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Repository files navigation


I suggest to install this module using composer.

  "require": {
    "sensorario/sensorariourlroute": "@dev"

Load SensorarioUrlRoute module in config/main.php configuration file:

'sensorariourlroute' => array(
  'class' => 'webroot.vendor.sensorario.sensorariourlroute.SensorarioUrlRouteModule',

Enable URLs in path format:

'components' => array(
  'urlManager' => array(
    'urlFormat' => 'path',
    'rules' => require 'routing.php',


Add annotations in DocComments of actions:

class SiteController extends Controller

   * @Route(name="homepage");
  public function actionIndex()


Go to index.php/SensorarioUrlRoute and click on "Generate routing file". A file will be generated with this contents:

<?php return array(

Now, to get rout of 'homepage' route, you could use this code:

((new CreateUrl('homepage'))->getRoute()))

Usage with parameters

Instead of /site/hello/username/sensorario you can type url /hello/sensorario.

 * @Route(value="hello/<username:\w+>");
public function actionHello($username)
  echo "Hello $username";