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A Note on Versioning

Mike Hadlow edited this page Dec 11, 2013 · 4 revisions

EasyNetQ is alpha software. It is under heavy development with frequent changes both to the internals and to the public API. The developers follow the following versioning scheme:


So for example, the version at the time this was written was:

We use the following, somewhat semantic, versioning policy:

major           - 0 to indicate that this is alpha software.
minor           - increments when there is a breaking change to the API.
patch           - indicates a bug fix or some internal change.
build-number    - increments on each build on the CI server.

We use the code better ( CI server for our builds. Each change in the master repository triggers a build. Each is build is automatically published to NuGet.

There is no development version, or stabilization process, so you should regression test your software when upgrading your NuGet EasyNetQ package.

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