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Control ws2811-based pixel led strip with ESP8266 using OpenRTOS


  • Web control interface
  • Simple API with binary form of data.
  • Client-side data binding using javascript.
  • Server part written on C/C++.

Compile & Install

  • Clone esp-open-rtos and install all its prerequisites as described on
  • Clone this repository into examlpes using option --recurse-submodules
  • Create directory 'private' and file 'private/network-config.h' in the source tree of this project. The file must contain macro defines:
#define WIFI_SSID "youWifiSsid"
#define WIFI_PASS "youWifiPassword"
#define AP_SSID "TheEspAPSsid"
#define AP_PASS "EspAPPass"
  • Build the project and flash it with usb/serial port
make flash
  • Assign constatnt IP to you device on the DHCP server and connect with browser using http.