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Entkenntnis edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 3 revisions


Every entity belongs to a content type. These are the supported types:

Content Type Description Example
Page A single page of static content. /serlo
Article A single page of learning content. /27801
CoursePage A single page of learning content that is part of a course. /52020
Video A single video element with a description. /40744
Applet A single Geogebra applet. /138114
TaxonomyTerm Index page with links to descendant entities. Some entities are shown directly in the taxonomy (e.g. subterms or exercises). /5
Exercise A single exercise with solution, possibly with interactive element. /54210
ExerciseGroup A list of exercises in a group with a shared description in the beginning. /53205
GroupedExercise A single exercise that is part of a exercise group. /53209
Course Meta-entity of a course, redirects to first page. /51979
Event Information about an upcoming event. /145590
Solution Not for end-users, but relevant for author tools /195107


Entities may contain a wide range of different elements. See @/data-types.ts for a detailed description.

Here is the list of supported element types:

  • text
  • a
  • inline-math
  • p
  • h
  • math
  • img
  • spoiler-container
  • spoiler-title
  • spoiler-body
  • ul
  • ol
  • li
  • row
  • col
  • important
  • anchor
  • table
  • tr
  • th
  • td
  • geogebra
  • injection
  • exercise (not handled by converter, but by separate function)
  • exercise-group (not handled by converter, but by separate function)
  • video
  • code
  • equations
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