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A repository with random scripts for Blender, Unreal,.... made to animate, generate stuff in 2D or 3D


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Scripts for 3D and 2D Object Generation,and lot more

This repository contains a collection of scripts for generating 3D and 2D objects in various creative software, such as Blender, Unreal Engine, Adobe Suite, RPG Maker, and more. The scripts are designed to help artists and developers quickly create assets for their projects. Most of the script was made with the help of GPT-4, great thanks OpenAI for that help !

🎨 Features

  • 🌟 A wide range of scripts for generating 3D and 2D objects, including characters, props, environments, and more
  • 🔧 Scripts tailored for various creative software, including Blender, Unreal Engine, Adobe Suite, RPG Maker, and others
  • ⚡ Easily customizable and adaptable to suit your specific project needs

📁 Branches Structure

⬇️ Installation & Usage

To use the scripts in this repository, follow these general steps:

  1. Clone the repository or download the specific script you need.
  2. Open your creative software (e.g., Blender, Unreal Engine, Adobe Suite, RPG Maker).
  3. Import or execute the script according to the software's guidelines.
  4. Customize the script's parameters to achieve the desired result.

Please refer to the README files in each software-specific folder for detailed instructions on how to use the scripts with that particular software.

📜 License

This repository is released under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.

❓ Support & Questions

If you have any questions or need support, please feel free to open an issue or join my twitter.

💎 Recommendations

Discover more simplified scripts without a GUI that are nonetheless user-friendly: