding targets ("Release" and "MinSizeRel"); these are simply wrapper scripts making typing a bit easier. As a reminder, the corresponding target-specific build options are defined in build-base-options.cmake.

Using cmakeHost . enables configuration of the package to target the host computer instead of the target (Arduino). This is especially useful when building unit tests, for running them locally.

Note that the generated binaries are put in a sub-folder containing the target name, so that various build types can coexist for the same piece of software.


Programming the flash using the JTAG adapter can be done using OpenOCD. The wrapper script ArduinoFlash takes a single elf file as argument, and will use the JTAG adapter and target as defined in Config/OpenOCD/ArduinoDue_AtmelIce.openocd

Arduino's serial port

For reference, on MacOS, the serial port of the Arduino will appear as device /dev/cu.usbmodem14301.

Integration with CLion

CLion can easily be configured to work with projects using the CMake configuration files provided here. The general configuration steps are as follows:

  1. define a toolchain profile pointing to the arm toolchain;
  2. configure the project's CMake profile;
  3. configure CLion to find OpenOCD;
  4. define a run configuration to download and debug the code using the JTAG adapter;
  5. (optionally) install and configure the Serial Monitor plugin

1. Define the toolchain profile

  1. CLion -> Preferences, open the "Build, Execution, Deployment" group, then "Toolchains"
  2. Use the "+" Icon then "System" to create a new Toolchain profile
  3. Set a meaningful name, set CMake to "Bundled"; Build Tool will be set to "Detected: ninja"
  4. For C Compiler, C++ Compiler and Debugger, point to the toolchain's corresponding binaries, i.e. arm-none-eabi-gcc , arm-none-eabi-g++ and arm-none-eabi-gdb respectively

Screenshot of toolchain configuration

2. Configure the project's CMake profile

Note: Before defining a new CMake profile related to the project in CLion, it is best to ensure there is no leftover from a previous use of CMake inside the project's structure; delete the CMakeCache.txt and cmake_install.cmake files, as well as the CMakeFilesdirectory.

  1. CLion -> Preferences, open the "Build, Execution, Deployment" group, then "CMake"; note that this setting is project-specific, meaning you have to define it for every new project.
  2. Use "+" to add a new profile; select the toolchain profile defined previously, and the appropriate build type ( typically "Debug"); keep the default build tool
  3. There is no need to change any other option in the profile
  4. You can repeat a definition e.g. for different build types ("Release" and "MinSizeRel")

Screenshot of CMake configuration

See also CMake Tutorial in CLion's documentation

3. Configure CLion to find OpenOCD

  1. CLion -> Preferences, open the "Build, Execution, Deployment" group, then "Embedded Development"
  2. If the "OpenOCD Location" is not automatically set, point CLion to the openocd binary on your system (e.g. within the homebrew tree)
  3. Click on Test to ensure the OpenOCD binary works as expected.

4. Define the run configuration

  1. Run -> Edit Configurations...
  2. Click "+" and then choose "OpenOCD Download & Run"
  3. Set a name such as "Arduino - AtmelICE" ; Choose the target elf file as both the Target and Executable; set GDB to bundled GDB
  4. Point the "Board config file" to Config/OpenOCD/ArduinoDue_AtmelIce.openocd

Screenshot of CMake configuration

See also OpenOCD support in CLion's documentation

5. Install and configure the serial monitor plugin

  1. CLion -> Preferences, "Plugin"
  2. Search for "Serial Port Monitor" and install
  3. View -> Tool Windows -> Serial Monitor
  4. Ensure your Arduino Board is connected via the USB cable on the management port
  5. On the left-hand side of the Serial Monitor pane, click on the wrench ("Settings") icon
  6. Set port name to "/dev/cu.usbmodem14301"
  7. Set the baud rate to the same value as what your code sets (often 9600 by default, 115,200 recommended)

Unit testing

CLion can be configured to directly run the doctest unit tests. Once the doctest executable target has been added to your CMakeLists.txt, CLion will automatically find the target to be run as unit tests. However, it is also necessary to configure the CMake profile enabling a local build for the host.

Details are as follows:

  1. CLion -> Preferences, open the "Build, Execution, Deployment" group, then "CMake"; note that this setting is project-specific, meaning you have to define it for every new project.

  2. Use "+" to add a new profile; keep the default toolchain, select the appropriate build type ( typically "Debug"); keep the default build tool. Name the profile e.g. as "Debug-Host"

  3. Ensure the profile contains the necessary CMake variable by specifying extra command-line arguments:


Screenshot of profile for local build

  1. Run -> Edit Configurations...
  2. Ensure the configuration for the doctest target was added by CLion, otherwise Click "+" and then choose "Doctest"
  3. Ensure the target correspond to the doctest executable target specified in your CMakeLists.txt

Screenshot of doctest run configuration

  1. In order to actually run the unit tests, make sure to select the proper run configuration together with the local profile created before:

Screenshot of run and profile selection


Set of libraries and tools for targetting Arudino Due without the Arduino IDE








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