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Database of RL algorithms

Atari Space Invaders Scores MuJoCo Walker2d Scores
Atari Space Invaders Scores MuJoCo Walker2d Scores


You can use rldb.find_all({}) to retrieve all existing entries in rldb.

import rldb

all_entries = rldb.find_all({})

You can also filter entries by specifying key-value pairs that the entry must match:

import rldb

dqn_entries = rldb.find_all({'algo-nickname': 'DQN'})
breakout_noop_entries = rldb.find_all({
    'env-title': 'atari-breakout',
    'env-variant': 'No-op start',

You can also use rldbl.find_one(filter_dict) to find one entry that matches the key-value pair specified in filter_dict:

import rldb
import pprint

entry = rldb.find_one({
    'env-title': 'atari-pong',
    'algo-title': 'Human',

    'algo-nickname': 'Human',
    'algo-title': 'Human',
    'env-title': 'atari-pong',
    'env-variant': 'No-op start',
    'score': 14.6,
    'source-arxiv-id': '1511.06581',
    'source-arxiv-version': 3,
    'source-authors': [   'Ziyu Wang',
                          'Tom Schaul',
                          'Matteo Hessel',
                          'Hado van Hasselt',
                          'Marc Lanctot',
                          'Nando de Freitas'],
    'source-bibtex': '@article{DBLP:journals/corr/WangFL15,\n'
                     '    author    = {Ziyu Wang and\n'
                     '                 Nando de Freitas and\n'
                     '                 Marc Lanctot},\n'
                     '    title     = {Dueling Network Architectures for Deep '
                     'Reinforcement Learning},\n'
                     '    journal   = {CoRR},\n'
                     '    volume    = {abs/1511.06581},\n'
                     '    year      = {2015},\n'
                     '    url       = {},\n'
                     '    archivePrefix = {arXiv},\n'
                     '    eprint    = {1511.06581},\n'
                     '    timestamp = {Mon, 13 Aug 2018 16:48:17 +0200},\n'
                     '    biburl    = '
                     '    bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, '
    'source-nickname': 'DuDQN',
    'source-title': 'Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement '

Entry Structure

Here is the format of every entry:

    # BASICS
    "source-title": "",
    "source-nickname": "",
    "source-authors": [],

    # MISC.
    "source-bibtex": "",

    "algo-title": "",
    "algo-nickname": "",
    "algo-source-title": "",

    # SCORE
    "env-title": "",
    "score": 0,
  • source-title is the full title of the source of the score: it can be the title of the paper or GitHub repository title. source-nickname is a popular nickname or acronym for that title if it exists, otherwise it is the same as source-title.
  • source-authors are a list of authors or contributors.
  • source-bibtex is a BibTeX-format citation.
  • algo-title is the full title of the algorithm used. algo-nickname is the nickname or acronym for that algorithm if it exists, otherwise it is the same as algo-nickname.
  • algo-source-title is the title of the source of the algorithm. It can and often is different from source-title.

For example, the Space Invaders score of Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C) algorithm in the Noisy Networks for Exploration (NoisyNet) paper is represented by the following entry:

    #  BASICS
    "source-title": "Noisy Networks for Exploration",
    "source-nickname": "NoisyNet",
    "source-authors": [
        "Meire Fortunato",
        "Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar",
        "Bilal Piot",
        "Jacob Menick",
        "Ian Osband",
        "Alex Graves",
        "Vlad Mnih",
        "Remi Munos",
        "Demis Hassabis",
        "Olivier Pietquin",
        "Charles Blundell",
        "Shane Legg",

    #  ARXIV
    "source-arxiv-id": "1706.10295",
    "source-arxiv-version": 2,

    #  MISC.
    "source-bibtex": """
    author    = {Meire Fortunato and
                 Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar and
                 Bilal Piot and
                 Jacob Menick and
                 Ian Osband and
                 Alex Graves and
                 Vlad Mnih and
                 R{\'{e}}mi Munos and
                 Demis Hassabis and
                 Olivier Pietquin and
                 Charles Blundell and
                 Shane Legg},
    title     = {Noisy Networks for Exploration},
    journal   = {CoRR},
    volume    = {abs/1706.10295},
    year      = {2017},
    url       = {},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    eprint    = {1706.10295},
    timestamp = {Mon, 13 Aug 2018 16:46:11 +0200},
    biburl    = {},
    bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}

    "algo-title": "Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic",
    "algo-nickname": "A3C",
    "algo-source-title": "Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning",

    "algo-frames": 320 * 1000 * 1000,  # Number of frames

    # SCORE
    "env-title": "atari-space-invaders",
    "env-variant": "No-op start",
    "score": 1034,
    "stddev": 49,

Note that, as shown here, the entry can contain additional information.



Deep Q-Networks

Policy Gradients





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