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Movie Searcher App

A simple movie search application developed for iOS.

Technologies and Libraries Used

UIKit framework was employed. SFSafariViewController was used to display web pages. JSON data parsing was implemented using the Codable protocol.

API and Data Source

Movie searches were conducted using the OMDB API. Retrieved JSON data was decoded using the Codable protocol for use in the application.

Architecture and Structure

Designed following the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. The ViewController class handles movie search processes and manages the TableView, while the MovieTableViewCell custom cell class represents each cell in the TableView.

Application Flow

Users can enter a movie title through a UITextField. The entered title is sent to the OMDB API to search for relevant movies. Found movies are displayed in a custom TableView cell. After selecting a movie, a web viewer is opened using SFSafariViewController to show the IMDB page.


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