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2. Getting Started

Josh Freivogel edited this page Apr 28, 2019 · 14 revisions

<- Welcome page

Basically, the only tools you'll need to participate are Slack, GitHub, and Google Drive. If you're a bit overwhelmed about which issues to tackle on your first visit but are eager to contribute, we would love your help labeling Twitter data. There should always be a few issues open for that such as this one!


We use Slack to communicate: when we'll be showing up at Hack Night, questions about issues or the tech stack, interesting ideas we found on the web, relevant events, what we want to work on, and anything else we want to share. Easiest way to join our slack channel is from a browser:

  1. use to join Code for San Francisco's slack team,
  2. Once you've joined the brigade slack channel, you can search "#nltweets."
  3. Click the green "Join" button and you're in!


This is where all of our code lives, and we also use the "Issues" feature for Product Management. You can browse Issuesto get an idea where we are in the project and find something you want to work on. It's also where this wiki lives :). The tabs in GitHub are used as follows:

  • Code: Please see the Project Architecture page for a discussion of how the different files and folders in the "Code" section work together to make up the platform we're building.
  • Issues: An issue is meant to be a small unit of work needed to build a feature of the platform. Ideally, we want to create issues as small as feasible. We will try to label issues such as "Good first issue" or "Help wanted," but don't rely on labels. Read through all of them, and if you have experience in that area or are trying to learn the technology for working on the issue and you don't understand something, feel free to leave a question in the comment and add the label "question." If you want to work on the issue, feel free to assign it to yourself so that others know you're working on it.
  • Pull requests: When you want to contribute code to the project, you will start with cloning the repo to your local machine as discussed in the section "Developer Guidelines."
  • Projects: It may be helpful to see how we envision the platform development effort broken down into smaller projects. Issues are associated with projects to get a sense of what is needed and the progress status for each area.
  • Wiki: The main onboarding content and resource for information about the project including developer guidelines, team member info, project organization, and more.

Google Drive

This is where we maintain notes and other content that doesn't really work well in other platforms. You'll find weekly Hack Night notes about what we worked on as well as an Issues Breakdown of what we want to work on next with a little more context about what's needed.

-> Project Architecture

Clone this wiki locally