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A server and client network interface for issuing secure RPC commands over websockets built on top of secure-wsnet. See also: secret-handshake-over-hypercore and rpc-protocol


$ npm install secure-websocket-rpc


const rpc = require('secure-websocket-rpc')
const sharedKey = Buffer.from('f1fa2364b0d5ba54c7405ba2c5d1b4dcc2314b2e6dfb4d8124050c738c0c43a9', 'hex')

const server = rpc.createServer({
  commands: {
    echo(value) {
      return value

const socket = rpc.connect(3000, { sharedKey })
socket.on('manifest', async (manifest) => {
  console.log(await socket.echo('hello'))


server = rpc.createServer(opts[, oncommand, onextension, onconnection])

Creates a websocket server for executing RPC commands.

  • opts.commands is an object containing supported commands on the server
  • oncommand is a callback function called when the command event is emitted
  • onextension is a callback function called when the extension event is emitted
  • onconnection is a callback function called when the connection event is emitted

The rest of opts is passed directly to secure-wsnet

const server = rpc.createServer(opts)

socket = rpc.connect(port[, host[, opts, cb]])

Connect to a host specified by port and host where port, host, and opts are passed directly to secure-wsnet and cb(stream) is called when the manifest event is emitted.

const socket = rpc.connect(3000, 'localhost', opts)

rpc.compareCapability(left, right)

Static method for comparing two capabilities (converting each to a Buffer if necessary). Returns 0 if left and right are equal, 1 if right should come before left when sorted, and -1 if right should come after left when sorted.

const left = 'hello'
const right = 'hello'

rpc.compareCapability(left, right) // = 0

rpc.containsCapability(capabilities, capability)

Static method for checking if capability is in capabilities.

const capabilities = [ 'hello', 'world' ]
const capability = 'world'

rpc.containsCapability(capabilities, capability) // = true
