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Deploy OasisEth Paratime on Oasis Mainnet

hydai edited this page May 20, 2021 · 42 revisions

About the Oasis Cobalt Upgrade

This document is updated to fit the Oasis Cobalt Upgrade. If you are going to deploy your paratime after the Cobalt Upgrade, please check the details carefully. There are several breaking changes

The Oasis network will upgrade at 2021/04/28. If you are looking for the upgrade document. Please refer to this page


Dear OasisEth Paratime operators, Before you start, please check the following information first:

  1. The OasisEth Paratime MAINNET network parameters are all set.
  2. **The genesis token unlock timestamp is set to 2021/03/05 13:00:00 UTC+8.
  3. Please take 1 minute to fill out this validator info collection form if you have not filled it out.
  4. To join the OasisEth Paratime committee, please refer to this announcement for the detail timeline: Join OsisEth as a node to get OETH token reward.

Latest update: 2021/05/20 15:38 UTC+8

Updated history:

  • 2021/05/20 15:38 UTC+8, Update the runtime id to fix the issues caused by Oasis Cobalt Upgrade.
  • 2021/04/28 16:46 UTC+8, Update document for the Oasis Cobalt Upgrade.
  • 2021/04/26 19:00 UTC+8, Add Oasis Cobalt Upgrade information.
  • 2021/03/24 12:14 UTC+8, Add a link to joining process.
  • 2021/03/16 18:27 UTC+8, move the entity registration part to the first step.
  • 2021/03/15 14:49 UTC+8, update software version: OasisEth v1.5.4, Oasis-Core v20.12.5
  • 2021/03/14 21:18 UTC+8, add website link.
  • 2021/03/13 21:23 UTC+8, update the staked amount requirement since the storage role is disabled for now.
  • 2021/03/10 22:39 UTC+8, remove storage role when starting an Oasis paratime node.
  • 2021/03/07 00:57 UTC+8, add expected output when an OasisEth paratime node is in the working committee; Add command to get the runtime node list.
  • 2021/03/05 17:45 UTC+8, add expected output when an OasisEth paratime node is running normally.
  • 2021/03/04 15:47 UTC+8, add a note to mention that the node identity will also be removed when doing the clean up previous node step.
  • 2021/03/04 14:42 UTC+8, correct the runtime id.


In this guide, you will learn how to set up an OasisEth Paratime to join our committee. You will deploy two different nodes including

  1. an Oasis Ethereum ParaTime node (required) and
  2. a gateway node that provides public web3 RPC services (optional)

We suggest each node be deployed on a separate virtual machine because the network ports will have a conflict with different nodes on the same machine.

The web3 gateway node is entirely optional. Your ParaTime node will participate in the consensus and earn OETHs regardless of whether you run the web3 gateway. However, if you do run a web3 gateway, it must reside on its own virtual machine.

In summary, your node network may look like this:

  • Required: an Oasis validator node
  • Required: a ParaTime node
  • Optional: a web3 gateway

To learn more about the Oasis Ethereum ParaTime, please visit


Minimum Requirements for running a paratime node

ROSEs stake requirements

To run the ParaTime node, you MUST already have an Oasis Validator Node with a registered entity ID on the Oasis Mainnet network. Hence, you are probably already running:

  • (Required) One validator node with at least 300 ROSEs staked

The 300 ROSEs staked contains:

  • (a) 100 ROSEs for the entity registration
  • (b) 100 ROSEs for the validator node
  • (c) 100 ROSEs for the paratime node with compute role only

According to the paratime architecture, a paratime node contains two roles (a) compute role and (b) storage role.

  • (a) compute role will do the execution jobs such as transferring OETH, deploying smart contracts, and executing the smart contracts.
  • (b) storage role will handle the paratime states such as smart contract bytecode, account balance... But the Oasis-Core v20.12.x has a bug in the paratime storage node synchronization. As a workaround, we have to disable the storage role for the paratime node operators. So the paratime node operators will only run the paratime node with compute role.

Reference for setting up an Oasis Validator Node

If you are starting from setting up an oasis validator node, please notice that oasis entity registration and validator node registration will ask for extra ROSEs staked. See oasis document for more details: According to the oasis document, your first validator node setup should have:

  • 100 ROSE staked for your entity's registration since that is the current entity's staking threshold.
  • 100 ROSE staked for your validator node's registration since that is the current validator node's staking threshold.

About the OETH Reward

Please notice that you MUST run a validator node with at least 300 ROSEs staked to receive the OETH reward. We only accept those entity IDs who are running a validator node on the Oasis mainnet. And your Oasis validator node doesn't need to be the Oasis consensus committee (the top 80 validators).

The genesis token unlock timestamp is set to 2021/03/05 13:00:00 UTC+8. If you want to join the OETH reward in the first month, please deploy your paratime node before the following timestamp 2021/03/08 13:00:00 UTC+8.

Current MAINNET network parameters

  • RUNTIME_ID: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ff04


  • CHAIN ID: 69

  • The genesis timestamp is set to 2021/03/05 13:00:00 UTC+8.

  • The coinbase address is set to 0x22aa096E896e16c0B99bdb93D6084C947c3bddAB.

  • SSVM-EVMC Version: evmc6-0.1.1

  • Oasis-SSVM-Runtime & Gateway Version: v1.7.0

  • Oasis-node Version(Oasis-Core-Binary): v21.1.1

  • Oasis-Genesis: mainnet 2021-04-28

Recommended Hardware

  • CPU: 2.0 GHz x86-64 CPU
  • Memory: 4GB RAM
  • Disk: 500GB High-Speed Storage (SSD)
  • For your reference, we deploy our own ParaTime node on Azure B2S instances (2 VCPU, 4GB Memory, 500GB Disk space)

If you have run the OasisEth Paratime mainnet beta

Please remove the DATA_DIR folder to clean up all the node information and runtime data of mainnet beta. In case that you use the wrong configuration to set up your new OasisEth paratime mainnet node.

Please notice that remove the DATA_DIR folder will also remove your previous paratime node identity. This is expected. After removing the DATA_DIR you will also need to update your entity registration with the new paratime node identity. And do the oasis-node registry entity update step again.

rm -rf /path/to/your/oasis-ssvm-runtime # Remove the previous version of oasis-ssvm-runtime. That is for the mainnet beta.
rm -rf /path/to/your/node-data # It will be the /home/user/mainnet/node in our previous tutorial.

Part 1. Submit your entity registration to join the OasisEth committee

1-1 Submit your entity id to join the OasisEth whitelist

Please refer to our ParaTime entities repo.

Follow the README and an example to learn how to submit your entity id.

After submitting the pull request, you can go ahead to do the remaining steps to deploy your paratime node. However, your paratime node may not be registered before your pull request is merged.

Part 2. Setting up a ParaTime node

2-1. Environment

Prepare the environment and download pre-built binaries

2-1-1 Operating System

Our pre-built binaries only support Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04

Please use the Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 to set up a machine.

2-1-2 Setup SSVM Dependency

In this step, you will create a folder at path /ssvm and download ssvm dependency into this folder.

Please notice that the MUST be put into /ssvm folder.

mkdir -p /ssvm \
    && cd /ssvm \
    && curl -LO

2-1-3 Get oasis-core, mainnet genesis, and oasis-ssvm-runtime

In the following guide, we use /home/user/mainnet as an example. Feel free to replace this path with your own /path/to/mainnet/folder/.

mkdir -p /home/user/mainnet
cd /home/user/mainnet

# Oasis-Core
wget <Oasis-Core-Binary URL, see the network parameter on the above section>
tar zxvf oasis_core_21.1.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz
rm oasis_core_21.1.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz

# Mainnet genesis
wget <Oasis-Genesis URL, see the network parameter on the above section>

# oasis-ssvm-runtime
wget <Oasis-SSVM-runtime URL, see the network parameter on the above section>
tar zxvf oasis-ssvm-runtime.tgz
rm oasis-ssvm-runtime.tgz

2-1-4 Copy the entity.json from your validator node

mkdir -p /home/user/mainnet/entity
cd /home/user/mainnet/entity
scp YourValidatorNode:/path/to/your/entity.json ./entity.json

2-1-5 In summary, your file structure should look like this:


├── entity 
│   └── entity.json
├── genesis.json
├── gateway
├── oasis-node
└── oasis-ssvm-runtime

2-2 Setup a ParaTime Node

2-2-1 Expose network ports

  • Make sure you should use a proper IP for $EXTERNAL_IP.
  • You should expose the following ports: 9100, 9200, 26656, 8545
    • 9100: This port is for the Oasis ParaTime gateway connection.
    • 9200: This port is for the Oasis ParaTime P2P connection.
    • 26656: This port is for tendermint consensus gossip.
    • 8545: This port is for the JSONRPC endpoint.

2-2-2 Create your runtime data folder

mkdir -m 700 -p /home/user/mainnet/node

2-2-3 Run a ParaTime Node

# The following commands should be executed in /home/user/mainnet folder
cd /home/user/mainnet

export RUNTIME_ID=<SSVM_RUNTIME_ID, see the current parameters section in this wiki>
export ENTITY_DIR=/home/user/mainnet/entity
export DATA_DIR=/home/user/mainnet/node
export GENESIS_JSON=/home/user/mainnet/genesis.json
export RUNTIME_BINARY=/home/user/mainnet/oasis-ssvm-runtime

/home/user/mainnet/oasis-node \
  --datadir $DATA_DIR \
  --log.level warn \
  --log.format json \
  --log.file $DATA_DIR/node.log \
  --worker.registration.entity $ENTITY_DIR/entity.json \
  --genesis.file $GENESIS_JSON \
  --worker.compute.enabled \
  --worker.executor.schedule_check_tx.enabled \
  --runtime.provisioner unconfined \
  --runtime.supported $RUNTIME_ID \
  --runtime.history.tag_indexer.backend bleve \
  --runtime.paths $RUNTIME_ID=$RUNTIME_BINARY \
  --debug.dont_blame_oasis \
  --consensus.tendermint.p2p.seed $SEED_NODE_ADDRESS \
  --consensus.tendermint.core.listen_address tcp:// \
  --worker.client.addresses $EXTERNAL_IP:9100 \
  --worker.p2p.addresses $EXTERNAL_IP:9200

2-2-4 Sign an update entity registration transaction on the machine which has the private key

  • Since your private key is not on any online machine, you should sign this transaction offline.
  • This step is to add your new ParaTime node to your entity.
  • Join all your node IDs (Including your validator node ID and other node IDs) by , to get $NODE_IDS.

2-2-4-1 How to find your node ID

Please notice that the node ID will be generated automatically after running the oasis-node command for the first time.

From $DATA_DIR/identity_pub.pem. Or /home/user/mainnet/node/identity_pub.pem in this guide.

cat $DATA_DIR/identity_pub.pem

(output below)
-----BEGIN ED25519 PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END ED25519 PUBLIC KEY-----

2-2-4-2 Commands to sign the transaction

export ENTITY_DIR=/home/user/mainnet/entity/
export GENESIS_JSON=/home/user/mainnet/genesis.json
export OUTPUT_TX=/home/user/update_entity.tx

oasis-node registry entity update \
  --signer.dir $ENTITY_DIR  \ $NODE_IDS

oasis-node registry entity gen_register \
  --genesis.file $GENESIS_JSON \
  --signer.backend file \
  --signer.dir $ENTITY_DIR \
  --transaction.file $OUTPUT_TX \
  --transaction.fee.gas 7000 \
  --transaction.fee.amount 0 \
  --transaction.nonce $NONCE

2-2-5 Submit your update entity registration transaction

oasis-node consensus submit_tx \
    --transaction.file /path/to/your/tx/file/in/previous/step \
    --address unix:/home/user/mainnet/node/internal.sock

2-3 Check Your ParaTime node Status

2-3-1 Make sure your ParaTime node is fully synced up

oasis-node control is-synced -a unix:/home/user/mainnet/node/internal.sock

(output below)
node completed initial syncing

2-3-2 Verify your ParaTime node is registered

If your paratime node is registered, you can find an external runtimes information in the registration like this:

oasis-node control status -address unix:/home/user/mainnet/node/internal.sock

(output below)
  "software_version": "21.1.1",
  "identity": {
  "consensus": {
  "runtimes": {
  "registration": {
    "last_registration": "2020-11-26T05:13:31Z",
    "descriptor": {
      "p2p": {
      "consensus": {
      "runtimes": [
          "version": {
            "minor": 3
          "capabilities": {},
          "extra_info": null
      "roles": 3

Or you can check if your paratime node is registered on

2-3-3 The expected output of the OasisEth paratime node

When you start a node. The expected output will be the following:

{"msg":"Runtime is starting","level":"INFO","ts":"2021-03-04T22:30:37.631767781+00:00","module":"runtime"}
{"msg":"Establishing connection with the worker host","level":"INFO","ts":"2021-03-04T22:30:37.649013270+00:00","module":"runtime"}
{"msg":"Starting protocol handler","level":"INFO","ts":"2021-03-04T22:30:37.650019333+00:00","module":"runtime/protocol"}
{"msg":"Starting the runtime dispatcher","level":"INFO","ts":"2021-03-04T22:30:37.762550640+00:00","module":"runtime/dispatcher"}
...(No more output)...

If your paratime node is in the working committee, you will receive more output like this:

{"msg":"Received transaction batch request","level":"DEBG","ts":"2021-03-06T02:41:03.403869523+00:00","module":"runtime/dispatcher","check_only":true,"round":48,"state_root":"7c26ad41aeea0dea16422fcd8e5acc2fd2544c1d9e6e6bcca79dea98f3aadca3"}
{"msg":"Computing new block","level":"INFO","ts":"2021-03-06T02:41:03.406994419+00:00","module":"ethereum/block","round":48}
{"msg":"Commiting state into storage","level":"INFO","ts":"2021-03-06T02:41:03.705115962+00:00","module":"ethereum/block"}
{"msg":"Block finalized","level":"INFO","ts":"2021-03-06T02:41:03.706182128+00:00","module":"ethereum/block"}
{"msg":"Transaction batch check complete","level":"DEBG","ts":"2021-03-06T02:41:03.706497048+00:00","module":"runtime/dispatcher"}
{"msg":"Received transaction batch request","level":"DEBG","ts":"2021-03-06T02:41:08.569570167+00:00","module":"runtime/dispatcher","check_only":false,"round":49,"state_root":"7c26ad41aeea0dea16422fcd8e5acc2fd2544c1d9e6e6bcca79dea98f3aadca3"}
{"msg":"Computing new block","level":"INFO","ts":"2021-03-06T02:41:08.570749741+00:00","module":"ethereum/block","round":49}
{"msg":"Commiting state into storage","level":"INFO","ts":"2021-03-06T02:41:08.578648135+00:00","module":"ethereum/block"}
{"msg":"Block finalized","level":"INFO","ts":"2021-03-06T02:41:08.579089563+00:00","module":"ethereum/block"}
{"msg":"Transaction batch execution complete","level":"DEBG","ts":"2021-03-06T02:41:08.580159230+00:00","module":"runtime/dispatcher","state_root":"e51f19c24c7c3d0da88f1fbc38062bde96945dbf769567a7a0f6f86d95741c34","io_root":"f28478803a9906baeaa35ac811dc43b1415bd272f1761ab380bf0720335c8b93","previous_hash":"d2d203b2b6aed835c8515be7e613c0d948920ed03e0fa1e8faa8f26881bef011"}

2-3-4 Get OasisEth Paratime Node List on the oasis network

You can retrieve a list of online OasisEth Paratime Nodes via the following command:

./oasis-node registry node list -v -a unix:/path/to/your/node/internal.sock | grep "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/wQ="

Then, you will get multiple OasisEth paratime nodes in this format:


If your node is register and online. You can find your node id in one of the lines. For example, one of our OasisEth paratime node ids is FN4/IFFACdGqnp+hRDgaU0IVnRnILNU97SFyPXBEpk0=.

2-3-5 Check the OasisEth whitelist and registered nodes on

We provide a simple website to show the current network status:

You can find the current whitelist and all registered paratime nodes.

2-4 Your paratime nodes are synced and registered

Awesome! You already set up the paratime node!

2-5 (Optional) Set up the web3 RPC service within the paratime node

We don't recommend you run the web3 RPC service within the paratime node, but you can still do that.

If you are going to provide the web3 RPC service for public usage, please refer to the Part 2 to set up a single web3 RPC service node for stability and scalability.

2-5-1 Run web3 rpc gateway

# run gateway
gateway \
  --interface \ # Remove this line, if you don't want to expose your gateway.
  --node-address unix:/path/to/your/internal.sock \
  --runtime-id $RUNTIME_ID

Part 3. (Optional) Set up a gateway node for the web3 JSONRPC

3-1. Environment

Prepare the environment and download pre-built binaries

3-1-1 Operating System

Our pre-built binaries only support Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04

Please use the Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 to set up a machine.

3-1-2 Setup Dependency: SSVM

The MUST be put into /ssvm folder.

So you will need to create a folder at path /ssvm and download ssvm dependency into this folder.

mkdir /ssvm \
    && cd /ssvm \
    && curl -LO

3-1-3 Get oasis-core, mainnet genesis, and oasis-ssvm-runtime

In the following guide, we use /home/user/mainnet as an example. Feel free to replace this path with your own /path/to/mainnet/folder/.

mkdir -p /home/user/mainnet
cd /home/user/mainnet

# Oasis-Core
wget <Oasis-Core-Binary URL, see the network parameter on the above section>

# Mainnet genesis
wget <Oasis-Genesis URL, see the network parameter on the above section>

# oasis-ssvm-runtime
wget <Oasis-SSVM-runtime URL, see the network parameter on the above section>
tar zxvf oasis-ssvm-runtime.tgz
rm oasis-ssvm-runtime.tgz

3-1-4 In summary, your file structure should look like this:


├── genesis.json
├── gateway
├── oasis-node
└── oasis-ssvm-runtime

3-2 Setup a web3 gateway node

3-2-1 Expose network ports

  • Make sure you should use a proper IP for $EXTERNAL_IP.
  • You should expose the following ports: 9100, 9200, 26656, 8545
    • 9100: This port is for the Oasis ParaTime gateway connection.
    • 9200: This port is for the Oasis ParaTime P2P connection.
    • 26656: This port is for tendermint consensus gossip.
    • 8545: This port is for the JSONRPC endpoint.

3-2-2 Create your runtime data folder

mkdir -m 700 -p /home/user/mainnet/node

3-2-3 Create config.lightweight.yml in your /home/user/mainnet

datadir: /home/user/mainnet/node
  level: warn
  format: json
  file: /home/user/mainnet/client.log
  file: /home/user/mainnet/genesis.json
  backend: client
  supported: "<RUNTIME_ID>"
      backend: bleve
    enabled: true
      listen_address: tcp://

3-2-4 Run client node

This is only running the oasis-node

cd /home/user/mainnet
# run node
oasis-node --config ./config.lightweight.yml &

3-2-5 Run web3 rpc gateway

# run gateway
gateway \
  --interface \ # Remove this line, if you don't want to expose your gateway.
  --node-address unix:./node/internal.sock \
  --runtime-id $RUNTIME_ID

3-3 Now, your web3 RPC node is working


Part 1. OasisEth Paratime node

  1. Stop your paratime node
  2. Download the latest binary releases of oasis-node, ssvm-evmc, oasis-ssvm-runtime, and gateway
  3. Replace the old ones with the new ones which are downloaded in step 2
  4. Start your node

Part 2. Web3 RPC node

  1. Stop your gateway
  2. Stop your web3 RPC node
  3. Download the latest binary releases of oasis-node, ssvm-evmc, oasis-ssvm-runtime, and gateway
  4. Replace the old ones with the new ones which are downloaded in step 3
  5. Start your web3 RPC node
  6. Start your gateway


Create your entity if you don't have one

Please refer to the Oasis: Create your entity guide to generate your own entity.

The entity id is required. We must add your entity id to our ParaTime allowlist to make sure you have permission to run a runtime node.

Setup an Oasis Validator node if you don't have one

You need an Oasis node to submit register node transactions. If you don't have one of these nodes, please follow the oasis docs to set up a Validator Node or a Non-Validator Node


Start node with wrong seed

Error message

If you get one of the following error messages:

{"caller":"registry.go:435","err":"consensus: no committed blocks","level":"error","module":"registry/tendermint","msg":"runtime notifier: unable to get a list of runtimes","ts":"2021-01-11T16:26:31.847903663Z"}
{"caller":"registry.go:423","err":"consensus: no committed blocks","level":"error","module":"registry/tendermint","msg":"node list notifier: unable to get a list of nodes","ts":"2021-01-11T16:26:31.885906513Z"}
{"caller":"scheduler.go:152","err":"consensus: no committed blocks","level":"error","module":"scheduler/tendermint","msg":"couldn't get current committees. won't send them. good luck to the subscriber","ts":"2021-01-11T16:26:31.902684412Z"}
{"caller":"grpc.go:202","err":"context canceled","level":"error","method":"/oasis-core.NodeController/WaitSync","module":"grpc/internal","msg":"request failed","req_seq":2,"ts":"2021-01-11T17:44:36.151422213Z"}

How to fix it

Please check your seed is setting to the right one.

Command line options

oasis-node ...
  --consensus.tendermint.p2p.seed $SEED_NODE_ADDRESS


        - "<SEED_NODE_ADDRESS>"

Failed to create a node: error on replay

When you receive this error message, that means your node data is somewhere broken. You should remove your DATA_DIR and re-sync your node again.

Why the executor_role and storage_role are invalid

When you check the oasis-node control status, you can find your registration information and the worker status. You may find that your registration is done like this:

"registration": {
    "last_registration": "2021-02-08T10:38:06+01:00",
    "descriptor": {
      "v": 1,
      "id": "...",
      "entity_id": "...",
      "expiration": 3148,
      "runtimes": [
          "version": {
            "minor": 3
          "capabilities": {},
          "extra_info": null
      "roles": 3

But you still find that:

"is_validator": false
"executor_role": "invalid",
"storage_role": "invalid",
"is_txn_scheduler": false,
  • The is_validator means the current node is oasis validator or not. This should be always false because the paratime node is not a validator node.
  • The executor_role means the current node is in the executor committee in this epoch period. If it's in the executor committee, the value will be worker, otherwise, the value will be invalid.
  • The storage_role means the current node is in the storage committee in this epoch period. If it's in the storage committee, the value will be worker, otherwise, the value will be invalid.
  • The is_txn_scheduler means the current node is in the executor/storage committee, and this node is the current block proposer.

Please notice that even your entity is in the paratime whitelist, you may not in each executor committee or storage committee. The committee will be chosen from the whitelist every epoch time.

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