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Stefan Lau edited this page May 4, 2014 · 4 revisions

Supported through the miners/bfgminer module. Make sure you started bfgminer with the --api-listen and --api-network options if necessary.

Configuration Options:

title (Type: String Default: The header of the module in the webinterface.
host (Type: String Default: The host the bfgminer is running on.
port (Type: Number Default: 4028): The port the bfgminer is running on.
interval (Type: Number Default: 1000): The interval in which the miner is polled in milliseconds. chartTimespan (Type: Number Default: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000): The timespan that is displayed on the chart in milliseconds.
chartPrecision (Type: Number Default: 5 * 60 * 1000): The timespan between two data points in the chart.


modules: [
        module: 'miners/bfgminer',
        title: 'My Block Eruptors',
        host: '',
        port: 4333,
        interval: 2500


If you have issues with the Antminer cgminer version try to use the current development version of miner-dashboard.

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