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An SQL Awk with table joins


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A squawk

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Sqawk is an Awk-like program that uses SQL and can combine data from multiple files. It is powered by SQLite.


sqawk [globaloptions] script [option=value ...] < filename


sqawk [globaloptions] script [option=value ...] filename1 [[option=value ...] filename2 ...]

One of the filenames can be - for the standard input.

An example

Here is a somewhat contrived example that shows a script, a global option and several file options in use:

# List all login shells used on the system.
sqawk -ORS '\n' 'select distinct shell from passwd order by shell' FS=: columns=username,password,uid,gui,info,home,shell table=passwd /etc/passwd


# Do the same thing.
sqawk 'select distinct a7 from a order by a7' FS=: /etc/passwd

Sqawk allows you to be verbose to better document your script but aims to provide reasonable defaults that save you keystrokes in interactive use.

Skip down for more examples.


A Sqawk script consist of one of more SQL statements in the SQLite version 3 dialect of SQL.

The default table names are a for the first input file, b for the second, c for the third, etc. You can change the table name for any one file with a file option. The table name is used as a prefix in its fields' names; the fields are named a1, a2, etc. in the table a, b1, b2, etc. in b and so on. a0 is the raw input text of the whole record for each record (i.e., one line of input with the default record separator of \n). anr in a, bnr in b and so on contains the record number and is the primary key of its respective table. anf, bnf and so on contain the field count for a given record.


Global options

These options affect all files.

Option Example Comment
-FS value -FS '[ \t]+' Input field separator for the default parser (one for all input files).
-RS value -RS '\n' Input record separator for the default parser (one for all input files).
-OFS value -OFS ' ' Output field separator for the default serializer.
-ORS value -ORS '\n' Output record separator for the default serializer.
-NF value -NF 10 The maximum number of fields per record. Increase this if you get errors like table x has no column named x51 (MNF=normal only).
-MNF value -MNF expand, -MNF crop, -MNF normal The NF mode used if a record exceed the maximum number of fields: expand means to increase NF automatically and expand (alter) the table during import if the record contains more fields than available; crop means truncate the record to NF fields (fields after that will be not imported); normal makes Sqawk produce an error like table x has no column named x11.
-output value -output awk The output format. See Output formats.
-v Print the Sqawk version and exit.
-1 Do not split records into fields. Same as -F '^$'. Allows you to avoid adjusting -NF and improves the performance somewhat for when you only want to operate on lines.

Output formats

The following are the possible values for the command line option -output. The format options can follow the format name after a comma and are separated with commas, e.g., -output json,arrays=0,indent=1.

Format name Format options Examples Comment
awk none -output awk The awk serializer behaves similarly to Awk. When it is selected Sqawk outputs each column of each of the database rows returned by your query separated from the next with the output field separator (-OFS); the rows themselves are in turn separated with the output record separator (-ORS).
csv none -output csv Output CSV.
json arrays (defaults to 0), indent (defaults to 0) -output json,indent=0,arrays=1 Output the result of the query as JSON. If arrays is 0 result is an array of JSON objects with the column names as keys; if arrays is 1 the result is an array of arrays. The values are all represented as strings in either case. If indent is 1 each object with be indented for readability.
table alignments, margins, style -output table,alignments=center left right Output plain text tables. The table serializer uses Tabulate to format the output as a table using box-drawing characters. Note that the default Unicode table output will not display correctly in cmd.exe on Windows even after chcp 65001. Use style=loFi to draw tables with plain ASCII characters instead.
tcl dicts (defaults to 0) -output tcl,dicts=1 Dump raw Tcl data structures. With the tcl serializer Sqawk outputs a list of lists if dicts is 0 and a list of dictionaries with the column names as keys if dicts is 1.

Per-file options

These options are set before a filename and only affect one input source.

Option Example Comment
columns columns=id,name,sum, columns=id,a long name with spaces Set custom column names for the next file. If there are more columns than custom names the columns after the last one with a custom name will be named automatically in the same manner as for the option header=1. Custom column names override names taken from the header. If you give a column an empty name it will be named automatically or retain the name from the header.
datatypes datatypes=integer,real,text Set the datatypes for the columns, starting with a1 if your table is named a. The datatype for each column for which the datatype is not explicitly given is INTEGER. The datatype of a0 is always TEXT.
format format=csv csvsep=; Set the input format for the next source of input. See Input formats.
header header=1 Can be 0/false or 1. Use the first row of the file as a source of column names. If the first row has five fields then the first five columns will have custom names and all the following columns will have automatically generated names (e.g., name, surname, title, office, phone, a6, a7, ...).
merge merge=1-2,3-5, 'merge=1 2 3 5' Merge fields with the given numbers into one preserving the separator characters between them.
prefix prefix=x Column name prefix in the table. Defaults to the table name. Specifying table=foo and prefix=bar will lead to you being able to use queries like select bar1, bar2 from foo.
table table=foo Table name. By default tables are named a, b, c, ... Specifying table=foo for the second file only will result in tables having the names a, foo, c, ...
NF NF=20 Same as -NF but for one file.
MNF MNF=crop Same as -MNF but for one file (table).

Input formats

A format option (format=x) selects the input parser with which Sqawk will parse the next input source. Formats can have multiple synonymous names or multiple names that produce slightly different effects. Selecting an input format can enable additional per-file options that only work with that format.

Format Additional options Examples Comment
awk or raw FS, RS, trim RS=\n, FS=:, trim=left The default input parser. Splits input into records then fields using regular expressions. The options FS and RS work the same as -FS and -RS respectively but only apply to one file. The option trim removes whitespace at the beginning of each line of input (trim=left), at its end (trim=right), both (trim=both) or none (trim=none).
csv, csv2, csvalt csvsep, csvquote format=csv csvsep=, 'csvquote="' Parse the input as CSV. Using format=csv2 or format=csvalt enables alternate mode for parsing CSV files exported by Microsoft Excel. csvsep specifies the field separator; it defaults to ,. csvquote selects what characters fields that themselves contain the separator are quotes with; it defaults to ". Note that only some characters can be used as csvquote.

More examples

Sum up numbers

find . -iname '*.jpg' -type f -printf '%s\n' | sqawk 'select sum(a1)/1024/1024 from a'

Line count

sqawk -1 'select count(*) from a' < file.txt

Find lines that match a pattern

ls | sqawk -1 'select a0 from a where a0 like "%win%"'

Shuffle lines

sqawk -1 'select a1 from a order by random()' < file

Pretty-print data as a table

ps | sqawk -output table 'select a1,a2,a3,a4 from a' trim=left

Sample output

│ PID │ TTY │  TIME  │      CMD      │
│11476│pts/3│00:00:00│       ps      │
│20583│pts/3│00:00:02│      zsh      │

Convert input to JSON objects

ps | sqawk -output json,indent=1 'select PID,TTY,TIME,CMD from a' trim=left header=1

Sample output

    "PID"  : "3947",
    "TTY"  : "pts/2",
    "TIME" : "00:00:07",
    "CMD"  : "zsh"
    "PID"  : "15951",
    "TTY"  : "pts/2",
    "TIME" : "00:00:00",
    "CMD"  : "ps"
    "PID"  : "15952",
    "TTY"  : "pts/2",
    "TIME" : "00:00:00",
    "CMD"  : "tclkit-8.6.3-mk"

Find duplicate lines

Print them and how many times they are repeated.

sqawk -1 -OFS ' -- ' 'select a0, count(*) from a group by a0 having count(*) > 1' < file

Sample output

13 -- 2
16 -- 3
83 -- 2
100 -- 2

Remove blank lines

sqawk -1 -RS '[\n]+' 'select a0 from a' < file

Sum up numbers with the same key

sqawk -FS , -OFS , 'select a1, sum(a2) from a group by a1' data

This is the equivalent of the Awk code

awk 'BEGIN { FS = OFS = ","} { s[$1] += $2 }; END { for(key in s) { print key, s[key]; } }' data





Combine data from two files


This example uses the files from the 2013 data dump to generate metadata.

# Generate input files -- see below
cd happypenguin_dump/screenshots
md5sum * > MD5SUMS
du -b * > du-bytes
# Perform query
sqawk 'select a1, b1, a2 from a inner join b on a2 = b2 where b1 < 10000 order by b1' MD5SUMS du-bytes

You don't need to download the data yourself to recreate MD5SUMS and du-bytes; the files can be found in the directory examples/.

Input files


d2e7d4d1c7587b40ef7e6637d8d777bc  0005.jpg
4e7cde72529efc40f58124f13b43e1d9  001.jpg
e2ab70817194584ab6fe2efc3d8987f6  0.0.6-settings.png
9d2cfea6e72d00553fb3d10cbd04f087  010_2.jpg
3df1ff762f1b38273ff2a158e3c1a6cf  0.10-planets.jpg
0be1582d861f9d047f4842624e7d01bb  012771602077.png
60638f91b399c78a8b2d969adeee16cc  014tiles.png
7e7a0b502cd4d63a7e1cda187b122b0b  017.jpg


136229  0005.jpg
112600  001.jpg
26651   0.0.6-settings.png
155579  010_2.jpg
41485   0.10-planets.jpg
2758972 012771602077.png
426774  014tiles.png
165354  017.jpg


d50700db41035eb74580decf83f83184 615 z81.png
e1b64d03caf4615d54e9022d5b13a22d 677 init.png
a0fb29411c169603748edcc02c0e86e6 823 agendaroids.gif
3b0c65213e121793d4458e09bb7b1f58 970 screen01.gif
05f89f23756e8ea4bc5379c841674a6e 999 retropong.png
a49a7b5ac5833ec365ed3cb7031d1d84 1458 fncpong.png
80616256c790c2a831583997a6214280 1516 el2_small.jpg
1c8a3cb2811e9c20572e8629c513326d 9852 7.png
c53a88c68b73f3c1632e3cdc7a0b4e49 9915 choosing_building.PNG
bf60508db16a92a46bbd4107f15730cd 9946 glad_shot01.jpg


Sqawk requires Tcl 8.5 or newer, Tcllib and SQLite version 3 bindings for Tcl installed.

To install these dependencies on Debian and Ubuntu run the following command:

sudo apt-get install tcl tcllib libsqlite3-tcl

On Fedora, RHEL and CentOS:

su -
yum install tcl tcllib sqlite-tcl

On FreeBSD with pkgng:

sudo pkg install tcl86 tcllib tcl-sqlite3
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/tclsh8.6 /usr/local/bin/tclsh

On Windows the easiest option is to install ActiveTcl from ActiveState.

On OS X use MacPorts or install ActiveTcl for Mac. With MacPorts:

sudo port install tcllib tcl-sqlite3

Once you have the dependencies installed run

git clone
cd sqawk
make test
sudo make install

or on Windows

git clone
cd sqawk
tclsh tests.tcl



lib/parsers/awk.tcl contains code derived from Tcllib, which is licensed under the standard Tcl license. See LICENSE.Tcllib.

squawk.jpg photograph by Terry Foote at English Wikipedia. It is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.


An SQL Awk with table joins



MIT, Unknown licenses found

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  • Tcl 96.9%
  • Shell 1.2%
  • Other 1.9%