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V2 Advanced API Proposal

mike-hadlow-15below edited this page Dec 13, 2012 · 8 revisions

Some ideas about a V2 Advanced API proposal. The intention is that the V2 API should be much closer to AMQP. But still with useful features such as:

  • A simple consumer loop, so that users don't have to worry about implementing it.
  • A persistent connection that automatically reconnects.
  • A default error handling strategy.
  • A serializer.

Here's an example of the API in use ...

IConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new RabbitMQConnectionFactory();

IPersistentConnection connection = connectionFactory.OpenConnection("host=localhost"); // is IDisposable

var channelSettings = new ChannelSettings
    PrefetchCount = 10,
    ConfirmsSelect = true

IChannel channel = connection.OpenChannel(channelSettings); // is IDisposable

IExchange exchange = Exchange.Direct("my_exchange", exchangeSettings);
IExchange exchange = Exchange.Custom("my_exchange", "exchange_type", exchangeSettings); 
IExchange exchange = Exchange.Default();

IQueue queue = Queue.Create("my_queue", queueSettings);


var binding = channel.Bind(exchange, queue, "routing_key");

byte[] message = SomeCreateMessageMethod();

channel.ConfirmPublication += PublisherConfirmationHandler;

channel.Publish(exchange, "my_routing_key", properties, message);

// or typed message publication
var message = new Message<MyMessage>(new MyMessage(), properties);
var contentType = "application/json"; // EasyNetQ looks up the correct serializer for the content type
var publishSettings = new PublishSettings(exchange, "my_routing_key", contentType);
channel.Publish<MyMessage>(message, publishSettings);

IConsumer consumer = new Consumer(connection.ComsumptionLoop, consumerSettings);
IConsumer consumer = new ResolvingConsumer(connection.ConsumptionLoop, consumerSettings, windsorResolver);

IHandler<MyMessage> handler = new MyHandler(); // implements IHandler<MyMessage> { void Handle(Message<MyMessage>); }

consumer.AddHandler(handler); // consumer can have multiple handlers switched on message type.

IConsumerHandle consumerHandle = channel.StartConsuming(queue, consumer);