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[AD-458] Use single StateT with lenses
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artemohanjanyan committed Oct 25, 2018
1 parent 6536962 commit e627f1d
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 137 deletions.
256 changes: 119 additions & 137 deletions knit/src/Knit/Autocompletion.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,92 +28,17 @@ import Knit.Procedure
import Knit.Syntax
import Knit.Tokenizer

:: forall components proxy.
( KnownSpine components
, AllConstrained (ComponentTokenizer components) components
, AllConstrained (ComponentTokenToLit components) components
, AllConstrained (ComponentCommandProcs components) components
, AllConstrained ComponentPrinter components
=> proxy components
-> Cursor
-> T.Text
-> [(Cursor, T.Text)]
suggestions _ cursor cmd =
(spaceBefore, tokens) = tokenize cmd

tokenBalance = \case
TokenParenthesis bs -> withBracketSide 1 (-1) bs
_ -> 0
parensBalance = sum $ map (tokenBalance . _lItem . _twsToken) tokens
cmdLines = T.splitOn "\n" cmd
endLoc = (length cmdLines, T.length (last cmdLines) + 1)

loc' a b = loc (fromIntegral a) (fromIntegral b)
closingBracket i t = TokenWithSpace
{ _twsToken = Located
{ _lSpan = spanFromTo
(loc' (fst endLoc) (snd endLoc + i))
(loc' (fst endLoc) (snd endLoc + i + 1))
, _lItem = t
, _twsSpaceAfter = def

tokens' = tokens ++ zipWith closingBracket [0..]
(replicate parensBalance (TokenParenthesis BracketSideClosing))
case fullParses (pExpr @components) tokens' of
([], _) -> [(cursor, cmd)]
(tree:_, _) ->
(formattedExpr, spaceAfter) = parseTreeToFormattedExpr (Selection $ Just cursor) tree
makeSws = maybe def $ \space ->
(Space $ toList $ getSkipped $ _lItem space)
(selectionInSpan (getCursor cursor) (_lSpan space))
makeRightSws x =
if cmd == ""
then SpaceWithSelection def (Selection $ Just def)
else makeSws x
processSuggestion ((suggestion, LeftSpace swsBefore), RightSpace swsAfter) =
(suggestionStr, selection) = ppFormattedExpr swsBefore suggestion swsAfter
( maybe
(error "Core invariant violated: no cursor after autocompletion")
$ getSelection selection
, T.dropEnd parensBalance suggestionStr
map processSuggestion $
(suggestionExprs commandProcs formattedExpr)
(LeftSpace $ makeSws spaceBefore))
(RightSpace $ makeRightSws spaceAfter)

newtype LeftSpace = LeftSpace { getLeftSpace :: SpaceWithSelection }
deriving (Default)

newtype RightSpace = RightSpace { getRightSpace :: SpaceWithSelection }
deriving (Default)

type SuggestionMonad = StateT LeftSpace (StateT RightSpace [])

liftLeft :: SuggestionMonad a -> SuggestionMonad a
liftLeft = id
data SuggestionCtx = SuggestionCtx
{ _leftSpace :: SpaceWithSelection
, _rightSpace :: SpaceWithSelection
makeLenses ''SuggestionCtx

liftRight :: StateT RightSpace [] a -> SuggestionMonad a
liftRight = lift
instance Default SuggestionCtx where
def = SuggestionCtx def def

liftList :: [a] -> SuggestionMonad a
liftList = lift . lift
type SuggestionMonad = StateT SuggestionCtx []

{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: T.Text) #-}
-- | Returns completion suggestions assuming that the expression was completed
-- with missing parentheses before parsing.
Expand All @@ -130,17 +55,14 @@ suggestionExprs procs = goExpr
lit@(ExprLit _ _) -> pure lit
ExprProcCall NoExt p -> ExprProcCall NoExt <$> goPc p
XExpr (ExprInBrackets l e r) -> do
oldLeft <- liftLeft get
oldRight <- liftRight get
liftLeft $ put $ LeftSpace $ fbSpace l
liftRight $ put $ RightSpace $ fbSpace r
oldCtx <- get
leftSpace .= fbSpace l
rightSpace .= fbSpace r
<> SpaceWithSelection def (selectionAtTheStart $ fbBracketSelection r)
e' <- goExpr e
l' <- liftLeft $ gets $ \(LeftSpace lSpace) -> l { fbSpace = lSpace }
r' <- liftRight $ gets $ \(RightSpace rSpace) ->
FormattedBracket (selectionAtTheEnd rSpace) rSpace
liftLeft $ put oldLeft
liftRight $ put oldRight
l' <- uses leftSpace $ \lSpace -> l { fbSpace = lSpace }
r' <- uses rightSpace $ \rSpace -> FormattedBracket (selectionAtTheEnd rSpace) rSpace
put oldCtx
pure $ XExpr $ ExprInBrackets l' e' r'

Expand All @@ -149,38 +71,36 @@ suggestionExprs procs = goExpr
goPc pc@(ProcCall pcSelection cmd args) =
case cmd of
CommandIdOperator OpUnit -> do
leftSpace <- liftLeft $ gets getLeftSpace
rightSpace <- liftRight $ gets getRightSpace
let space = leftSpace <> rightSpace
lSpace <- use leftSpace
rSpace <- use rightSpace
let space = lSpace <> rSpace
case getSelection $ swsSelection space of
Nothing -> pure pc
Just c -> do
let (leftSpace', rightSpace') = splitAtCursor c $ getSpace $ swsSpace space
liftLeft $ put $ LeftSpace $ SpaceWithSelection (Space leftSpace') def
liftRight $ put $ RightSpace
$ SpaceWithSelection (Space rightSpace') (Selection $ Just def)
liftList $ pc : map (toProcCall . fst) suggestableProcs
let (lSpace', rSpace') = splitAtCursor c $ getSpace $ swsSpace space
leftSpace .= SpaceWithSelection (Space lSpace') def
rightSpace .= SpaceWithSelection (Space rSpace') (Selection $ Just def)
lift $ pc : map (toProcCall . fst) suggestableProcs
CommandIdOperator OpAndThen ->
case args of
[ArgPos (ArgPosSpace lRightSpace) lhs, ArgPos (ArgPosSpace rLeftSpace) rhs] -> do
-- lLeftSpace lhs lRightSpace ; rLeftSpace rhs rRightSpace

rRightSpace <- liftRight get
liftRight $ put $ RightSpace $ lRightSpace
<> SpaceWithSelection def (selectionAtTheStart pcSelection)
rRightSpace <- use rightSpace
rightSpace .= lRightSpace <> SpaceWithSelection def (selectionAtTheStart pcSelection)
lhs' <- goExpr lhs
lRightSpace' <- liftRight get
liftRight $ put rRightSpace
lRightSpace' <- use rightSpace
rightSpace .= rRightSpace

lLeftSpace <- liftLeft get
liftLeft $ put $ LeftSpace rLeftSpace
lLeftSpace <- use leftSpace
leftSpace .= rLeftSpace
rhs' <- goExpr rhs
rLeftSpace' <- liftLeft get
liftLeft $ put lLeftSpace
rLeftSpace' <- use leftSpace
leftSpace .= lLeftSpace

pure $ ProcCall (selectionAtTheEnd $ getRightSpace lRightSpace') cmd
[ ArgPos (ArgPosSpace $ getRightSpace lRightSpace') lhs'
, ArgPos (ArgPosSpace $ getLeftSpace rLeftSpace') rhs'
pure $ ProcCall (selectionAtTheEnd lRightSpace') cmd
[ ArgPos (ArgPosSpace lRightSpace') lhs'
, ArgPos (ArgPosSpace rLeftSpace') rhs'
_ -> invalidOperatorApplication
CommandIdName name -> do
Expand All @@ -202,52 +122,49 @@ suggestionExprs procs = goExpr

ProcCall pcSelection pcName (ArgPos space e : argsRest) -> do
oldRight <- liftRight get
liftRight $ put $ RightSpace $ getArgPosSpace space
oldCtx <- get

rightSpace .= getArgPosSpace space
(ProcCall pcSelection' pcName' argsRest') <-
goPcName False pc (ProcCall pcSelection pcName argsRest)
space' <- liftRight $ gets getRightSpace
space' <- use rightSpace

:: Expr FormattedExprExt CommandId components
-> SuggestionMonad (Arg' FormattedExprExt CommandId components)
suggestKeyword (ExprProcCall NoExt (ProcCall aPcSelection (CommandIdName aPcName) []))
| Just c <- getSelection aPcSelection =
liftList $ ArgPos (ArgPosSpace space') e : do
lift $ ArgPos (ArgPosSpace space') e : do
let (toComplete, _) = splitAtCursor c $ nameStr aPcName
pcParam <- procParams pcName
guard $ isPrefixOf toComplete $ nameStr pcParam
let selection = Selection $ Just $ cursorAfter $ nameStr pcParam ++ ":"
pure $ ArgKw (ArgKwSpace space' selection def) pcParam $
ExprProcCall NoExt (ProcCall def (CommandIdOperator OpUnit) [])
suggestKeyword _ = liftList []
suggestKeyword _ = lift []

oldLeft <- liftLeft get
liftLeft $ put def
liftRight $ put def
put def
arg' <- suggestKeyword e <|> ArgPos (ArgPosSpace space') <$> goExpr e

liftLeft $ put oldLeft
liftRight $ put oldRight
put oldCtx

pure $ ProcCall pcSelection' pcName' (arg' : argsRest')

ProcCall pcSelection pcName (ArgKw space keyword e : argsRest) -> do
oldRight <- liftRight get
liftRight $ put $ RightSpace $ aksPrefix space
oldCtx <- get

rightSpace .= aksPrefix space
(ProcCall pcSelection' pcName' argsRest') <-
goPcName False pc (ProcCall pcSelection pcName argsRest)
space' <- liftRight $ gets getRightSpace
space' <- use rightSpace

oldLeft <- liftLeft get
liftLeft $ put def
liftRight $ put def
leftSpace .= def
rightSpace .= def
e' <- goExpr e

liftLeft $ put oldLeft
liftRight $ put oldRight
put oldCtx

pure $ ProcCall pcSelection' pcName'
(ArgKw space { aksPrefix = space' } keyword e' : argsRest')
Expand All @@ -261,7 +178,7 @@ suggestionExprs procs = goExpr
pcNameStr = nameStr pcName
(toComplete, _) = splitAtCursor c pcNameStr
liftList $ (pure $ ProcCall pcSelection (CommandIdName pcName) []) <|> do
lift $ (pure $ ProcCall pcSelection (CommandIdName pcName) []) <|> do
(pcName', _) <- suggestableProcs
guard $ isPrefixOf toComplete $ nameStr pcName'
guard $ pcName' /= pcName || c /= cursorAfter pcNameStr
Expand All @@ -273,20 +190,19 @@ suggestionExprs procs = goExpr
-> ProcCall' FormattedExprExt CommandId components
-> SuggestionMonad (ProcCall' FormattedExprExt CommandId components)
goPcRightSpace firstCall (ProcCall _ pcName _) pc@(ProcCall pcSelection pcCmd pcArgs) = do
RightSpace right <- liftRight get
right <- use rightSpace
case getSelection $ swsSelection right of
Nothing -> pure pc
Just c ->
if c == def || not firstCall && c == cursorAfterSpace (swsSpace right)
then pure pc
else pure pc <|> do
let (leftSpace', rightSpace') = splitAtCursor c $ getSpace $ swsSpace right
liftRight $ put $ RightSpace
$ SpaceWithSelection (Space rightSpace') (Selection $ Just def)
pcParam <- liftList $ procParams pcName
let (lSpace', rSpace') = splitAtCursor c $ getSpace $ swsSpace right
rightSpace .= SpaceWithSelection (Space rSpace') (Selection $ Just def)
pcParam <- lift $ procParams pcName
arg' =
ArgKw (ArgKwSpace (SpaceWithSelection (Space leftSpace') def) def def) pcParam $
ArgKw (ArgKwSpace (SpaceWithSelection (Space lSpace') def) def def) pcParam $
ExprProcCall NoExt (ProcCall def (CommandIdOperator OpUnit) [])
pure $ ProcCall pcSelection pcCmd $ arg' : pcArgs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,3 +240,69 @@ suggestionExprs procs = goExpr

nameStr = unpack . toLazyText . build

:: forall components proxy.
( KnownSpine components
, AllConstrained (ComponentTokenizer components) components
, AllConstrained (ComponentTokenToLit components) components
, AllConstrained (ComponentCommandProcs components) components
, AllConstrained ComponentPrinter components
=> proxy components
-> Cursor
-> T.Text
-> [(Cursor, T.Text)]
suggestions _ cursor cmd =
(spaceBefore, tokens) = tokenize cmd

tokenBalance = \case
TokenParenthesis bs -> withBracketSide 1 (-1) bs
_ -> 0
parensBalance = sum $ map (tokenBalance . _lItem . _twsToken) tokens
cmdLines = T.splitOn "\n" cmd
endLoc = (length cmdLines, T.length (last cmdLines) + 1)

loc' a b = loc (fromIntegral a) (fromIntegral b)
closingBracket i t = TokenWithSpace
{ _twsToken = Located
{ _lSpan = spanFromTo
(loc' (fst endLoc) (snd endLoc + i))
(loc' (fst endLoc) (snd endLoc + i + 1))
, _lItem = t
, _twsSpaceAfter = def

tokens' = tokens ++ zipWith closingBracket [0..]
(replicate parensBalance (TokenParenthesis BracketSideClosing))
case fullParses (pExpr @components) tokens' of
([], _) -> [(cursor, cmd)]
(tree:_, _) ->
(formattedExpr, spaceAfter) = parseTreeToFormattedExpr (Selection $ Just cursor) tree
makeSws = maybe def $ \space ->
(Space $ toList $ getSkipped $ _lItem space)
(selectionInSpan (getCursor cursor) (_lSpan space))
makeRightSws x =
if cmd == ""
then SpaceWithSelection def (Selection $ Just def)
else makeSws x
processSuggestion (suggestion, SuggestionCtx swsBefore swsAfter) =
(suggestionStr, selection) = ppFormattedExpr swsBefore suggestion swsAfter
( maybe
(error "Core invariant violated: no cursor after autocompletion")
$ getSelection selection
, T.dropEnd parensBalance suggestionStr
map processSuggestion $
(suggestionExprs commandProcs formattedExpr)
(SuggestionCtx (makeSws spaceBefore) (makeRightSws spaceAfter))

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