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Customize Web Chat as a Breakaway Component


A simple React web site that use 3 pieces of custom UI:

This app is built with create-react-app.

Test out the hosted sample

How to run locally

  • Fork this repository
  • Navigate to /Your-Local-WebChat/samples/13.customization-speech-ui in command line
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm start
  • Browse to http://localhost:3000/

Things to try out

  • Notice there is a Microphone button instead of a Send Box.
  • Press the button and speak 'hello'
  • Mock Bot will respond via speech


Jump to completed code to see the end-result App.js, CustomMicrophoneButton.js, CustomDictationInterims.js and LastBotActivity.js.


This sample uses the base components of Web Chat to build new breakaway components that suit the individual bot. In this case, we are creating a speech UI that only displays:

  1. The last message of the bot
  2. Dictation while the user is speaking
  3. The Microphone button to initiate speech-to-text

Notice that traditional Web Chat 'pieces' are missing: the transcript and send box are not present on this app.

The intent of this bot is to show our users how you can pick and choose what components you want to use, allowing for expansion and modification of how traditional Web Chat works. If you have a significantly different design spec for your bot, but would still like to use Web Chat, looking at this sample is a great place to start.

To see what components are available for customization, please take a look at the components directory of the Web Chat repo. You are welcome to import any one of these into your app and make modifications, or build an entirely new component from scratch.

First, let's take a look at the App.js file.

Note that this is the component that builds up the other components we will create. We will need to import <Composer> from Web Chat to form the container of our application. Inside the composer, our imported components that we will create will be utilized within that container.

We will be using the node package manager, and installing several dependencies into an app that is made up of multiple files.

Please note that while this sample does have .css files, they will not be discussed in this overview, though the jsx code snippets will include class names for reference purposes.

Let's set up the project.

cd C:\Users\You\Documents
npx create-react-app 13.customization-speech-ui
cd 13.customization-speech-ui
npm i botframework-webchat

Note that once create-react-app finishes running, you should have the following directories and files:


The build directory will also be visible if you are referencing the project within your local Web Chat repo.

Your source code will be located inside the src directory. When npm start is run, your app will be served out of the public directory.

Create the following files in src:


Open the project in your preferred IDE.

Let's first work on fetching the Speech Services token, which we will need to regularly refresh. Because we do not want to expose any secrets in this app, it is recommended to create a server-side functionality that will retrieve a token for you. In Mock Bot, that API is located at ''

  1. Initialize the variables RENEW_EVERY, fetchPromise, and lastFetch. These will be used to calculate the time between fetches, and return the token to the parent component, App.js.
  2. fetch will be called if the token is unknown, or if the RENEW_EVERY duration (300 seconds) has passed.
const RENEW_EVERY = 300000;
let fetchPromise, lastFetch = 0;

export default function () {
  const now =;

  if (!fetchPromise || (now - lastFetch) > RENEW_EVERY) {
    fetchPromise = fetch('', { method: 'POST' })
      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(({ token }) => token)
      .catch(() => { lastFetch = 0; });

    lastFetch = now;

  return fetchPromise;

This component is finished and can be imported into App.js.

Next, let's create our Microphone Button. Web Chat already has a built-in Microphone icon, but we want to modify it to be larger.

  1. In CustomMicrophoneButton.js, import React and { Components } from botframework-webchat. We will also import the Microphone icon
  2. Extract connectMicrophoneButton from `Components.
import classNames from 'classnames';
import React from 'react';
import { Components } from 'botframework-webchat';

import MicrophoneIcon from './MicrophoneIcon';

const { connectMicrophoneButton } = Components;

Next we will export a new connectMicrophoneButton method that will display the Microphone icon in a button and make it large.

export default connectMicrophoneButton()(
  }) =>
      className={ classNames(className, { dictating }) }
      disabled={ disabled }
      onClick={ click }
      <MicrophoneIcon size="10vmin" />

This component is finished and can now be imported into App.js.

Let's now work on CustomDictationInterims.

We want to import the pieces that make up dictation, but we will render them differently (from Web Chat) in our component.

  1. Import React and Components and Constants from botframework-webchat
  2. Extract connectDictationInterims from Components and DictateState, DICTATING, and STARTING from Constants
  3. Modify the function connectDictationInterims() to render a paragraph that displays what speech is being detected, to be sent to the bot.
import React from 'react';

import { Components, Constants } from 'botframework-webchat';

const { connectDictationInterims } = Components;
const { DictateState: { DICTATING, STARTING } } = Constants;

export default connectDictationInterims()(
  }) =>
    (dictateState === STARTING || dictateState === DICTATING) && !!dictateInterims.length &&
      <p className={ className }>
        {, index) => <span key={ index }>{ interim }&nbsp;</span>) }

Next is the LastBotActivity, which will be displayed in place of a transcript.

  1. Import React and Components and connectToWebChat from botframework-webchat
  2. Extract SpeakActivity from Components
  3. Modify the function connectToWebChat, which will show the latest activity text from the bot as well as speak it.
import React from 'react';

import { connectToWebChat, Components } from 'botframework-webchat';

const { SpeakActivity } = Components;

export default connectToWebChat(
  ({ activities }) => ({
    activity: activities.slice().reverse().find(({ from: { role }, type }) => role === 'bot' && type === 'message')
)(({ activity }) =>
  !!activity &&
      <p>{ activity.text }</p>
      { activity.channelData && activity.channelData.speak && <SpeakActivity activity={ activity } /> }

Finally, let's return to App.js. Your imports should look like the following:

import './App.css';
import { Components, createDirectLine, createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory } from 'botframework-webchat';
import React, { Component } from 'react';

import CustomDictationInterims from './CustomDictationInterims';
import CustomMicrophoneButton from './CustomMicrophoneButton';
import fetchSpeechServicesToken from './fetchSpeechServicesToken';
import LastBotActivity from './LastBotActivity';

const { Composer } = Components;

Create and export the React App Component. Then set up the constructor, which will initialize the state of directLine as null

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      directLine: null

We want to use the componentDidMount() lifecycle method to handle fetching a token from Mock Bot. It is never recommended to put the Direct Line secret in the browser or client app. To learn more about secrets and tokens for Direct Line, visit this tutorial on authentication.

We will also use our newly made component, fetchSpeechServicesToken, with a hard-coded region to build up the webSpeechPonyfillFactory in the creation of DirectLine.

async componentDidMount() {
  const res = await fetch('', { method: 'POST' });
  const { token } = await res.json();

  this.setState(() => ({
    directLine: createDirectLine({
      webSpeechPonyfillFactory: createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory({
        region: 'westus',
        token: fetchSpeechServicesToken

Next we'll build the render method for App.

  1. State will be declared with a directLine key
  2. <Composer> will be rendered when directLine is not falsy
  3. Inside the Composer, we will use our newly made components'
render() {
  const {
    state: { directLine }
  } = this;

  return (
    !!directLine &&
        directLine={ directLine }
        <div className="App">
          <header className="App-header">
            <CustomMicrophoneButton className="App-speech-button" />
            <CustomDictationInterims className="App-speech-interims" />
            <LastBotActivity className="App-bot-activity" />

This brings all of our new components together cohesively into the app.

Completed Code


import './App.css';
import { Components, createDirectLine, createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory } from 'botframework-webchat';
import React, { Component } from 'react';

import CustomDictationInterims from './CustomDictationInterims';
import CustomMicrophoneButton from './CustomMicrophoneButton';
import fetchSpeechServicesToken from './fetchSpeechServicesToken';
import LastBotActivity from './LastBotActivity';

const { Composer } = Components;

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      directLine: null

  async componentDidMount() {
    const res = await fetch('', { method: 'POST' });
    const { token } = await res.json();

    this.setState(() => ({
      directLine: createDirectLine({
        webSpeechPonyfillFactory: createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory({
          region: 'westus',
          token: fetchSpeechServicesToken

  render() {
    const {
      state: { directLine }
    } = this;

    return (
      !!directLine &&
          directLine={ directLine }
          <div className="App">
            <header className="App-header">
              <CustomMicrophoneButton className="App-speech-button" />
              <CustomDictationInterims className="App-speech-interims" />
              <LastBotActivity className="App-bot-activity" />


import React from 'react';

import { connectToWebChat, Components } from 'botframework-webchat';

const { SpeakActivity } = Components;

export default connectToWebChat(
  ({ activities }) => ({
    activity: activities.slice().reverse().find(({ from: { role }, type }) => role === 'bot' && type === 'message')
)(({ activity }) =>
  !!activity &&
      <p>{ activity.text }</p>
      { activity.channelData && activity.channelData.speak && <SpeakActivity activity={ activity } /> }


import React from 'react';

import { Components, Constants } from 'botframework-webchat';

const { connectDictationInterims } = Components;
const { DictateState: { DICTATING, STARTING } } = Constants;

export default connectDictationInterims()(
  }) =>
    (dictateState === STARTING || dictateState === DICTATING) && !!dictateInterims.length &&
      <p className={ className }>
        {, index) => <span key={ index }>{ interim }&nbsp;</span>) }


import classNames from 'classnames';
import React from 'react';
import { Components } from 'botframework-webchat';

import MicrophoneIcon from './MicrophoneIcon';

const { connectMicrophoneButton } = Components;

export default connectMicrophoneButton()(
  }) =>
      className={ classNames(className, { dictating }) }
      disabled={ disabled }
      onClick={ click }
      <MicrophoneIcon size="10vmin" />


const RENEW_EVERY = 300000;
let fetchPromise, lastFetch = 0;

export default function () {
  const now =;

  if (!fetchPromise || (now - lastFetch) > RENEW_EVERY) {
    fetchPromise = fetch('', { method: 'POST' })
      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(({ token }) => token)
      .catch(() => { lastFetch = 0; });

    lastFetch = now;

  return fetchPromise;

Further reading

Full list of Web Chat hosted samples

View the list of available Web Chat samples


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