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New Hack Night Visitors

Josh Freivogel edited this page Mar 24, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome, "Hack Night" Visitors!

We created this page especially for Code for San Francisco "Hack Night" visitors checking out whether NLTweets is a project they want to help build. Below are links to places where you can learn about different aspects of the project. Feel free to read them in whatever order you like, but if you only read one thing, please make it the GitHub project wiki! If you have any questions, come talk to us, post to the #nltweets slack channel, or DM @Josh Freivogel or @daniel.zou. When you're ready to contribute code changes, DM us with your GitHub username.

Project Mission and Motivation: GitHub Wiki

Engineering and product development work: GitHub Issues

Weekly meeting notes, agenda, design assets, manual labeling files: Google Drive

We welcome contributors on all aspects of this project, and if you don't see an open issue covering the work you want to do, create a new issue in GitHub and assign it to yourself.