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Tiny ML Framework by Worm

The picture


This project containts a Tiny ML (WML) framework and an example of its use. The project is written on plain C and developed to be used on baremetal systems with FPU.

File structure of the project:

  1. wml — contains header and source files of WML framework
  2. main.c — the entry point of the project, containts unit tests and examples
  3. Makefile — the root makefile of the project
  4. refs — python files with reference code of training and testing neural network with pytorch


WML is a Tiny ML framework by Worm. It contains:

  1. wml_mat — representation of Matrix and implementation of operations with it
  2. wml_utils — collection of utilities (stack memory allocator, random generator, etc)
  3. wml_layers — representation of layers of neural network (Linear, ReLU, Softmax)
  4. wml_data_loader — implementation of dataloaders (from array, from file)
  5. wml_plot — a wrapper over gnuplot

WML allows to train and use neural networks (NN) on microcontrollers and CPUs. For NN training the availability of FPU is mandatory.

How to use

To build project on Unix system you need to follow the next steps:

  1. Edit main() function in main.c file and uncomment one of functions (unit_tests, iris, mnist). Also you can change hyperparameters in the appropriate function.
  2. Download MNIST dataset (for MNIST example only) by executing ./
  3. Execute make in root directory.
  4. Start training and testing by executing ./bld/prog.

As a result you will train and test the model and will see its accuracy.

The Makefile by default does debug build and use GCC sanitizers. This allows to make robust project but consumes CPU time. You can modify Makefile to change this.

Unit tests

To test parts of WML you can run unit_tests:

  1. Edit main() function in main.c file and uncomment unit\_tests() function.
  2. Build the project by executing make.
  3. Run the tests by executing the application ./bld/prog.

As a result unit test will be completed.

IRIS Example

The first example project is NN with one hidden layer and Fisher Iris dataset. The NN classifies Irises by its dementions and reaches 100% accuracy.

The dataset is embedded in the header file wml_ds_iris.h.

To reproduce Iris example follow the next steps:

  1. Edit main() function in main.c file and uncomment iris() function.
  2. Build the project by executing make.
  3. Run the tests by executing the application ./bld/prog.

MNIST Example

The second example project is NN with two hidden layers and MNIST dataset. The NN classifies pictures of digits and reaches accuracy about 94%.

The dataset should be loaded by script

To reproduce MNIST example follow the next steps:

  1. Edit main() function in main.c file and uncomment mnist() function.
  2. Download MNIST dataset by executing the script ./
  3. Build the project by executing make.
  4. Run the tests by executing the application ./bld/prog.

The training process can take about 2 hours.


Sergey Worm,