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Database as Code

This project contains the resources for my presentation on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 around Database as Code.


Is a plus

As is

Today, when you want to migrate a database, three choice are available:

  • Manual migration (using SQL Server Management Studio)
  • Automatic migration (entity framework, etc...)
  • Desired State (DacPac, Liquibase, etc...)

The first one is the most common but human error prone. The second one is more complex because you need to know the database structure and if the database structure change you need to update the migration scripts. The last one is the most common and easy to maintain.


DacPac is a package that contains the database structure and the migration scripts. It based on Xml zipped package. More information about DacPac.

DevOps one step ahead

During this presentation, we discovered how to :

  • Extract the database structure from the database (DacPac file) with Azure Data Studio.
  • Create a database from the database structure (DacPac file) with Azure Data Studio.
  • Create a new dotnet project based on the open source project MSBuild.Sdk.SqlProj.
  • Create a build to generate the dacpac migration file on Azure DevOps Pipelines or GitHub Actions. (See below to get more information)
  • Use Azure DevOps Release to deploy it on Azure SQL Server.

Project good practices structure

├── schema.sql (contains create schema)
├── schema (contains tables and views)
│   ├── Tables (contains tables)
│   │   ├── my-table.sql (contains create table)
│   │   └── my-table (contains columns)
│   └── Views (contains views)
│       ├── my-view.sql (contains create view)
│       └── my-view (contains columns)
├── database.csproj
└── post-deployments (contains migration scripts)
    ├── post-deployments.sql (contains create schema)
    ├── 001_create-schema.sql (contains create schema)
    ├── 002_create-table.sql (contains create table)
    ├── 003_create-view.sql (contains create view)
    └── 004_create-column.sql (contains create column)

Go futher

When you will use the database as code, you can deploy your application with multiple artifact, one as your application binary file, one as your database structure. Finally let DevOps release your application as one.

Continuous Integration

CI Status Source
Azure DevOps pipeline Build Status azure-pipelines.yml
GitHub Actions Github-CI ci-github.yml

Continuous Deployment

CI Status
Azure DevOps pipeline Deployment on Dev Status
GitHub Actions not time to make it Use SQL Azure to deploy dacpac file


This project is a demo to Database as code using Desired State with DacPac





