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Your software development team is asked to deliver a minimal working UX .

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Employee Management System Instructions

User Scenario:

Your software development team is asked to deliver a minimal working UX for a basic employee management system for company ‘Z’. The software design document will be a set of designs for this software system involving its data and programming schemas. They have NO GUI/UX for their needed system. They have one person putting the data into their database using dBeaver and MySQL scripts.


Develop a full-stack application that allows users to interact with an employeeData MySQL database. Users should be able to search, insert, update, and delete employee records(CRUD).

  • The system must support the generation of several key reports:
    • Detailed information on full-time employees, including their pay statement history.
    • Total monthly pay categorized by job title.
    • Total monthly pay categorized by division.

Project Deliverables

In the project repository, you'll find:

Database Schema Diagram:

  • Created using dBeaver, it illustrates both the original schema and additional components, including:
  • Additional Tables:
    • Employee addresses, encompassing demographic details such as gender, pronouns, race, date of birth, and contact information.
    • Tables for city and state information, with corresponding IDs linked in the address table.
    • Primary and Foreign Key Connections:
    • employees.empid (primary) linked to employee_division.empid (foreign)
    • employees.empid (primary) linked to payroll.empid (foreign)
    • employees.empid (primary) linked to employee_job_titles.empid (foreign)
    • employee_division.div_ID (primary) linked to division.ID (foreign)
    • employee_job_titles.job_title_id (primary) linked to job_titles.job_title_id (foreign)
    • employees.empid (primary) linked to address.empid (foreign)

Technical Decisions:

  • Frontend: HTML / CSS

  • Backend: Spring Boot (Java)

  • Database: SQLite

Setup Instructions : Spring Boot

1. Configure Application Properties



2. Install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

Install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition for optimal compatibility.

3. Install 7-Zip

Download and install 7-Zip to resolve Windows long path directory issues during extraction.

4. Run SQL Script

Execute the employee-directory.sql script in DBeaver.

5. Run the Application

Run the application using the ThymeleafdemoApplication class.

6. Access the Web Application

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/employees/list in your web browser.


Your software development team is asked to deliver a minimal working UX .







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