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PubNub 3.7 Web Data Push Cloud-Hosted API - C# Mono 3.2.5

##PubNub C Sharp (MonoTouch/Xamarin.iOS Usage)

For a quick video walkthrough, checkout !

Important Changes in PubNub 3.7

  1. Added channelgroup feature for subscribe, presence, unsubscribe, presence unsubscribe, user state and PAM grant/audit/revoke.

Important change in 3.6 from previous version 3.5

  • UserState method parameters have been modified.
  • PAM auth method parameters have been modified.
  • Implements the features of Pubnub 3.6
  • Renamed property name HeartbeatInterval to LocalClientHeartbeatInterval.
  • New properties PresenceHeartbeat, PresenceHeartbeatInterval were added.
  • Additional optional parameters showUUIDList, includeUserState for HereNow method.
  • New methods GlobalHereNow, WhereNow, SetUserState, GetUserState, SetLocalUserState, GetLocalUserState and ChangeUUID
  • UserState data in the response format of presence events.


Open Pubnub-Messaging/PubNub-Messaging.csproj. Run the project in the simulator to see a working example. The main functionality lies in the pubnub.cs file.

Pubnub-Messaging.Tests contains the Unit test cases. Run the project to see the unit test results,

Please ensure that in order to run on Mono the constant in the pubnub.cs file should be set to "true" overrideTcpKeepAlive = true;

When creating a new project or a new configuration please add a compiler flag by going into the "Options -> Compiler -> Define Symbols" and adding "MONOTOUCH;" to it.

You can only use Newtonsoft.Json as the serialization library, JsonFx and System.Runtime.Serialization.Json/System.Web.Script.Serialization libraries are not supported. The other serialization libraries (JsonFx and the inbuilt serialization library) are not compatible with MonoTouch (Xamarin.iOS) Limitations of Newtonsoft.Json: Newtonsoft.Json doesn't support the serialization for type XmlDocument on this platform.

Object Cleanup

For best performance after completion of all intended operations, please call the EndPendingRequests() method of the Pubnub instance, and assign it to null. This will help ensure speedy resources cleanup when you are done with the object.

For the calls listed below (apart from the instantiation of Pubnub instance) it is recommended that you call them on a background thread to avoid some UI freezes on slow connections. e.g.:

InvokeInBackground(() => {
	pubnub.Subscribe<string> (Channel, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayConnectStatusMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

Instantiate a Pubnub instance

//Basic usage for subscribe and publish
Pubnub pubnub = new Pubnub(publishKey="demo", subscribeKey="demo");

//optionally, with secret key
Pubnub pubnub = new Pubnub(publishKey="demo", subscribeKey="demo", secretKey);

//optionally, with SSL and cipher key. This would enable encryption/decryption. enableSSL is boolean to toggle HTTP(S).
Pubnub pubnub = new Pubnub(publishKey="demo", subscribeKey="demo", secretKey, cipherKey, enableSSL);

Subscribe to a channel

pubnub.Subscribe<string>(channel="mychannel", DisplaySubscribeReturnMessage, DisplaySubscribeConnectStatusMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// NOTE: DisplaySubscribeReturnMessage, DisplaySubscribeConnectStatusMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Subscribe to presence channel

pubnub.Presence<string>(channel="mychannel", DisplayPresenceReturnMessage, DisplayPresenceConnectStatusMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// NOTE: DisplayPresenceReturnMessage, DisplayPresenceConnectStatusMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Publish a message

pubnub.Publish<string>(channel="mychannel", publishMsg="My favorite message", DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Get history

// Detailed History for previously published messages. Maximum records returned per request is = 100
pubnub.DetailedHistory<string>(channel="mychannel", recordCountToRetrieve=100, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// Detailed History from a specific time, ordered old to new messages.
pubnub.DetailedHistory<string>(pubnubChannel, starttime=13557486057035336, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage, reverse=true);

// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Who is Here, Now on this channel (HereNow)

pubnub.HereNow<string>(channel="mychannel", DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

pubnub.HereNow<string>(channel="mychannel", showUUID=true, includeUserState=true, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Set the state of the user on this channel (SetUserState)

pubnub.SetUserState<string>(channel="mychannel", jsonUserState="{mychannel:{"key1":"value1"}}", DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

pubnub.SetUserState<string>(channel="mychannel", uuid="myuuid", jsonUserState='{mychannel:{"key1":"value1"}}', DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Get the state of the user on this channel (SetUserState)

pubnub.GetUserState<string>(channel="mychannel", DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

pubnub.GetUserState<string>(channel="mychannel", uuid="myAlternateUUID", DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Current channels for the given subscriber (WhereNow)

pubnub.WhereNow<string>(whereNowUuid="myuuid", DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Current subscriber list for subkey (GlobalHereNow)

pubnub.GlobalHereNow<string>(showUUID=true, includeUserState=true,DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Unsubscribe from a channel

pubnub.Unsubscribe<string>(channel="mychannel", DisplayReturnMessage, DisplaySubscribeConnectStatusMessage, DisplaySubscribeDisconnectStatusMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage, DisplaySubscribeConnectStatusMessage, DisplaySubscribeDisconnectStatusMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Unsubscribe from a Presence channel

pubnub.PresenceUnsubscribe<string>(channel="mychannel", DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayPresenceConnectStatusMessage, DisplayPresenceDisconnectStatusMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayPresenceConnectStatusMessage, DisplayPresenceDisconnectStatusMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

PubNub system Time

pubnub.Time<string>(DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Filtering / Detecting state from within your error callback

static void DisplayErrorMessage(PubnubClientError pubnubError)
  //Based on the severity of the error, we can filter out errors for handling or logging.
  switch (pubnubError.Severity)
    case PubnubErrorSeverity.Critical:
      //This type of error needs to be handled.
    case PubnubErrorSeverity.Warn:
      //This type of error needs to be handled
    case PubnubErrorSeverity.Info:
      //This type of error can be ignored

  Display(pubnubError.StatusCode); //Unique ID of the error

  Display(pubnubError.Message); //Message received from client or server. From client, it could be from .NET exception.

  if (pubnubError.DetailedDotNetException != null)
    Display(pubnubError.IsDotNetException); // Boolean flag to check .NET exception
    Display(pubnubError.DetailedDotNetException.ToString()); // Full Details of .NET exception

  Display(pubnubError.MessageSource); // Did this originate from Server or Client-side logic

  if (pubnubError.PubnubWebRequest != null)
    //Captured Web Request details

  if (pubnubError.PubnubWebResponse != null)
    //Captured Web Response details

  Display(pubnubError.Description); // Useful for logging and troubleshooting and support
  Display(pubnubError.Channel); //Channel name(s) at the time of error
  Display(pubnubError.ErrorDateTimeGMT); //GMT time of error


Checking the status of a published message via the callback

private static void DisplayReturnMessage(string publishResult)
  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(publishResult) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(publishResult.Trim()))
    object[] deserializedMessage = pubnub.JsonPluggableLibrary.DeserializeToObject(publishResult) as object[];
    if (deserializedMessage is object[] && deserializedMessage.Length == 3)
      long statusCode = Int64.Parse(deserializedMessage[0].ToString());
      string statusMessage = (string)deserializedMessage[1];
      string channelName = (string)deserializedMessage[2];

      if (statusCode == 1 && statusMessage.ToLower() == "sent")
        Display("Cool. Messaage Published");
        Display("Oops. Some problem."); 

Check the subscribe status via the callback

private static void DisplaySubscribeConnectStatusMessage(string result)
  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Trim()))
    object[] deserializedResult = pubnub.JsonPluggableLibrary.DeserializeToObject(result) as object[];
    if (deserializedResult is object[])
      int statusCode = Int32.Parse(deserializedResult[0].ToString());
      string statusMessage = (string)deserializedResult[1];
      string channel = (string)deserializedResult[2];
      if (statusCode == 1 && statusMessage.ToLower() == "connected")
        Display("Now we are good to receive published messages");

Display method can something like this:

public void Display (string strText)
            StyledMultilineElement sme = new StyledMultilineElement (strText) {
                Font = font12
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate {
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (200);
                AppDelegate.navigation.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
                    if (secOutput.Count > 20) {
                        secOutput.RemoveRange (0, 10);
                    if (secOutput.Count > 0) {
                        secOutput.Insert (secOutput.Count, sme);
                    } else {
                        secOutput.Add (sme);
                    this.TableView.ReloadData ();
                    var lastIndexPath = this.root.Last () [this.root.Last ().Count - 1].IndexPath;
                    this.TableView.ScrollToRow (lastIndexPath, UITableViewScrollPosition.Middle, true);    

PAM: Grant and revoke access for subscribes

// At the sub-key level (no channel is given)
// Grant
pubnub.GrantAccess<string>("", read=true, write=true, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// Revoke
pubnub.GrantAccess<string>("", read=false, write=false, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// At the channel level
// Grant
pubnub.GrantAccess<string>(channel="mychannel", read=true, write=true, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// Revoke
pubnub.GrantAccess<string>(channel="mychannel", read=false, write=false, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// At the user level. User is ID'ed via the auth key parameter.
pubnub.AuthenticationKey = authKey;
// Grant
pubnub.GrantAccess<string>(channel="mychannel", read=true, write=true, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// Revoke
pubnub.GrantAccess<string>(channel="mychannel", read=false, write=false, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

PAM: Grant and revoke access for Presence

// At the sub-key level (no channel is given)
// Grant
pubnub.GrantPresenceAccess<string>("", read=true, write=true, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// Revoke
pubnub.GrantPresenceAccess<string>("", read=false, write=false, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// At the channel level
// Grant
pubnub.GrantPresenceAccess<string>(channel="mychannel", read=true, write=true, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// Revoke
pubnub.GrantPresenceAccess<string>(channel="mychannel", read=false, write=false, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// At the user level. User is ID'ed via the auth key parameter.
pubnub.AuthenticationKey = authKey;
// Grant
pubnub.GrantPresenceAccess<string>(channel="mychannel", read=true, write=true, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
// Revoke
pubnub.GrantPresenceAccess<string>(channel="mychannel", read=true, write=true, grantTimeLimitInSeconds=60, DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

// NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Code snippet to audit PAM access for subscribe and presence channels

// Audit access at the sub-key level (no channel is given)
pubnub.AuditAccess<string>("",DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
pubnub.AuditPresenceAccess<string>("",DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

//Audit Access at the channel level
pubnub.AuditAccess<string>(channel="mychannel",DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
pubnub.AuditPresenceAccess<string>(channel="mychannel",DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

//Audit Access at the user level. User is ID'ed via the auth key parameter.
pubnub.AuthenticationKey = authKey;
pubnub.AuditAccess<string>(channel="mychannel",DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);
pubnub.AuditPresenceAccess<string>(channel="mychannel",DisplayReturnMessage, DisplayErrorMessage);

NOTE: DisplayReturnMessage and DisplayErrorMessage are callback methods

Variables Reference

overrideTcpKeepAlive = true 

This variable default value is set to false to consider "request.ServicePoint.SetTcpKeepAlive()" method in the code. For mono framework 2.10.9 stable release, SetTcpKeepAlive() is not supported. To support Mono, set the value of "overrideTcpKeepAlive" to true

_pubnubWebRequestCallbackIntervalInSeconds = 310 

This variable sets the time limit in seconds for the web request to run. Applies to subscribe and presence web requests. In the example, we terminate HTTP requests after 310 seconds of not hearing back from the server.

_pubnubOperationTimeoutIntervalInSeconds = 15

This variable sets the time limit in seconds for the web request to run. Applies to regular operation requests like time, publish, "here now" and detailed history. In the example, we terminate HTTP requests after 15 seconds of not hearing back from the server.

_pubnubNetworkTcpCheckIntervalInSeconds = 15 

This variable sets the time interval(heart-beat) to check internet/network/tcp connection for HTTP requests when an active request is initiated. In the example, we check network/tcp connection every 15 seconds. It is also used for re-connect interval when "overrideTcpKeepAlive" = true (for Mono framework 2.10.9). Re-connect applies only for subscribe and presence.

_pubnubNetworkCheckRetries = 50 

This variable is to set the maximum number of re-tries for re-connect to check internet/network connection for subscribe and presence. In the example, we attempt 50 times to check connection.

_pubnubWebRequestRetryIntervalInSeconds = 10 

This variable is to set the wait time for re-subscribe and re-presence, if the previous subscribe or presence fail.

If there is no internet/network connection after "pubnubNetworkCheckRetries" attempts for subscribe, "Unsubscribed after 50 failed retries" message will be sent and unsubscribe occurs automatically. Similary for presence, "Presence-unsubscribed after 50 failed retries"

For publish, here_now, detailed history and time, there is no attempt to re-connect. If the request fails due to http web request timeout, "Operation timeout" error be sent. If there is network/internet disconnect, error message "Network connect error" will be sent.

_pubnubPresenceHeartbeatInSeconds = 63

This variable is to set the heartbeat for the subscribed channel for presence before expiry. In the example, we indicate that subsciber can expire after 63 seconds if no heartbeat request is received by server.

_presenceHeartbeatIntervalInSeconds = 60

This variable is to set the heartbeat interval for the subscribed channel for presence before expiry. In the example, we attempt to that subsciber can expire after 63 seconds if no heartbeat request is received by server.

_enableResumeOnReconnect = true

This variable default value is set to true for retry subscribe and presence to use last timetoken(before this with timetoken = 0). If the variable is set to false, retry subscribe and presence will use timetoken = 0.

pubnubEnableProxyConfig = false

This variable default value is set to false assuming Pubnub code don't need internet access through proxy. If proxy access is needed due to corporate policy, set the value of "pubnubEnableProxyConfig" to true and set the Pubnub property "Proxy" to the type PubnubProxy similar to the following code snippet.

          PubnubProxy proxy = new PubnubProxy();
          proxy.ProxyServer = <<Proxy Host or Server Name>>;
          proxy.ProxyPort = <<Proxy Port Number>>;
          proxy.ProxyUserName = << User Name of the proxy server account holder >>;
          proxy.ProxyPassword = << Password of the proxy server account holder >>;
          pubnub.Proxy = proxy;
pubnubLogLevel = LoggingMethod.Level.Off

This variable default value is set to LoggingMethod.Level.Off. This is used to log any trace/error message that occur in the application. Other available log level options are LoggingMethod.Level.Error, LoggingMethod.Level.Info, LoggingMethod.Level.Verbose and LoggingMethod.Level.Warning. This variable is for troubleshooting purposes only.

errorLevel = PubnubErrorFilter.Level.Info

This variable default value is set to PubnubErrorFilter.Level.Info. This is used to filter out error messages that go to Error Callback. Other available options are Warning, Critical

IPubnubUnitTest PubnubUnitTest

PubnubUnitTest is a public property which is of type IPubnubUnitTest interface. This property is used to perform unit tests with stubs. The IPubnubUnitTest interface needs to be implemented and passed to PubnubUnitTest property.

IJsonPluggableLibrary JsonPluggableLibrary

JsonPluggableLibrary is a public property which is of type IJsonPluggableLibrary interface. This property is used to customize the JSON library usage within Pubnub API.

_enableJsonEncodingForPublish = true

This variable default value is set to true. It can be set to false only when already serialized string is published as message for Publish.

string AuthenticationKey

AuthenticationKey is a public property used to set authentication key for PAM.

string Origin

Origin is a public property used to set PubNub origin. Default value is set to "" through _origin. The default value may change for production purposes. Please check with PubNub support on the origin value.

string SessionUUID

SessionUUID is a public property used to set custom UUID for subscribe/presence sessions. If there is no custom value, PubNub by default uses random GUID value.

domainName = ""

This variable default value is set to "". This variable is used only for mono runtime. This variable value will be same as "_origin"

Dev environment setup:

  • MAC OS X 10.8.5
  • Xamarin.iOS
  • Xamarin Studio 4.2.2
  • Xcode 5.0.2
  • Mono 3.2.5
  • iOS 7

Please direct all Support Questions and Concerns to