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Aggregated Hashrate

Stefan Lau edited this page May 4, 2014 · 1 revision

Aggregate the hashrate of multiple miners with the miners/aggregated module. This will display a single chart with the accumulated hashrate of the specified miners.

Configuration Options:

title (Type: String Default: Total Hashrate): The header of the module in the webinterface.
miners (Type: Array Default: []): An array of strings specifying the ids of the miners you want to aggregate.
chartTimespan (Type: Number Default: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000): The timespan that is displayed on the chart in milliseconds.
chartPrecision (Type: Number Default: 5 * 60 * 1000): The timespan between two data points in the chart.


modules: [
        module: 'miners/aggregated',
        title: 'My Total Hashrate',
        miners: [ 'minerId1', 'minerId2' ]
        id: 'minerId1',
        module: 'miners/bfgminer'
        id: 'minerId2',
        module: 'miners/bfgminer'