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Chapter 6: TypeScript

Type an Alert Component Interface

In this challenge, we've created a simple AppAlert component. It takes 2 props: type and dismissable. It also emits an event dismiss.

Your task is to type these props and emits.


  1. The type prop should be one of the following strings: "success", "error", "warning", or "info"
  2. The type prop should default to 'info'
  3. The dismissable prop should be a boolean
  4. The dismissable prop should default to false
  5. The dismiss event's payload should be the literal type true
  6. All TS errors within the AppAlert component should be resolved

💡 HINT: Play with the usage of the AppAlert component in App.vue to see how your IDE's autocomplete is more useful with the typed props and events.

Screenshot of Autocomplete results for AppAlert type prop

Screenshot of Autocomplete results for AppAlert type prop

Screenshot of Dismiss Event Payload properly Typed when Hovered

Screenshot of Dismiss Event Payload properly Typed when Hovered

Screenshot of the solution

Screenshot of the solution